【禁闻】“重回天安门” 黒衫网友成功入广场







滕彪无视警告 亲到维园







Netizens Sucessfully Enter Tiananmen Square on June 4.

On June 4, the day of the 25 anniversary, Tiananmen Square
itself has tight security.
Foreign media reporters were banned from entering; a large
number of petitioners were removed from Zhongnanhai.
Some words such as 25, Today, 535 (indicating the number
of days since the movement started), etc. became sensitive
and were blocked online.

However, the campaign Return to Tiananmen Square,
launched by Beijing activist Hu Jia still got a response.
Some people successfully returned to Tiananmen Square
wearing black clothes and uploaded the images to the web.

Hong Kong: 180 Thousand People Commemorate June 4th
at Victoria Park

The same day, Hong Kong held a large June 4th
Commemoration event.
In the evening, 180 thousand people participated in the candle
light vigil at Hong Kong Victoria Park launched by the Hong
Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements
in China. It has been 25 years of this annual vigil.

This year’s conference theme is redress June 4th and fight
to the end.
The meeting also requested release of pro-democracy
activists, redress 89 democracy, investigate responsibility
for the massacre, end the one-party dictatorship and build
a democratic China.
Many participants held candles to mourn June 4th victims
in the solemn atmosphere.

Teng Biao Went to Victoria Park Ignoring His Warning

Mainland human rights lawyer Teng Biao also attended the
evening candlelight vigil in Victoria Park in Hong Kong and
delivered a touching speech in appreciation of Hong Kong
peoples’ June 4th commemoration efforts.

In his speech, he said: “Tiananmen massacre passed 25 years
ago but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) massacre did
not end in 1989."

The CCP’s killing people in the name of movement, law, or
stability maintenance as well as in the name of national unity
never stopped.

Mainland state security and China University of Political
Science warned Teng not to join any June 4th celebrations.
However, he said that he will never retreat, because there
is no way to retreat.

Teng Biao also said that Hong Kong has no way back.

There will be no real general election in Hong Kong
without mainland democracy.
Hong Kong’s press freedom, religious freedom and other
freedoms will be slowly infiltrated.

Teng Biao said: “We look forward to occupying Tiananmen
Square with love and peace."

