【新唐人2011年8月13日讯】【百姓话坛】(160) 孤身抗强拆 苍天也哭泣:强拆使生活富裕的百姓流浪街头成为乞丐。
1.主播:观众朋友们,大家好,百姓话坛亚博官网又与您见面了。 2004年8月9号的北京青年报上发表了一篇采访报导,标题为“大庆扩建公路为何纠纷?”,文章中有这么一段话“黑龙江省大庆市当地媒体刊登报导称:市内一条准备扩建的公路涉及1500户拆迁户,拆迁工作进入攻坚阶段,政府动用警力及推土机强行拆除了52户房屋,当地一位官员在拆迁现场表示,拆迁安置及拆迁补偿金已经到位,拆迁户支持拆迁工作。”记者对这位官员的陈述提出了这样的疑问:“既然这样,52户房屋却为何被强制拆迁?正常的拆迁工作怎么成了“攻坚战”?大庆市的拆迁工作究竟处于什么现状?”我们今天的嘉宾就是当时被强迁的52户住户之一,她向我们透露了这一强迁事件中许多不为人知的内幕。
张宝珠:这个当时我开这个建材商店呢,能有我自己主管一个主店,外边有4个分店。资产能达到300多万吧,完了就在我建材我自己家建材商店跟前,有一片房子要卖。就跟他讲一讲,就买下来了。买的时候是一千零几十平方米。买下来之后,我又盖了300多平方米,总共是1300多平方米。这个是96年,96年买的这一片房子,在我这个建材商店的主商店跟前,干点啥呢,这边建材的效益不那么太好了,转转向吧,这么样一半呢就投资了百十来万,装修,开个浴池,叫宝兴休闲浴。这一半的房子呢,离着农贸市场近啊,就吃房租,要这个吃房租这一半房子呢,一年也能回来10多万。这个浴池呢,经营好了一年也2-30 万吧。但是,04年呢,我们就接到拆迁文件了,如果你要是拆迁呢,大庆石油管理局拆迁呢,能给一些补偿。但这次呢就强调,我们超期违章建筑,一分不给,无条件拆除。
5.主播:如果房屋被拆迁了,生意没了,住房也没了,一家人如何生活? 怀着恐惧,张宝珠向上级反应,但是没有任何结果,于是,她进行了拼死的抵制。但是,所有的努力都改变不了最终被野蛮强迁的命运。
张宝珠:我就不拆,不拆呢,最后,中级法院组织上千人来围。04年7月8号,当天来了,嚯嚯啷啷,大小铲车啊,公安啊,防爆啊,很多很多人,把我那个房子的左右全都是封锁了。我身上捆着汽油,我就上房了,我拿着拆迁法,我就说:“拆迁补偿,合理合法。”完了,他们当时有大庆市公安局区公安局局长,有大庆市房管局局长,很多领导来到现场,我就是不让拆,我说你们要动我房子,我这边就自焚。最后来了3个救护车,救水车也来了。来了之后呢,我还是不拆。最后完了,我爱人在下边,我在房顶上捆汽油。我爱人跟下边讲,完了他们局长签字,房管局局长签字,公安局局长签字,动迁办的签字。我爱人说,你下来吧,签字了。我说,不好使。他们签的字,我不信,我信法律。他们签字,我拿他们签字买酱油都不好使。所以,我不签。就这么样围了我3天3宿,天上偏偏下了3天3宿的雨。只要下边他们这些人商量要想扒我的时候,老天爷就下雨。老天爷都认为拆我拆的屈。下了3天3宿雨。第3 天中午,我们在房顶上,下边老百姓给我们扔吃的,扔喝的。当地政府,当时政府都不让啊,公安都不让。白天是共产党来围攻,晚上黑社会的人来。一来拆房子,我就上房顶,敲破盆子,我说来拆房子来了,跟前老百姓都来围攻。一来围,他们就散。所以,3天3宿拆了我,没拆成。第4天,他们就不上来了。等到10点多钟,来了一批出租车吧。这会我们都在屋里不知道。就说是到下来,公安穿着便衣,进来我屋俩个人,就说找我谈谈。这俩个人就说谈谈,我说谈吧。这谈字还没落话,俩个人就把我按住了。接着,qi li ku lu ,外面就冲进好几十个公安,把我们屋里11个人,全都反扣着手铐,塞到出租车里了。他们架我像架小鸡似的,把我架到出租车。押到拘留所之后呢,一进拘留所,做一下笔录,扔到拘留所的监舍的时候,我一看,我们屋里几个人全都在里头,11个人,有一个73岁的老太太都抓里了。别人告诉我,说你姐姐进到这拘留所的时候,所长姓什么我忘了,当时给我姐姐两个嘴巴子。当年,我姐姐也57,58岁的人了,给我姐姐两个嘴巴子,让你在房上吵吵的欢,这回还让你吵吵不。关15天以后,把我们放了。出了拘留所,我就不服。我背着上访材料,我就上北京了。
1.Dear Audience , Glad to see you again. On August the 9th, 2004, an article was published on “ Beijing Youth Daily” with the title of “ What is the cause of the dispute on expansion of the Roads of Daqing city?” Here is a paragraph quoted from the article: “according to the local newspaper of Daqing city Helongjiang province: 1500 households are affected on a road to be expanded, the demolition and resettlement work has entered into a crucial stage, The government has demolished 52 houses by force using bulldozers, a government official said on the demolition site that the funds to compensate the demolition and resettlement are ready, and the households involved support the demolition and resettlement work.” The correspondent raised the following questions to this official regarding to his statement: “ If this is the case, why were these 52 houses demolished by force? Why did the normal demolition and resettlement job become a “crucial battle”? “What is the true situation of the demolition and resettlement work of Daqing city?” Our guest today is from one of the 52 households whose property were demolished by force, she exposed a lot of unknown stories behind the scenes.
