【新唐人北京时间2020年10月31日讯】宾州费城消防员工会(Philadelphia Firefighters Union)已经投票,坚持他们在2020年总统大选前为川普总统的背书。
据布莱巴特yabo88官网(Breitbart News)10月29日报导,代表费城“国际消防员协会当地22”(Internation Association of Firefighters Local 22)的美国仲裁协会(American Arbitration Association),两周前向消防员工会的成员们发出了选票,并询问他们是否将撤销该工会对川普总统的支持。
BREAKING: The Union representing @PhillyFireDept firefighters has voted OVERWHELMINGLY NOT to rescind the @IAFF22 original endorsement of @realDonaldTrump for President by nearly a 2 to 1 margin. Here are the results of the union vote obtained by FOX29 News below @FOX29philly pic.twitter.com/w18hOVVsDq
— Steve Keeley (@KeeleyFox29) October 29, 2020
“警察兄弟会很自豪地支持一位呼吁全国法律和秩序的候选人。” 警察兄弟会全国主席帕特里克·尤斯(Patrick Yoes)在一份声明中写道。
NAPO has endorsed President Trump in his reelection campaign. Here is our endorsement letter which was issued following today’s meeting. pic.twitter.com/mf6ZUTf10l
— NAPO (@NAPOpolice) July 15, 2020
此前,川普总统还获得了全美最大的警察工会——纽约市警察慈善协会(Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York, PBA)的背书,支持其连任。
Philadelphia Firefighters Union Votes to Endorse Trump https://t.co/rI6mQUZMbE via @BreitbartNews
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 30, 2020
其它支持川普连任的警察联盟还包括:国际警察协会联盟(International Union of Police Associations),南部各州警察慈善协会(Southern States Police Benevolent Association),德克萨斯州市政警察协会(Texas Municipal Police Association)、纽约州执法人员工会(New York State Law Enforcement Officers Union)、佛罗里达州警察慈善协会(Florida Police Benevolent Association)、亚利桑那州警察协会(Arizona Police Association)和密歇根州警官协会(Police Officers Association of Michigan)。
(记者洪淼综合报导/责任编辑: 李佳)