【禁聞】《九評》10週年 三退大潮促中共解體










美國洛杉磯退黨服務中心的負責人Helen Lee:「中國是一個國家,國家包括國土、人民、語言、文化、歷史,還有治理國家的政府等,而『中共』只是一個政黨,它暴力竊取了中國的統治權,它不能代表中國。所以,反對中共,並不等於反對中國。這麼一個毒害中國、毒害中國人的邪黨,有良知的中國人還能與它為伍嗎?我們今天退出它的黨、團、隊組織,是不是在遠離邪惡,維護我們作為炎黃子孫的尊嚴?」



歐洲議會議員、前愛沙尼亞議會副主席董納•克蘭先生認為,沒有哪個極權統治能夠長久,而我們每個人的改變都很重要。作為讓愛沙尼亞從蘇共獨立的倡導者, 克蘭先生認為「三退」大潮令人鼓舞。

歐洲議會議員Tunne Kelam 董納•克蘭:「這讓我想起,生活在獨裁統治下的每個人都有的機會。就是不讓他或她自己被共產黨的宣傳所利用。這就是現在正發生的(三退)。雖然它是一種和平抵抗。但它讓自己遠離該體制,遠離宣傳和謊言。培養對自己的尊重,重新找回自己的根,並最後得出結論:你不可能生活在暴力和謊言的體制下。」



採訪編輯/田淨、宇婷 後製/郭敬

The Quitting-CCP Campaign Will Soon Disintegrate the CCP

On the eve of the tenth anniversary of the publication
of the Epoch Times editorial “Nine Commentaries
on the Communist Party", the number of the Chinese
who have denounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
and its affiliated organizations at home and abroad
has reached 180 million.
Nowadays, when corruption is still rampant in China and
numerous high ranking officials have fled with large sums
of money or arranged for their family and relatives to emigrate
overseas, what does the number of CCP-quitting stand for?
Let’s take a look at the following analyses.

On Nov. 19, 2004, The Epoch Times published a series
of editorials, the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist
Party", which systematically analyzes the nature of the CCP.

Many people who have long studied the CCP have spoken
highly of the “Nine Commentaries".

U.S.-based political commentator Wang Ji: “The ‘Nine
Commentaries’ is a great work transcending the ages.
Via its translation into various languages, it lets people around
the world clearly understand the CCP’s system, theories
and the perils that ensued.

As a result, throughout the CCP’s history, this publication
is clearly what frightens the CCP the most."

Democracy activist Zheng Cunzhu, a representative
of the 1989 Tiananmen movement: “It (the CCP) took
advantage of the split from China to obtain foreign aid
from the then Soviet Union and utilized the opportunity
of the Japanese invasion of China to secretly grow
step by step.
And then it finally seized power of China illegally.

The ‘Nine Commentaries’ has revealed all the intrinsic evil
nature of the CCP.
Therefore, after reading this book, any Chinese people
who think independently are able to understand the CCP
more clearly and change their mind about what they
had been deceived by in the past."

Beijing human rights activist Hu Jia: “This book
is sharp writing, it evaluates the CCP from various aspects,
such as the fact that the CCP’s biggest evil is that
it goes against nature.
Those who have read the book may feel
a sense of refreshment.
The CCP rules China with three approaches, i.e. telling lies,
violence and intimidation, and all these are mentioned
in the “Nine Commentaries."

As the “Nine Commentaries" have been spread more
and more widely over the past decade, increasingly more
people have come to understand the evil nature of the CCP.

As of today, over 180 million people openly withdrew
from the CCP organizations.

Famous Chinese democracy activist Sun Wenguang:
“I think those who quit the CCP because they realized
that some of the CCP’s ideas are against the world trend,
and that many movements launched by the CCP after
it took power have brought many disasters to Chinese."

What’s worth mentioning is that the volunteers who help
Chinese quit the CCP around the world are from various
ethnic groups.

In their minds, Chinese people are respectable,
and they are the hope of China’s future.
Therefore, they unselfishly explain the meaning
of quitting the CCP to Chinese tourists every day.

Reporter: “At tourist attractions and international airports
in Los Angeles, we can see the volunteers help Chinese
tourists quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations
every day."

Helen Lee, the coordinator of the CCP-quitting Service Center
in Los Angeles: “China is a nation.
A nation is supposed to be composed of territory, people,
language, culture, history and the government.
The CCP is only a political party that illegally took
power by violence, so it cannot represent China.
Given this, opposing the CCP doesn’t mean opposing China.

As this evil party has poisoned China and the Chinese people,
how can a Chinese person who has a conscience
be with the party?

Doesn’t it mean that we are staying away from the evil
and maintaining our Chinese people’s dignity
if we quit the CCP and its affiliated associations?"

Ma Qing, Admissions Director of the Alhambra
Medical University: “We have heard that some kids accepted
the truth-clarification materials, but they stuffed them
into their handbags quickly, as they were afraid that they
or their family would be in trouble or punished
after going back to China.
Then I wonder in this 21st century, when people around
the world are talking about civilization and China
also claims that it’s an advanced country with a booming
economy, what the CCP has brought to its people today?
In fact, it’s nothing but fear."

Ms. Yan, senior director of a shopping center, said: “We now
understand what kind of organization it (the CCP) is.
We have to realize it from the bottom of our hearts,
and then quit it altogether either with our real names
or pseudonyms, as heaven only sees human’s hearts
regardless of formalities.
Denouncing the vows to the evil organizations
is tantamount to quitting the organization.
As a result, when the CCP is punished by heaven one day,
it has nothing to do with decent people.
This is my personal understanding."

Mr. Tunne Kelam, member of the European Parliament
and vice speaker of the Estonian Parliament, said that
no dictatorship is going to last forever, and hopes that
quitting the CCP would contribute to bring about change.
As an activist who advocated Estonia’s independence
from the then Soviet Union, Mr. Tunne said that quitting
the CCP is an encouraging trend.

Mr. Tunne Kelam: “But this reminds me of the chance
of every person living under the dictatorship.
That is not to allow himself or herself to be used
by communist propaganda.
This is exactly what is happening.
It is a passive resistance.
But it is distancing yourself from the system, from
its propaganda, from its lies.
This is the beginning of developing respect for yourself,
rediscovering your identity, finally concluding that
you can’t live in the system of violence and lies."

In the introduction to the editorial, “Nine Commentaries
on the Communist Party": “More than a decade after the fall
of the former Soviet Union and Eastern European communist
regimes, the international communist movement has been
spurned worldwide.

The demise of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
is only a matter of time."

The “Nine Commentaries" also speak what most Chinese
people don’t dare to.
That is, China belongs to the Chinese people,
not to the Chinese Communist Party.

Interview & Edit/TianJing,YuTing Post-Production/GuoJing