I am from Qiqiharer, Heilongjiang, my name is Zhang Bao Zhu. In 1983, I went to Daqing City to start a business, and operated it for more than 20 years.—Daqing is a city rich in oil. The Daqing city government was built after oil resources were discovered. I came to do business in 1983, and the government was established in 1988. There was document from the central government, the development on the ground should give way to the development of underground, as there was no Daqing government; all the houses built were temporary buildings. Although we only have temporary property certificate, but printed on the first page of the certificate was: Guaranteed by law, this certificate is issued.” This is the first clause of the certificate and the certificate was sealed by the Daqing Housing Authority.
2.Because of Daqing’s special geographical location, there is crude oil underneath every piece of land, it was impossible to completely avoid building houses on top the oil wells, thus the Daqing city implemented the method of “development on the ground is subjected to that of underground”. The first priority is to ensure the land for oil production, secondly, construction of houses is allowed 25 meters outside of the oil wells. The majority of the buildings were temporary, Zhang Bao Zhu’s property was purchased under such an historic background .
This is my building materials store, there was one main store I operated by myself, and 4 branch stores. The total assets were more than 3 million dollars. Later there was a property in front of my store for sale, I bought it. The property had an area of over 1000 square meters, I extended another 300 square meters afterwards, to make the whole building area 1300 square meters. That was in 1996 when I bought this building in front of my store. As the profitability for the building materials store wasn’t good, I decided to branch out to other businesses; I invested over a million Yuan to renovate half of the building as a public bath, named Baoxing Leisure Bath. The other half of the building was close to the farmer’s market, I leased it for rent. The annual turnover for the rent was more than 100 thousand. The turnover of the bath is about 200-300 thousand. However, in 2004, we received the notice for demolition and resettlement. If you agree to move, Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau would demolition it, and would give some compensation. But this time it stressed, our building would be demolished without a penny of compensation because it was an illegal construction and was beyond validity.
3.Zhang Bao zhu’s house is one of the 180 houses to be demolished, according to the statement by the Daqing city government; most of the houses were temporary and illegal buildings, and were not amongst those to be compensated. The residents who have lived here for more than 20 years still can’t accept this reality.
In the No.38 document of 2002 and No. 4 Document of 2004, there were requirements for the confirmation of the ownership of the houses with temporary certificates. However, we hadn’t seen these documents until the demotion of the demolition. After the demolition, some families with government contacts had found the documents; we realized that according to the documents issued in 2002 and 2004, the ownership of our houses should be confirmed as historic issues. But we are ordinary people, we don’t have rights, they didn’t perform according to the documents.
