











今年3月底,江天勇、王成、张俊杰、唐吉田等四名律师陪同受害人及家属前往黑龙江省建三江的“青龙山洗脑班”交涉,要求立即释放被非法关押的法轮功学员石 孟昌等人,但遭到当局的非法绑架和酷刑,律师们被暴力殴打,导致总共24根肋骨骨折。被打断8根肋骨的律师江天勇获释后感叹:中共用暴力来制造恐惧,已到 完全疯狂地步。






Chinese Lawyers Sign Letter Seeking Help
Against Unjust Suppression

From Gao Zhisheng to Xu Zhiyong, each Chinese lawyer
seeking justice has been persecuted by the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP).

They have commonly experienced kidnapping, violence,
license revoking or imprisonment.
Such a situation recently forced over 40 lawyers to jointly
sign a letter of Intent (LoI) for Mutual Support among
Chinese Lawyers.

By doing this, they expect to get help from peers in case
any lawyer is suppressed by the CCP.
So they can work without worries about their families.

The LoI follows the principle of “One who helps
others will be helped” and “a voice of conscience”.
It calls on all Chinese lawyers to sign it voluntarily.

If any lawyer signing the letter loses their job, freedom,
lawyer license due to political suppression, or is arrested
and sentenced by the CCP, other lawyers will offer help
to the victim’s family.

According to Radio Free Asia, over 40 lawyers signed
the LoI, including Chen Jiangang, Sui Muqing, Ge
Wenxiu and Hu Guiyun.

They expect to be aided by volunteer peers after being
persecuted by the CCP.

Chen Jiangang, Yingke Lawyer Firm:”For example,
lawyers such as Liu Shihui, Tang Jingling and Chang
Boyang are now under arrest.

Their families are probably facing many difficulties.

Once the lawyer is in trouble or arrested the familiy
living expenses and children’s tuition can be a problem.”

The Epoch Times reported that the anniversary of
June 4 approaches, the CCP again arrested petitioners
and dissidents, including many rights lawyers on a
massive scale.

On June 1, Chinese lawyer Liu Shihui was treated
violently and illegal detained by police in Guangzhou.
On May 13, he was again arrested by Shanghai officials
for “disrupting public order in a group”.

On May 16, Guangdong lawyer Tang Jingling was
arrested for “starting quarrels and provoking trouble".
His property and belongings were confiscated by the
police in Baiyunshan District of Guangzhou city.

On the evening of May 27, Henan rights lawyer Chang
Boyang was taken away by the police.
Another Zhengzhou lawyer Ji Laisong was also arrested.

Sui Muqing, Guangzhou lawyer:”Currently the
environment for lawyers is very bad.
On any day, each of us has to be prepared to be arrested.

You never know why you are being arrested. Even as
lawyers, we have no idea how the CCP arrests people
according to the law.”

Sui Muqing said, the CCP claimed that Chang Boyang
and Ji Laisong gathered people together for food leading
to a charge of “disrupting public order”.

However, how could they “disrupt public order” simply
by holding a dinner party?
Sui said he couldn’t understand the logic used.

Sui Muqing: ”It doesn’t matter if the law is good or not.

The CCP have completely ignored the laws in taking
any actions.
In the past, I thought they still put on an act. Now they
even don’t attempt to fake at all.”

In March, four Chinese lawyers Jiang Tianyong, Wang
Cheng, Zhang Junjie and Tang Jitian visited
“Qinglongshan Brainwashing Center” at Jiansanjing
in Heilongjiang.
The lawyers and victims’ families demanded immediate
release of Shi Mengchang and other Falun Gong
practitioners that were illegally detained there.

However, the lawyers were kidnapped and tortured by
the CCP.
Violence caused the lawyers to suffer a total of 24
broken ribs.
Jiang Tianyong, who had 8 ribs broken, said after
release that the CCP had been complete crazy by
horrifying Chinese people with violence.

Beijing lawyer Wang Yu said, China has justice bureaux
and lawyer associations.
When lawyers are in danger, those offices should offer
necessary help.
However, they are actually aiding CCP public security,
procuratorates and courts in suppressing lawyers.

Wang Yu, Beijing lawyer:”The CCP’s annual assessment
system is all about suppressing rights lawyers.
I hope the international society will pay more attention to
how the CCP pressures Chinese lawyers with the annual
assessment against occupation.”

As early as 2005, the CCP suspended the license of the
famous Chinese lawyer Gao Zhisheng, when Gao wrote
a public letter calling for protection of Falun Gong
practitioners’ legal rights.
His law firm was consequently forced to close.
Gao was later arrested, sentenced and inhumanly tortured.

Another famous Chinese lawyer Xu Zhiyong was active
in public rights issues.
He was a founder of the NGO Open Constitution
Initiative and the New Citizens’ Movement.
His organization was suppressed heavily by the CCP, and
Xu was arrested many times.
On January 22, 2014, Xu was sentenced to four years in
prison by Beijing No.1 Intermediate Court for “gathering
crowds to disrupt public order".

Interview/Zhuzisan Edit/Liqian Post-Production/Xiaoyu
