



















“Nine Commentaries" Leads Change in China for A Decade

Nov. 19 marks the 10th anniversary of the publication
of “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party".
Since the publication, the Nine Commentaries has triggered
a global wave of Chinese people quitting the Communist

What is the Nine Commentaries?
Why would it bring such a major change to the Chinese?
Let’s take a look.

In late 2004, China was a huge factory of the world,
cheap labor, mass production of goods, and a steady stream
of exports.

At the cost of ethical values and environment,
the Communist regime created a superficial prosperity
as a means to avoid issues of huge disparity
and sharp social contradictions.

Also in late 2004, the overseas independent Chinese media,
the Epoch Times, published the editorials, “Nine Commentaries
on the Communist Party."

It was like a sword that instantly cut through the self-portrait
of ‘great, glorious, correct’ of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

On Nov. 19, the editorial, “the Commentary One:
On What the Communist Party Is",
clearly illustrated the essence of the CCP:
an evil specter opposed to nature and human nature.

Nine Commentaries: If the bottom-up social structures allow
for the self-determination of individuals or groups to occur
naturally, then the communist regime is anti-nature in its essence.

The Communist Party does not hold universal standards
for human nature.
The concepts of good and evil, as well as all laws and rules,
are arbitrarily manipulated.
Communists do not allow murder, except for those
categorized as enemies by the Communist Party.
Filial piety is welcomed, except for those parents deemed
class enemies.
Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom,
and faithfulness are all good, but not applicable
when the Party is not willing or doesn’t want to consider
these traditional virtues.
The Communist Party completely overthrows the universal
standards for human nature, and builds itself on principles
that oppose human nature.
The communist party is a kind of being. However, it opposes
nature, heaven, earth and mankind.
It is an evil specter against the universe.

Following that, came:
Commentary Two: On the Beginning of the Chinese
Communist Party;

Three: On the Tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party;
Four: On How the Communist Party Is an Anti-Universe Force;
Five: On the Collusion of Jiang Zemin and the Communist
Party to Persecute Falun Gong;
Six: On How the Chinese Communist Party Destroyed
Traditional Culture;
Seven: On the Chinese Communist Party’s History of Killing
Eight: On How the Chinese Communist Party Is an Evil Cult;
Nine: On Unscrupulous Nature

On Dec. 4, the editorials completed nine chapters,
known as an “unprecedented" in-depth analysis of the CCP.

China issue expert Zhang Tianliang: “The Nine Commentaries
does not engage in politics or overthrowing the CCP.
It could have such an effect, but that’s not the purpose
of the editorials.
It pointed out the evil regime of CCP by mainly enumerating
and analyzing historical facts from the moral level.
In particular, it noted that the Communist Party is a cult
with an evil ideology and some religious nature.
It does not allow people to do good deeds.
In the process, many anti-humanity crimes have been committed.
That’s why it is a cult.

Such depth about the definition of the Communist Party
was never before achieved."

Since the emergence of Communism, there have been
all kinds of criticism or comment on it,
but Nine Commentaries has a distinctive feature.

Zhang Tianliang: “The big difference is calling on everyone’s
For instance, when Kuomintang criticized the evilness of CCP
during the civil war, the purpose was to call on people
to fight against the CCP.

But, the Nine Commentaries call on people to reflect on self.

That is, after so many years of CCP rule and so many
crimes committed by the CCP, as a human being,
a person of conscience, what will you do?"

For the past decade, China’s disparity has become world
number one under CCP rule,
the seventh from the bottom in world human rights,
and the fifth from the bottom in world press freedom index.
The CCP officials at all levels have become the wealthiest
population enjoying luxuries and multiple houses.
But, civil rights defending incidents have only happened
one after another.

Renowned historian Xin Haonian: “The Nine Commentaries
exposed the history and reality of the CCP.
For the past decade, the development of China has
demonstrated the correctness of the Nine Commentaries."

Although the nature of the CCP has not changed,
the Nine Commentaries has guided the Chinese.
More and more Chinese have changed from not hearing and
not saying to daring to publicly denounce the party
for the past 10 years.

Guangzhou family church member Huang Yan: “I have quit
the CCP a long time ago.
I have also helped my brother and all my relatives.

All the people I know I have helped them to denounce the CCP,
because the CCP is evil."

Former chief of Shandong Agricultural Bank of China Zhang Jun:
“I was a Party member at the bank, a mid-level chief.
I’m disappointed with them. I wanted to quit the CCP.

I believe if they continue like this, many more people will be
willing to denounce the Party."

Zhang Tianliang: “Many who read the Nine Commentaries
have taken action by quitting the CCP.
After all, the CCP is composed of people one by one.

When many people quit the CCP, it is tantamount to dissolve
the CCP.
It is a very peaceful disintegration of the Communist Party,
without any army or violence.
It is through an introspective way to resolve such an evil regime.
I think it is a miracle."

Currently, more than 180 million Chinese have denounced
the CCP and its affiliated organizations
through the Epoch Times Website.

The number is growing at a rate of around 110,000 daily.

Dr. Nie Sen, Deputy Chair of the Global Service Center
for Quitting CCP: “Denounce the CCP, get rid of the CCP,
abandon the CCP.
These are the global undercurrents that are changing the world
where the white is whiter and the dark is darker.
It is a clear differentiation."

The Epoch Times at San Francisco branch editor, Ma Youzhi:
“In this day and age of distinct kind vs. evil,
if you can tell the good from the bad, you will know China’s future."

After the May Fourth Movement in 1919, China had gradually
fallen into the disaster of Communism.
The Nine Commentaries has created a miracle to regain
traditional Chinese beliefs.
The Nine Commentaries has led the huge change in China.

It is also widely spread in the world at an unprecedented rate
to help the worlds’ people see through the harm of the CCP
and the CCP’s crimes against humanity.
