










“人权观察”的中国部主任索菲•理查森(Sophie Richardson)女士说:“城管暴力执法,扭曲了法治的理念……城管人员被公认为是残暴野蛮的,犯了罪也不受惩罚……对于许多中国公民来说,‘城管’等同于暴力、非法拘留和偷窃。”




Petition signed by 300 people shocked Beijing

Recently, a petition signed with 300 people’s finger prints
went wild on the internet, catching the attention of the CCP Politburo.
The petition was signed by representatives of every
Household of Zhoutun Village, Fu Yown, Botou City, Hebei Province.
In the letter, the villagers asked CCP authority to release
Falun Gong practitioner Wang Xiaodong.
The head of Zhoutun Village sealed the letter to validate
the fact that it represents the wishes of all villagers.

Epoch Times reports said that since the petition was
Circulated in the CCP Politburo,
some Politburo members were shocked by the fact that

more than 300 villagers pressed their finger
prints on it to ask for the release of Wang Xiaodong.

Wang’s family submitted petitions to the local police
and public prosecutor’s office, but all attempts were denied,
so they took to the street to hand out the petition letter,
which quickly attracted attention.

Since 2011, Chinese people signing joined petitions
for Falun Gong practitioners is a frequent occurrences.

In Sept. 2011, 2,300 residents of Changli County, Qinhuangdao
City, Hebei Province jointed signed petitions asking for
the release Falun Gong practitioner Zhou Xiangyang,
and bringing CCP prison officers to justice for
the torture crimes they committed by the CCP,
then arrested Zhou"s wife Li Shanshan, consequently,
more than 500 residents signed another petition to rescue her.

In October, residents of Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province
signed joint petition to help Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Guoxiang.

In November, Xingyuan Court of Fushun City put
Falun Gong practitioner Zheng Hongying on trial.
Her neighbors also signed joint petitions
asking for a release.

Human Rights Watch: Para-Police Abuses Citizens

On May 23, Human Rights Watch (HRW), Headquartered
in New York released a 76-page report.
It recorded cases in China regarding the City management
officials (Chengguan) abuse of citizens.

In the report, it described Chengguan’s various human rights
including illegal detention, unlawful,
forcefully confiscation of property and beating suspects.

Sophie Richardson, China director at HRW: " Chengguan’s
abusive conduct turns the idea of rule of law upside down,"
“Chengguan forces have earned a reputation for
brutality and impunity…
They are now synonymous with physical violence,
illegal detention and theft for many Chinese citizens."

25 victims described their experiences of being abused
to HRW, such as being slapped, shoved, pushed to the ground,
forcibly held down on the ground, dragged, punched, kicked
and thrown from their vehicles into the street.
Many of victims are street vendors.

Most of them said that Chengguan refused to show
their legal authority ID.

HRW report said that Chengguan lacks effective official
supervision, training, and discipline, and law enforcement is too casual.
