【禁闻】美中对话结束 新型大国关系是什么

















采访编辑/唐音 后制/陈建铭

U.S.-China Dialogue Regarding New Relationship Model

he Sixth Round of U.S.-China Strategic and Economic
Dialogue (S&ED) and the Fifth Round of High-Level
Consultation on People-to-People Exchange (CPE)
took place in Beijing on July 9 and 10.
Communist regime leader Xi Jinping delivered the opening
statement with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.
The two sides disagreeon a number of key issues.

International media criticized the lack
of substantive dialogue.
Let’s hear the experts’ analyses.

In his opening remarks, Chinese leader Xi Jinping forged
a new bilateral model for China-U.S. relationship.
The U.S. Secretary of State Kerry responded: “I would say
to you that a new model is not defined in words.
It is defined in actions."

“etween China and U.S. will
definitely be a disaster for the two countries and the world."

China Affairs magazine editor-in-chief Chris Wu:
“There has been no progress in talks for two years.
Now he is proposing that the confrontation
will become a disaster.
That shows it’s deteriorating rather than moving forward.
This is the first time ‘disaster’ was mentioned.
The great pressure from the U.S. side is likely to cause
the confrontation. That’s why he’s talking about disaster."

The annual talks were expected to focus on Chinese currency,
maritime disputes, and an investment agreement.

Commentator Lan Su compared the Cold War between
the U.S. and the former Soviet Union to the New Model
between the U.S. and China.

He believes the main difference is Beijing’s fundamental
purpose is to secure the interests of the regime.

Lan Su: “There is no doubt that Communist China’s values
do not fit in with Western values.
The so-called new model is built on providing the economic
advantage to the West so that the West will keep silent
on human rights and value abuse of the Communist regime.
In a way, it largely reduces the pressure on the CCP
coming from the West."

However, the U.S. officials later said the two sides disagreed
on the territorial sovereignty.
Kerry does not believe in solving territory issues
by sacrificing the peace and stability of the region.
But China does not budge.

In addition, Secretary of Treasury Jacob Lew mentioned
that moving to a market-determined exchange rate
will be a crucial step.

However, when it comes to financial reform, Chinese Vice
Premier Wang Yang stated that China has to pace itself.

Xi said China expects increased cooperation regarding
the fight against terror and accelerated negotiation
on a bilateral investment treaty to promptly solve the matter.

The United States wants China to relax control, which would
contribute to more fair play for U.S. companies in China.

Reuters commented, “The annual talks, now in their fifth
year, have yielded few substantive agreements."

Chris Wu does not believe U.S. and China will be able to
bypass their ideological differences and reach this new model
because neither will give up on their fundamental interests
in economy, environment, resources and human rights.

Chris Wu: “The CCP will not give up its bottom line –
the communist dictatorship.
Its so-called new model between the two largest economic
powers is, ‘One, do not touch my core strength;
Two, the U.S. must grant everything Beijing wants.’
That’s what this new model is about,
i.e., everything is mine and my way."

Bloomberg commented on this so-called new model saying,
“Such public pledges contrast with signs of increasing
wariness of each other’s strategic intentions and tactics."

“China is concerned that the Obama administration’s
foreign-policy rebalancing toward Asia is aimed
at thwarting China’s growing influence in the region."

Last fall, China established an air-defense identification zone
and built oil rig in the South China Sea.

Bloomberg added, “China has criticized the U.S. for favoring
Japan and the Philippines over China on maritime territorial
disputes in the South and East China seas."

In addition, “the U.S. in May indicted five Chinese military
officers for computer theft of trade secrets, whereas China
canceled cybersecurity talks due this week."

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/Chen JianMing
