【禁闻】挑战洗脑班 江天勇揭中共末日疯狂





















采访编辑/李韵 后制/李智远

Chinese Lawyer Jiang Tianyong Reveals Violence Experienced
While Detained By Police

Several weeks have passed since four Chinese human
rights lawyers were violently beaten by police in Jiansanjiang.
The lawyers were demanding the release of Falun Gong
practitioners, but were themselves detained.
Even after his release, one of the lawyers Jiang Tianyong
was still under strict surveillance by state security officers.
On May 9, Jiang was finally able to describe his experiences
of being persecuted when under detention in Jiansanjiang.
Jiang said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
only regards law as a tool to suppress anyone at will.
The party has been foolish, recklessly
using violence to frighten Chinese people.

Jiang Tianyong, Tang Jitian, Wang Cheng and
Zhang Junjie are lawyers defending Falun Gong
practitioners currently imprisoned in Jiansanjiang.

On March 20, they visited Jiansanjiang’s Qinglongshan
Brainwashing center with the victims family members.
They called for the release of practitioners including
Shi Mengchang, Han Shujuan and Jiang Xinbo.

On the morning of March 21, approximately 20 police
officers kidnapped the lawyers and violently beat them.
Following this experience, the four lawyers were further
placed under criminal detention on false charges.
Zhang Junjie was released five
days later with three broken ribs.

The other three lawyers were not released until April 6.
After returning to Beijing, Jiang Tianyong was put under
24 hour “special protection" by state security staff.
His phone was also tapped.

The injuries Jiang sustained persisted, but was told “nothing
was wrong with his health" when he visited a hospital.
He had another CT inspection in Tianjin on April 18, and
he was told four days later that eight ribs were broken.

Jiang revealed that he had been beaten violently by the
police many times after he was kidnapped on March 21.
On the morning of that day, he was put into the trunk
of a police vehicle on the way to the local police station.

Jiang Tianyong: “We were taken to Daxing
branch of Jiansanjiang Public Security Bureau.
We were interrogated that day and beaten right there.
I was put on a chair. They hit my chest with fists
and used water bottles to strike my head and face."

At 7pm that day, Jiang Tianyong was
handcuffed and forced into black hoods.
Then, he was taken out of the
interrogation room to another place.

Jiang Tianyong: “They took me inside and suspended
me by connecting my handcuffs with a rope or a chain.
They then began to beat me, including
kicking my abdomen or chest.
I could not breathe at all after each
kick and my body shrank in pain.
They kept kicking me like that, with about
five or six doing that simultaneously."

Jiang said that the “police officers"
also asked questions while beating him.
If he said that there was anything “wrong"
then they beat him as much as they could.
Under such violence, Jiang’s whole body went into
cold sweats, and all his clothes were soaking wet.
After his handcuffs were removed early
on March 22, Jiang was completely paralyzed.
Several people then took him
back to the interrogation room.

Jiang Tianyong: “On March 27, the same officer named
Zhai Changkun interrogated me again with several assistants.
He first used a seal to cover the camera.
Then, he began to beat me again,
including scratching my ribs."

Jiang described his mental
confusion after days of persecution.

Jiang Tianyong: “In the evening of April 1,
I was brought to the east most room on the
second floor of Qixing Detention Center.
Yu Wenbo and another guy interrogated me.
They kicked my hip hard until I could
hardly stand. I fainted after one kick.”"

Tang Jitian and Wang Cheng also revealed how
they were persecuted on the day of their release.

Tang had 10 ribs broken due to violence he experienced.
He was also threatened with words including that he would
be buried alive, or that his kidney would be live harvested.
They said he would be fined by 100,000 Yuan ($ 16,000),
or that he would be imprisoned in a brainwashing center.
Wang Cheng, who had 3 ribs broken, said
he had a black hood placed over his head.
He was violently beaten on
the day of being kidnapped.
Wang was threatened with similar words.

Wang Cheng, Chinese human rights
lawyer: “They brought me to another room.
I was first put into a black hood and couldn’t see anything.
I was handcuffed behind my back, and
suspended with ropes through the handcuffs.
When my feet left the ground they began to beat
me, mostly on the left of my head, ribs and back."

Zhang Shengyu and other Chinese civilians
visited Jiansanjiang to support these lawyers.
They were also seriously persecuted by the local authority.
Among seven who were kidnapped
together with the four lawyers, three
had suffered life-threatening persecution.

They were sent to hospital
for emergency treatment.

The violence of Jiansanjiang has
been condemned internationally.
Many human rights organizations from China or
other countries, made announcements demanding
actions against the individuals responsible.

On April 28, Qinglongshan Brainwashing
center was closed following this pressure.
However, the seven civilians who were kidnapped
together with four lawyers were secretly moved
to other places and are yet to be released.

The World Organization to Investigate the
Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) announced
that it was launching a thorough investigation.
It will look into individuals and units involved
in this persecution case in Jiansanjiang.
WOIPFG also stated that it will call all
current CCP brainwashing centers and
illegal prisons to find their whereabouts.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
