




















採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

Soil pollution information is state secret in China

In February 2013, Beijing lawyer Dong Zhengwei asked the

Ministry of Environmental Protection to disclose information.

His application was rejected on the grounds that

soil pollution survey data is a state secret.

This has caused an uproar on the Internet.

Dong later asked for administrative reconsideration.

He recently received a written decision from the Ministry

of Environmental Protection stating that the original decision will remain unchanged.

On May 5th, Environmental Protection made the decision,

which Dong Zhengwei received on May 8th.

It stated that since April 2011, the Ministry of Environmental

Protection considered the soil pollution survey a state secret,

according to the joint decision of the State Environmental

Protection Administration and the State Secrecy Bureau.

However, Dong Zhengwei could not find the joint-decision

by these two agencies on the website of the Ministry

of Environmental Protection, namely regulations [2004]

No. 187 and [2006] No. 137.

In accordance with rules, if relevant laws and regulations

are not publicly announced, they are not legally valid.

Dong Zhengwe plans to ask the state for a final decision

on these issues.

Tang Jitian, Beijing human rights lawyer: “The Ministry

of Environmental Protection refusing to disclose information

to the public is groundless, from the legal perspective.

To a certain extent, it has not fulfilled its obligation.

It has caused disturbance and acted as an umbrella

of people who damaged the environment.”

Tang Jitian also said that matters affecting the public life

should be open; it should not be treated as state secrets.

Mainland Caixin Net’s recent survey revealed that

70% of people believe the soil pollution data are matters

of public health and a safe living environment.

They are in the public interest,

and citizens have the right to know.

Beijing netizen Mr. Wang:

“I think it is too much, too shocking to be open.

The responsibility of land contamination

lies in this agency.

In China nowadays, one’s profession is one’s livelihood.

Our government has totally ruined our environment.”

Netizen Wang told NTDTV that

many administrative institutes will make illegal things

into legal as long as someone hands them money.

That is why fake goods are so popular in China.

It is not only the environment;

corruption is prevalent in all fields.

Tang further pointed out that the environmental protection

agency is unable to perform its duties and also blocks the public from knowing the truth.

Thus, objectively, they are also involved in the Chinese

Communist Party’s (CCP) “stability maintenance."

Since July 2006, the Environmental Protection Department

spent one billion yuan to carry out a full soil pollution survey.

According to the 2010 State of the Environment report,

the national soil pollution survey and thematic reports were completed at the end of 2010.

However, the findings of the report have not been announced,

despite repeated questioning by the media and the public.

Luo Xiwen, vice-chancellor of the Chinese Academy

of Engineering, South China Agricultural University,

publicly pointed out that the heavy-metal contamination

of arable land in China has reached 50 million acres, one-sixth of the country’s total arable land.

Mainland’s First Financial Daily also reported that each year,

due to heavy metal pollution, crop production has been cut more than 10 million tons.

Heavy-metal contaminated grain has reached 12 million tons,

which causes direct economic loss of more than 20 billion yuan.

Zhao Qiguo, a lifelong soil researcher of the Chinese

Academy of Sciences points out that

pollutants are very difficult to remove

once they are in the water or soil.

After chemicals enter the food chain, eventually

human beings will take in the chemicals.

Tang Jitian: “Soil problems are closely connected

with Chinese people, including high-ranking officials.

Everyone in China has the right to know how badly

the environment has deteriorated.”

The staff of the environmental protection department

is supported by taxpayers.

If they cannot effectively fulfill their obligation and

protect the environment, they will directly or indirectly become sinners in history.
