






习近平与圣诞老人合影 引热议





融资公司倒闭 数千人日日围政府





WOIPFG Alleges 7,000 Non-Military Medical Staff Involved
in Organ Transplantation

According to a report of Dec 26, by the World Organization
to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG,

current statistics implicate at least 765 non-military medical
institutions have launched organ transplantation since 1999.

Many of them were known not to be qualified to conduct
organ transplants.

Included are Chinese medicine hospitals, forensic medicine
hospitals, children’s hospitals, county clinics
and specialist clinics.

WOIPFG indicates that China’s rapid growth of organ
transplantation has a high degree of overlap in time with the
illegal abduction and detention of Falun Gong practitioners
by the CCP.

The WOIPFG report announced that 7,402 medical staff in 765
non-military medical institutions are alleged to be involved in
organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.

On Oct. 28, WOIPFG released a medical staff list from
100 Chinese military and armed police medical institutes
alleged to be conducting live organ harvesting.

Therefore, at least 865 medical facilities in China are
suspected of conducting live organ harvesting
from Falun Gong practitioners.

WOIPFG indicates that according to medical ethics and
international organ donation practices,

these health workers are either suspects or witnesses
to genocide and murder,

unless they can provide credible and reliable evidence
to deny the allegations.

Xi Jinping Poses with Santa Claus

Even though Christmas has passed, photos of Xi Jinping posing
with Santa continue to draw the attention of mainland netizens.

Weibo account liyuanfans published this group of photos
with a New Year wish.

This Christmas festivity is in stark contrast to the ban
on celebration in some mainland universities.

Netizens commented that these photos of Xi oppose
the negative attitude towards Christmas and
are a slap in the face of Liu Yunshan,
the Communist propaganda minister.

The Weibo account liyuanfans is similar to the other account,
xuexifensituan, in that they are both private accounts
on the surface, but hidden beneath a CCP official shadow.

They often publicize special contents and images.

Thousands Protest over Closure of Financing Firms

As successive failure of dozens of finance companies
in Guang’an City, Sichuan Province, tens of thousands
of Chinese investors have become victims.

According to Chinese Jasmine Revolution website report,
thousands of victims have petitioned Guang’an city government.

They hope the government will conduct effective monitoring
and management of the finance companies.

It was reported that due to the inactive government,
local finance companies have concealed the true financial
conditions of borrowers.

Investors were deceived into investing large amounts of cash
in industries that were already unsustainable
due to breakdown of the capital chain.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
