【禁闻】审计曝央企“顽疾” 药方何处有















采访/易如 编辑/尚燕 后制/李勇

Privilege: Real Reason for China’s SOE “Stubborn Ills”

On May 10th China’s National Audit Office released
its annual audit report of 2011.
The auditing covered three state-owned banks
and nine central state owned enterprises (SOE).
The audit result shows that all these SOE’s have
operating and financial problems.
This is not the only problem, there are other issues too.

China Mobile is one of these problematic SOE’s.

It has been exposed for paying large amounts of “implied
welfares” (bribes to staff behind the scenes).
The company’s bids & procurement
was a gray-area operation.
Serious problems exist in its major economic decisions
and management.

The audit exposed many “stubborn ills” that
have been with China’s SOEs for years.
These included bribes to staff, procurement malpractices,
illegal land occupation, fictitious expenditures and invoicing.
Zhang Chunjiang, China Mobile’s former Party chief, was
investigated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2010.
Since then, 13 executives have been put
under the Party’s investigative detention.
It excluded those under criminal probes. It was clear that
the earlier investigation had produced little effect.

The exposure of “stubborn ills” did not surprise the public.

What was unusual was the CCP high-profile reporting of
the scandals from its own SOE’s.

(Beijing constitutional scholar) Chen Yongmiao: “If exposure
of the scandals is useful to its ruling, it will make it pubic.
Because these are all empty accusations, harmless to its image.

It’s just like sacrificing a pawn to save a castle in a chess game.
it gave them a good scolding, as its an insignificant issue.”

Political columnist, Zhu Jianguo, says China’s central SOE’s
have turned into feudal fiefdoms of the CCP factions.
Thus, the blow struck at these central SOEs
may reveal the CCP’s next move.

Zhu Jianguo: “These SOEs have been assigned to
different CCP factions.
Since there are conflicts among these factions,
the strong cliques may expose the weak ones’ problems.
They may do it in the name of combating corruption.

I don’t believe they really fight corruption,
which is just a new fashion of their infighting.”

Some Chinese experts have said without seeking
accountability, the SOEs’ irregularities won’t get eradicated.
Then, can it completely eradicate the SOE “stubborn ills”
by seeking accountability?

Zhu Jianguo: “That’s impossible, for the audit authority
itself is a tool of the ruling CCP interest group.
For decades, the auditing administration has just
reported it, but ended up doing nothing.
In fact, it dares not to report more irregularities that
have occurred, nor does it dare to audit them.
The current priority is to reinforce the power of
the National People’s Congress (NPC).
The auditing plays a role only when the NPC is
given the power to oversee the government.
Without this premise, all other acts are fictitious.”

According to China’s media after release of the official audit
report, several SOEs posted on their main websites to rectify.

Chen Yongmiao: “They may change the Party chiefs or
the general mangers.
New management will still follow the old path. Because
this is caused by the system, which no one can change.”

Critic Lan Shu points out that enterprises are not
the solution to the SOE “stubborn ills”.
The real reason is “privileges” that derive from
top CCP leadership, he says.

Lan Shu: “The real cause is that they have privileges.

They have privileges to monopolize the market,
and get favorable policies for business operations.
They can also enjoy privileges of escaping legal
punishment for their irregularities.
All these privileges form the fundamental reason
behind these phenomena.
The regime has no way to solve it, which is a matter
of the CCP’s political system.”

China’s media reported that the public have
too many questions that need answers.
But a further question is, whether these questions
will get answers in reality.
