【禁闻】越南排华暴动 中台资厂被纵火打劫

【新唐人2014年05月15日讯】越南排华暴动 中台资厂被纵火打劫




六四前夕 再传媒体记者被刑拘









记者会的发起人士同时要求马英九政府,在即将到来的 “六四事件”25周年纪念日,公开谴责中共迫害yabo88官网及言论自由的恶行,并要求马英九政府以中共的行为为警惕,勿在台湾实施“戒严”,并与中共当局保持安全距离。


Anti-Chinese Riots in Vietnam

The South China Sea sovereignty dispute between Vietnam
and China triggered anti-Chinese riots.
On May 13, rioters destroyed equipment, stealing and setting
fire to companies set up with foreign investment including
Chinese and Taiwan-funded plants.

Initial estimates said close to one thousand Taiwan-funded
enterprises and Korean-owned and Singapore-owned
companies have been affected.

According to Taiwan Central News Agency, a Taiwan-funded
business located in central Vietnam was surrounded by mobs on May 14.
The news is still under investigated by business leaders.

Unconfirmed news was that two Chinese people were killed
by mobs by the gate of Ha Tinh steel corporation.

After the Tuesday riots, Vietnamese authorities arrested 440
people in Binh Duong Province and 100 in Ho Chi Minh City,
and 86 in Dong Nai province.

Vietnam official media VNA published an article on
Wednesday to disperse the people in mobs without tolerance.

Nearing June 4, Media Reporters Detained Again

This close to June 4, Hong Kong South China Morning Post
female reporter Wu Wei in Beijing was detained by local
officials along with Japan’s economics and society Beijing
branch reporter on May 13.

Many Hong Kong media reported the incident because
Wu Wei repeatedly met with June 4 dissident Pu Zhiqiang.
It’s possible the authorities want to collect retribution for
meeting Pu Zhiqiang from reporters.

11 Mainland Scholars and Human Rights Lawyers Arrested

On May 13 Hangzhou economist Wen Kejian was arrested
while dining with friends on charges of creating disturbance.
11 mainland scholars and human rights lawyers at the dinner
were arrested by the police for questioning at the same time,
and then released. But Wen Kejian was released later on.

The 11 people include Hua Chunhui, Liu Junning, Mo Zhixu,
Wang Wusi, Deng Kai, Yu Huaiqian, Zhuang Daohe, Lao Fei,
Wen Kejian, Yin Yusheng.

Netizens exclaimed: “China enters the era of White Terror!”

Taiwan People Protested at China’s Press Persecution

Many Taiwan agencies held press conferences at Legislative
Yuan against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s detaining
dissidents on fabricated charges before the 25th anniversary
of June 4.
This was prompted by the mass arrests of many mainland
reporters, lawyers, academics and dissidents on May 13.

The press agencies requested that the Ma government publicly
condemn the CCP persecution of the press and freedom and
keep a safe distance from the CCP by being aware of its acts.

They rejected the implementing of a curfew in Taiwan during
the forthcoming Tiananmen Square 25 anniversary.

Edit/Zhou Ping
