【禁闻】高智晟被获准见家人 禁谈狱中情况















采访/常春 编辑/李明飞 后制/王明宇

Gao Zhisheng Gets Permission to
Meet Family No Discussion about Prison Life Allowed

Recently, it was the second time that Lawyer Gao Zhisheng
was permitted to meet his family since being jailed in Shaya Prison, Xinjiang, more than a year ago.
However, during the meeting, Gao’s family members
were not allowed to ask anything about Gao’s life in prison.
Only family business could be discussed.

The prison told Mr. Gao’s family that Gao doesn’t have
the right to acquire public information.
Hu Jia, activist in China, has asked people to send
post cards to Gao Zhisheng and other activists who are being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Regime.

It’s been more than 9 months since Gao Zhisheng’s
family visited him last time.
On January 12, 2013, Mr Gao’s father-in-law and younger
brother were given the permission to visit Gao again.
This time they were only allowed to talk through
the phone across the glass.
During the 30 minutes’ talking time,
the prison guards were watching over them closely.

After Mr Gao’s father-in-law and brother had
visited Gao in prison, they narrated the whole meeting process to Mr Gao’s wife, Geng He.

Geng He: “Gao Zhisheng looked fine. He walked out
and it seemed that his limbs were not injured.
He was shaved bald and wasn’t very skinny.”

Before the meeting, Gao’s family was warned that

they couldn’t inquire about Gao Zhisheng’s case
or anything related to the prison.
They were only allowed to talk about family business.
Otherwise, the meeting would be suspended.

Geng He: “Any questions about Gao’s prison life
were not allowed.
In the end, Gao’s brother asked Gao if he could
read newspaper or watch TV in the prison.
The prison guards interrupted the conversation immediately,
saying that Gao doesn’t have the right to watch TV, but they do have a library there.”

Mr Gao’s wife disclosed that the prison guards mentioned
that they hope Gao’s family could persuade Mr. Gao to be more cooperative in prison.
However, no more details of this were disclosed.

On January 10, 2012, Gao Zhiyi, Gao Zhisheng’s elder brother,
had made a long trek to Xinjiang to visit Gao Zhisheng.
However, the prison rejected his visiting request
with the excuse that Gao Zhisheng didn’t want to see him
and “the 3-month education hasn’t been fulfilled.”
At noon of March 24, Gao Zhisheng’s family
finally met him.
However, thereafter, Mr. Gao was deprived of
visitation and communication rights,
and no lawyers were allowed to help him on his case.

After 9 months, Gao’s family were able to see him again.
However, the meeting can only prove Mr. Gao is still alive.
Anything about Gao’s prison life is still unknown.

Hu Jia, a well-known activist in China, sent out a note
on the internet and asked people to mail post cards to Shaya prison,
where Mr.Gao and other so-called
“political prisoners” were jailed.
Hu said that even if there is little chance that
Mr. Gao and other political prisoners receive the cards themselves;
it would help constrain the prison’s behavior.

Hu Jia: “Those post cards can make the prison aware
that there is outside attention on them.
Therefore, each post card is giving pressure to the prison.

The pressure reminds them not to
rampantly persecute political prisoners.”

Lawyer Gao Zhisheng has worked on all kinds
of human rights cases in China.
He also investigated the facts about the Chinese Communist
Party’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
He was even a defense lawyer for Falun Gong practitioners.

Mr. Gao also wrote three times to the CCP senior authority
publicly and asked for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
However, because of his speaking for Falun Gong practitioners,
Gao Zhisheng himself was severely tortured by the CCP.

In 2009, Lawyer Gao published an article titled
“Dark Night, Black Ski Mask, Gangsters’ Kidnapping”.
The article disclosed the inhuman tortures he suffered
when he was jailed by the CCP during 2007.
Some of those tortures included brutal beatings,
electricity shocks on his genitals, smoking his eyes and inserting toothpicks into his penis.
The atrocity of the tortures has shocked
the international community.
Lawyer Gao mentioned in his article that the police claimed
that the tortures of Falun Gong practitioners are all real.
The tortures they applied to Lawyer Gao are exactly what
they copied from the persecution on Falun Gong practitioners.

Lawyer Gao has won the “Courage in Appealing Award"
nominated by the American Barrister’s Committee and has also been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.
