






据《大纪元》yabo88官网网报导,10月22号,美国国会外交事务委员会人权小组委员会主席克里斯托夫‧史密斯(Christopher Smith),在接受采访时表示,王治文应该被立即释放,让他和家人团聚,美国最高层官员应该提出此事。








Foreign Media Interpret CCP Plenary Session 'Rule of Law'

The high-profile claim of the 18th Fourth Plenary Session of
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) about comprehensively
promoting the rule of law has attracted international attention,
with a number of media commenting on the difference
between such a rule and that of Western democratic societies.

Commentator Huang Zhongqing said the Western democratic
rule of law includes human rights, monitoring, and limiting
the power held by the government and the ruling party;
but the CCP's rule is to use the law to rule the people
and control the subordinate officials under the leadership,
according to BBC's Chinese network report.

Japanese diplomats magazine reported online that the CCP
will continue to be above the Constitution and the law,
based on textual representation of the Fourth Plenary Session
communiqué; the rule of law is still a mechanism to ensure
central government authority, rather than limiting CCP power.

International Call for Wang Zhiwen's Immediate Release

Former Falun Gong Research Society duty contact
and a Beijing Falun Gong practitioner, Wang Zhiwen,
was transferred directly to Beijing's Changping Brainwashing
Center after 15 years of unjust imprisonment and persecution.

The international community has condemned the CCP for
shouting loudly about a rule of law, while blatantly
suppressing civil liberty.

The Epoch Times reported on 22 Oct. that Christopher Smith,
chairman of the U.S. Foreign Affairs Subcommittee of
Human Rights, said in an interview that Wang Zhiwen should
be released immediately and reunite with family, and that US
senior officials should raise the issue.

Taiwan legislators and many civil groups also condemned
the CCP's illegal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners
and requested the immediate release of Wang Zhiwen.

Hong Kong Spider Man: Banners Can be Hung Anywhere!

24 Oct.—The Hong Kong government sent 12 firefighters
and Civil Aid staff using helicopters to dismantle a giant
slogan: “I want genuine universal suffrage" in Lion Mountain.

The banner was hung on 23 Oct.by a group of mountaineers
who called themselves, “Hong Kong Spiderman".

Hong Kong Spiderman said that any place in your heart
can be like Lion Mountain.

A statement said, the government can remove the banners,
but people can still post the five Chinese characters of
“I want genuine universal suffrage” in any place, including
on window sills, shop windows, T-shirts, tents, backpacks,
in classrooms or even on one's forehead.

Hong Kong Spider Man says the Lion Mountain slogan
touched many people, while public support also touched them.

They called on Hong Kong's people to relight their spirit
by not giving up their request for genuine universal suffrage.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