4.No.38 document that Zhang Bao zhu mentioned refers to the document “ the implementation plan on resolving the historic housing ownership issues”, it stipulates that the ownership of houses with historic issues should be confirmed according to specific time limit. No.38 document brought hope to the majority of the residents of Daqing city, but many people were rejected when they applied for the ownership certificate.
Zhang Bao Zhu: With the support of this document, I went to see the Director of Daqing Housing Bureau, Wang Xian YI, he said: if we follow the documents, we can’t afford to compensate you. It means that there are too many houses with temporary certificate to be compensated, as recorded by the Daqing city yearbook, 99% housing certificates are temporary, only a few buildings are with long term ownership certificates. So the Housing Bureau said it can’t afford the compensation, we can ‘t do anything about it.
5.No house, no business, nowhere to live, how could the family make a living? Zhang Baozhu was living in fear and decided to appeal to the government authority. But no one listened to her and helped her. So she fought with her life for her rights. But all to no avail, the forced demolition still went ahead.
Zhang Baozhu: Because I did not agree on the demolition, the High Court organized hundreds of people to surround our house. On 8th July 2004, Police officers, Anti-explosion teams with shovel loaders and tools came together and surrounded our house. I tied a bottle of petroleum onto my body and climbed on to the roof of the house. I yelled at the people “by law I am entitled to compensation for house demolition” holding a copy of the Regulations on House Demolition. On site there were Many government officials including the Director of Daqing Police department and the Director of Daqing Real Estate Administrative Bureau. I wouldn’t give in. I told them I would ignite myself if they demolished my house without my consent. Later, 3 ambulances and a fire truck were sent to the scene. My husband was negotiating with the government officials while I was on the roof. my husband later told me that the Director of Daqing Police Department, the Director of Daqing Real Estate Administrative Bureau and the officer from the Administration of House Demolish had all signed the agreement. He asked me to come down and sign the agreement but I said to him that I did not believe in their signatures but only the law. I refused to sign the agreement and they surrounded my house for 3 days. It was raining for 3 days while I stayed on the roof. I think it showed the will of God on the injustices I have experienced.
At noon of the third day, my husband and I were still on the roof. The neighbors tried to throw food and drinks up to us. But the local government and police did not allow them to do so. The government officials surrounded our house during the day and gangsters came at night. Whenever they tried to demolish our house, I would climbed up to the roof and make noises to let our neighbors know that those people were here. The government officials or the gangsters would retreat when all the neighbors came to our house. They could not demolish my house after three days. On the fourth day, the government did not send anyone to surround the house. Instead several taxies parked in front of our house. Two plain clothes police officers came into our house and wanted to talk to us. Just after I said “OK”, the two officers suddenly grabbed me, then more police officers rushed in and put handcuffs on all eleven people in the house. They pushed us into the taxies and drove us to the detention centre. After a brief statement, I was locked up in a cell with the other 10 including a 73 years old lady. Someone told me later that the warden of the detention centre slapped my sister’s face when she first arrived. My sister is almost 60 years old. After 15 days of detention, we were released. I decided to go to Beijing to protest.
6.Apparently, the local government does not care about the welfare of ordinary people when dealing with ownership of historical properties. What made Zhang Baozhu angrier was the purpose behind the demolition of those “illegal” houses.
Zhang Baozhu: The Director of Exchange Department of Daqing Real Estate Administrative Bureau, Wang Jian was interested in the land where our house and more than 100 other houses were located. So he took advantage of his position and power to issue the order of the demolition over and over again. He claimed that our houses were illegally built and will not recieve any compensation from the demolition.
Daqing is a city with rich oil reserves. If oil is found beneath the land, the houses on that land need to be demolished. But they are demolishing our house to build new houses. Wang Jian wanted our land without compensation because the Daqing city Mayor Wang Hongen is his uncle so he has nothing to worry about.
I think this is unfair. They want to demolish our house and then sell the new houses for profit. It is like drilling oil from the ground. Another contradiction is the government claimed our houses are illegally built on the land but they want to build new houses on the same land. Then the new houses will also be illegal. There are gas , water and oil pipes buried beneath the houses. And the government still wants to build new houses on the land without considering the safety of people living in the houses . This is illegal by treating people’s lives as nothing.
