美國民主黨國會參議員伊麗莎白·沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)被視爲民主黨2020年的總統參選人,她一直稱自己是土著印第安人後裔。但週一(15日)發表基因測試結果,顯示其印第安血統只有1024分之一。
Pocahontas (the bad version), sometimes referred to as Elizabeth Warren, is getting slammed. She took a bogus DNA test and it showed that she may be 1/1024, far less than the average American. Now Cherokee Nation denies her, “DNA test is useless.” Even they don’t want her. Phony!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年10月16日
Now that her claims of being of Indian heritage have turned out to be a scam and a lie, Elizabeth Warren should apologize for perpetrating this fraud against the American Public. Harvard called her “a person of color” (amazing con), and would not have taken her otherwise!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年10月16日
Thank you to the Cherokee Nation for revealing that Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, is a complete and total Fraud!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年10月16日
「切羅基族」秘書長查克·霍斯金(Chuck Hoskin)在這份聲明中還表示,「決定誰是切羅基人,不單單取決於DNA。」
Cherokee Nation responds to release of Senator Warren’s DNA test. pic.twitter.com/UUB8LSvmyo
— CherokeeNation (@CherokeeNation) 2018年10月15日
相關鏈接: 沃倫公佈DNA檢測報告 川普批其作假