【禁闻】草根图书馆关门 “立人”受了怎样的打压?















采访编辑/刘惠 后制/陈建铭

CCP Forces Closures of NGO Liren Libraries

The Liren Village Library Board—China’s non-government
organization (NGO)—recently issued an open letter that said,
the library would close down, due to long-term harassment
and pressure from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
What kind of suppression did Liren Library suffer?
And why does the CCP suppress a non-profit organization?

Sept. 18—The Liren Village Library held a board meeting,
announcing that it would stop operating from that day.
It also issued an open letter condemning and protesting
against the CCP after years of suppression, including their
shutting down of library branches, illegally detaining books,
and threatening and repatriating employees and volunteers.

The open letter stated that in 2011, Liren Library began
facing tremendous pressure, which caused multiple branches
to close or relocate, since 2012 the severity had worsened.

The authorities frequently put pressure on the landlord,
installed cameras across the library and even utilized
underhanded means to threaten them, so that by 2013,
eight branches had been forced to close.

In June this year, the library’s information platform
and its recruitment and fundraising channels were closed.
In September, all Liren library branches were investigated,
and even though the inspection returned no results,
local library partners were forced to cut off their partnerships.

Since Sept. 4, all branches of Liren Library across China
have been forced to shut down, within a matter of 10 days.

Henan’s Zhang Guodong branch was located at the house of
Zhang Dajun—one of the founders of Liren Library.
After it was banned by the local Civil Affairs Bureau,
the local government sent its volunteers home
and more than 10,000 books were illegally removed.

All 20 Liren Library branches have now been closed,
with the last two remaining being dissolved on Sept.18.

Asiaweek director, Huang Jinqiu: “As an NGO library,
they help spread knowledge and truth to people."
“Official libraries mainly filter the truth, distort history,
and instill the concept of contradiction and fighting,
according to the CCP’s ideology of struggle."

“The closures of the NGO libraries proves such weaknesses:
first—the CCP’s fear of losing control over its brainwashing,
and second—its fear of civil activities."

Zhu Xinxin, former editor, Hebei People’s Broadcasting:
“This only gives us a better understanding of the CCP’s
hypocritical nature so we won’t have any misconceptions;
we should take initiative to fight for our rights, otherwise
our rights will be taken away one by one
and our life privileges will become increasingly diminished."

Liren Village Library was founded in 2007 by Li Yuingqiang
—a Beijing University master’s graduate—and his friends.
They saw a lack of culture in Chinese communities
and dedicated themselves to setting up libraries in rural areas.
In seven years, they had set up 22 branches in 12 provinces;
they were welcomed in areas with poor cultural heritage.

Zhu Xinxin: “Libraries are important for public welfare
and the government should support this system;
it shouldn’t be a monopoly and library content shouldn’t be
interfered with—that’s cultural tyranny."
“The authorities only try to fool people, causing a lack of
basic knowledge throughout society and repressing people’s
innovation; so China has a lot of scientists and intellectuals,
but there’s little originality."

Liren Library says, since it opened, it had never applied for
foreign funding and rarely received foreign financial support
so as to avoid being framed; it was also totally transparent
financially—the CCP’s suppression is just immoral.

Radio France Internationale reported that, one media who’d
wanted to interview Liren Library had been stopped by
the provincial propaganda department, who called the library
a “foreign reactionary" and a “national security threat."

Liren Library founder Li Yingqiang still can’t accept
foreign media interviews and has refused to say
whether the authorities have any charges against the library.

Liying Jiang, Liren Library founder: “No charges;
sorry, we generally don’t accept foreign media interviews."
“I really want to thank you, but for these kind of things,
there’s no solution; I have no expectations."

Liren Library founders had hoped to bring real changes
to rural education and culture in the countryside
within 30-50 years; but that hope now seems unachievable.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/Chen Jianming
