【禁闻】孔子学院进非洲 金援换联合国选票











采访编辑/秦雪 后制/王明宇

Confucius Institutes In Africa: CCP Uses Financial Aid in Exchange for U.N. Ballots

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime
is very active in expanding its influence into Africa.
During the past 2 years, the CCP has provided
more than 5000 scholarships to African nationals.
It has also founded 31 Confucius
Institutes, in 26 African counties.
Scholars highlight that the CCP government spends
the Chinese peoples hard-earned money in exchange for the African countries votes in U.N. ballots.
According to reports, the CCP uses the name
of Confucius to infiltrate into Western countries.
They teach authoritarian culture and nationalism in their
books, such as, “loving the party is patriotic” in its books.
Let’s hear the details from our reporter.

“Xinhua News Agency” reported that the CCP
has founded Confucius Institutes in 26 African countries.
In some countries, Chinese has been included in professional
degree education systems, and in the college credit system.
In the past two years, China has provided
5,710 government scholarships in Africa.
It has launched an “African Talent Plan”
which aims to train 30,000 talented people in Africa.
It has provided 18,000 government scholarships.

It also aims to build cultural and training
facilities in Africa within the next 3 years.

Gong Lei, an independent Shandong writer pointed
out that the CCP has always invested heavily in Africa.
This was even in Mao Zedong’s era, as well as in the
Cultural Revolution, and through the 1970’s and 80’s.

Gong Lei: “I think that the main reason why the CCP
invests in Africa, is that the CCP wants the ballots,
It wants to have some supporters in the U.N.
This is part of its money politics.
So, its investment in Africa can’t have any meaning or profit.

It’s spending the hard-earned money
of the Chinese people in exchange for ballots.
In fact, the Chinese people are living
in dire straits, but the CCP doesn’t care.”

In recent years, the CCP entered Africa
via two channels; economy and culture.
It wanted to increase its influence.

2011 was the third consecutive year that
China was Africa’s largest trading partner.
It’s total trading volume is a new record of 166.3 Billion USD.

Approximately 2000 Chinese companies are directly
invested in Africa, with a total of 14.7 Billion USD.
As a single country, China’s loan to Africa
is higher than the International Monetary Fund.

He Guoquan, a Guangzhou artist:
”It is wiping gold on its face.
It’s establishing its image. It doesn’t care
how much money it spends. The CCP has money.
Every year, it launches the Olympics Games Expo.

It isn’t afraid of spending money. It wants to create
a great image, and doesn’t care about spending money.”

The Confucius Institute was founded
by the CCP Chinese office,
This office directly reports to the Ministry of Education.

According to the Confucius Institute’s website,
it has 387 institutes and 509 primary & secondary schools based all around the world.
By the end of 2010, its totally investment
was over 160 Million U.S. Dollars.

Observers think the CCP uses the name of Confucius,
and through the method of Chinese education
instills CCP ideology, to have people’s “left hand grab
Confucius, and their right hand grab Karl Marx”.
In July 2009, Yao Zhe, a teacher from a Chinese school
in South California told “The Epoch Times” that the school she worked for uses the textbooks from “Confucius Institute”.

She said the CCP government promotes
its authoritarian culture and nationalism mindset.
It has things like “Loving the party is patriotic” in its books.
Almost all Chinese schools in North America use its textbooks.
It’s like a “soft Cold War” and “battle without Smoke”
that is applying brainwashing unknowingly.

On May 17 this year, the U.S. State Department
announced that all Chinese teachers who work
for the Confucius Institute and hold a J-1 Visa
must stop teaching and go back to China by June.
The U.S. State Department announced that all the teachers
who hold J-1 Visa are not allowed to teach in public or private primary and secondary schools.
They are only able to teach Chinese
in a certified secondary school.
