【禁闻】涉薄案被拘?方滨兴辟谣 网友失望















荆楚:“这个家伙他可以说是站在错误的一边,开历史的倒车,他终究要钉在历史的耻辱柱上的, 像他这样给全国网友造成那么大的困惑和不便的人,应该长期的坐下去,应该让他在牢房里过一辈子。他是以人民为敌,与社会为敌,以文明进步为敌,这样的人可以说是一个反动的人,所以他一旦出事,网民大家都一片叫好。”


采访编辑/李韵 后制/周天

Rumors of Fang Binxing’s Arrest were False—Disappointed Netizens

Recently, Japanese media reported that “Father of the Great
Firewall of China” Fang Binxing was detained for investigation regarding the Bo Xilai case.
On April 26, Japanese media reported that “Beijing University of
Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) President Fang Binxing has been detained.”
That night, Fang suddenly appeared on the micro-blog
denying the rumors.
Some netizens expressed disappointment and wrote,
“foreign media is more reliable, what Japanese media reported will come true in a few days.”

On April 26, a lead of Japanese newspaper
Yomiuri Shimbun reported that,
“Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)
President Fang Binxing has been arrested.”
The same night, Fang wrote on his micro-blog that
he had just read Yomiuri Shimbun report on him.

A netizen wrote, “President Fang didn’t ‘die’, so disappointed.”

a second netizen wrote, “I just heard the great news of
this guy being arrested, got all excited for nothing.”
Another netizen wrote, “Foreign media is more reliable,
what Japanese media reported will come true in a few days.”

On April 24, a staff at BUPT told NTD that Fang Binxing
had been arrested.
Another source said Fang has been missing for days;
he hasn’t been seen at the university for many days.
Reporter called the BUPT the same day and staff said that
Fang was not present.

Online author Jing Chu expressed the view that, Fang might
have been arrested for a while, then released.

Jing Chu, “Due to the subtle nature of the Bo Xilai case,
the regime does not want this to expand,
so if he is not heavily involved, then he is free to go.
If he is deeply involved, then he might be brought to court.”

The New York Times also reported on April 25 that Fang
Binxing might be dragged into the Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun case.

The report mentions, Chongqing Political and Legislative
Affairs Committee secretary Liu Guanglei is in direct communication with Hu and Wen.
Bo Xilai started his spying activities long ago, to spy on
funding for network construction and national finances.
The “engineer” of this spying network was Wang Lijun and
one of the experts is Fang Binxing.

According to sources, Fang Binxing gave Bo Xilai lots of
online intelligence on CCP high level,
Chongqing local officials. Bo Xilai rewarded Fang Binxing
with money and women.

Former Chongqing mayor Huang Qifan reported that,
Bo Xilai personally asked him to give Fang Binxing a huge sum of money,
then to provide several young women for Fang Binxing.

Fang Binxing’s last public appearance was
during this year’s “Two-meetings”.
On April 13, BUPT held press conference,
but the press release did not mention Fang Binxing. Some microblogs reported that Fang did not attend.

64tianwang.com spokesperson Pu Fei said, it’s normal for
someone like Fang Binxing to not appear for a long time.

Pu Fei, “Members of Chinese Academy of Science and
Chinese Academy of Engineering basically don’t have to work,
they live off state money,
so if you can’t find them, it’s very normal.
These scientists, whether they are arrested for serving roles
in the government, we don’t really know, so we can only watch at this stage.”

Jing Chu expressed, everyone wants Fang Binxing
to be arrested, because he helped the CCP censor the web.

Jing Chu, “This guy stands on the wrong side, is driving
backward in history, he will be marked in the shame list of history.
For someone who caused so many problems for others,
he should sit in a jail cell for the rest of his life.
He is a public enemy, an enemy of society, an enemy of civil
advancement, when something happens to him, everyone cheers.”

Fang Binxing served as honorary director of the CCP National
Computer Network and Information Security Management Center,
he is the chief architect of the Great Firewall of China (GFW).

He has been deeply hated by the general public in China
for his efforts in censoring the Chinese internet.