The Decision of the Demolition states that it has been agreed by all parties after many negotiations. The truth was, there were no negotiations, only public notice of demolition. People have worked hard and saved enough to own their property. I made some money and was able to own a bigger house. Some people only managed to own a very small house for the whole family. After the houses were demolished without any compensation, many had to make a living by collecting garbage. An old man who was my neighbor became a beggar on the streets after his son and daughter-in-law went to work in another city. Even migration workers cannot get their pay after doing their jobs. How can people make a living and support their families?
7. You can see the wreckage in this picture, it use to be their home. Zhang Baozhu began to protest in Beijing after her house was pulled down..
After I was released from the detention center, I began to protest in Beijing. I was arrested several times. I protested within the law to the Ministry of Construction and State Bureau for Petition. From the provincial government to Daqing City government, they all tried to catch me. I escaped several times but finally was arrested at the gates of the Central Discipline Inspection Committee by seven or eight security guards They pushed me into a police car and I was forced into Longfeng Hotel by several young men. I said it was illegal! But they just sent four policemen to escort me back to Daqing. There were forty to fifty ordinary people as well as seventy to eighty policemen gathered at the station. I was afraid to get those ordinary people involved in my case so I just pushed them away . The head of Salto district Wang wenpan asked several policemen to throw me into the car and drove to the police station. They only took down simple written records. They asked if I had been to the Ministry of Construction or State Bureau for Petition and I said yes. Then they just asked me to sign the sheet and detained me for 15 days. However, after that, they asked me to sign again and tried to put me into the labor camp. I refused, they tried to persuade me as well as threaten me. Although I didn’t quite understand, I followed them to the detention center. Before I arrived at the detention center, I had a heart attack and rolled on the floor. They gave me several pills and pushed me to the Daqing detention center. They did a strip search on me before we arrived. Several days later, they asked me to hold a conference. There were seven to eight people sitting opposite me in the conference, they said I was guilty of disrupting the peace. They didn’t allow me to say anything and forced me to sign another file. Then I was thrown back to the detention center. Several days later, I was taken to the Harbin women’s drug rehabilitation center, it was two hours away. After the health examination, the drug rehabilitation center refused to accept me because of my severe cardiac condition. My husband and sister hearing this went to see the head of Daqing Police department Cao liwei. They took the train at 2 am on Sunday and explained my situation to Mr Cao. After hearing my story, he immediately ordered the police station to release me before 12 noon. Thanks to his sense of justice; I was not put in jail for another three years.
8. Although Zhang baozhu experienced all kinds of hardships in these four years, she was still forced to sign the agreement that she would never protest again.
Zhang baozhu: In 2008, China held the Olympic Games. The head of Salto district Yao Yuan, asked the head of City Building Department Chang yixiang to go to Qiqiharer and negotiate with me. They said they would give me some compensation if I wouldn’ t go to Beijing and protest. During that time, life was really difficult for me. No one cared for me except for my sister. So I had to promise not to protest and took the hundred thousand yuan. They also asked me to hand over all the ownership documents of my house. Although I thought it was not reasonable, I agreed. The government officials always bullied the ordinary people. On 30th December 2010, I had no money to buy a ticket. So I hid in a train and went to Beijing to protest. We ordinary people suffered too much! I was put in labor camp three times and there were also thousands of ordinary people who couldn’t possess their legal property. I hope the government could pay attention to us! My mother told me that the ordinary people were impotent against the power of government officials. My mother was paralyzed in 2004, just before she passed away, she told me never try to oppose the government, we would always fail.
9. Zhang baozhu use to be happy and wealthy. Because the government forcibly demolished her house, now she is homeless and hopeless.
Now I have to live under the over-bridge near Beijing South Station. When it rains or snows, I rent another poor person’s room which has only a plank for bed. It costs about 10 yuan per day. Now beneath the over-bridge is full of protestors.
For many years, Zhang has been going to Beijing alone to appeal for help, however, her problem still remains unresolved. In 2009, her husband and her were divorced, a once happy family broke apart.
10. Thank you for watching today’s program, see you next week.