谷開來案庭審結果公布出來以後,大陸媒體《財經網》就以標題:「薄谷開來一審被判處死緩 當庭表示不上訴」,以及「死亡博士」和他的「屍體工廠」,作為當天的焦點圖片新聞。外界認為,這則新聞提醒了讀者:谷開來案與屍體販賣之間的關連。
今年5月,美國發佈的《2011年美國人權報告》首次披露中共系統活摘法輪功學員器官的行徑。7月,眾多美國國會議員和非政府組織代表,在集會中首次公開嚴詞譴責「中共活摘器官」的罪惡是「這個星球上前所未見的邪惡」。這次在美國首都華盛頓舉行的「解體中共 停止迫害法輪功」的大型集會,引起全球的矚目,海外媒體紛紛作出報導。
採訪/劉惠 編輯/唐睿 後製/君卓
The Darkest Secret behind Gu Kailai’s Crime
A source said that Gu Kailai has struck a deal with authorities
and thus immediately expressed she will not appeal upon a suspended death sentence in court.
Many netizens suspect that
Heywood was killed for different reason.
Commentators believe shocking crimes are being concealed
by the CCP’s covert act.
We’ll unlock these shocking secrets for you with our experts.
On the day the court reached the verdict in Gu Kailai’s case,
the Chinese Caijing network published a series
of focus-of-the-day photos entitled,
“Gu Kailai will not appeal her first suspended death
sentence verdict", and “Doctor death and his corpse factory."
This photo arrangement appears to be reminding readers
of the connection between Gu Kailai’s crime and the corpse trafficking.
Current affairs observer in Beijing, Hua Po, indicated that
the Chinese authorities will not touch anything relating
to the dark secrets in Gu Kailai’s case, that is,
the live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners
and reselling of the corpses.
Hua Po: “I believe the court has reached an agreement
with her and Zhang Xiaojun.
They will not appeal and they knew the verdict
before it was announced."
Political commentator, Lee Tianxiao, indicates an earth-
shattering evil is hidden in the suspended death sentence.
Li Tianxiao: “Once exposed, her crimes of live organ
harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and corpse trafficking will shake the CCP to its core.
The CCP can not afford such an impact with its current state
of precarious and imminent collapse."
Li Tianxiao believes the CCP needs Gu Kailai to take on
criminal charges with “suspended death,"
as part if an agreement, in order to cover up the crimes
of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Mainland netizens expressed that Bo’s family has committed
immense crimes against both the living and the dead by
profiting from selling Chinese corpses as specimens overseas,
and Netizens demand a thorough investigation into the corpse source.
Netizens referred to a post from “Kuocang Mountainer."
“Who is the behind-the-scenes boss of the “corpse factory?
Heywood was a corpse factory insider.
Heywood threatened the Bo’s with it.
This is one of the true reasons
why the Bo’s murdered Heywood."
Former history professor Liu Yinchuen: “Bo Xilai introduced
and developed the corpse processing plant in Dalian.
The project itself is a crime against humanity.
With the existence of this corpse processing plant in China,
Jiang Zemin’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners
was further carried out by using Falun Gong practitioners and other dissidents as specimen.
This is a crime against humanity, a huge sin."
For the first time, the 2011 Human Rights Reports released in May
by the U.S. Department of State disclosed the CCP has conducted live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.
In a July rally, many members of the U.S. Congress
and representatives of non-governmental organizations
for the first time publicly and sternly condemned
“Organ Harvesting" as “the evil never before seen on this planet."
This large gathering to “Disintegrate CCP and Stop
the persecution of Falun Gong" in Washington, DC
has attracted global attention and multiple overseas
media reports.
Hua Po indicates that surely history will make
a fair judgment and restore the truth.