【禁聞】經濟下滑人民幣貶值 美國警告





















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/鍾元

U.S. Issues Warning to China on Economic Downturn and Devaluation of Renminbi (RMB)

A G20 meeting between the International

Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Banks

will be held in Washington this week.

Prior to it taking place, the US has raised

concerns over the sharp drop in the RMB.

It warned the Beijing authorities not to

manipulate RMB as it has done before.

Some analysts believe that devaluation

is the result of China’s economic downturn.

Some suggest that the RMB has been overvalued.

Foreign media also point out the prediction of

challenges faced with the supremacy of the dollar.

A senior US Treasury official commented that, “if the recent

currency weakness signals a change in China’s policy away

from allowing adjustment and moving toward a market-

determined exchange rate, that would raise serious concerns.”

Since February this year, the RMB fell 2.5 percent.

This is a big change for the Chinese currency,

which has slowly but steadily risen over the years.

Remarks by the U.S. highlight Washington’s concern that

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will stimulate exports.

They will do this by depressing their currencies

in response to the economic slowdown.

Such action could reduce global market

demand from China to hamper US growth.

This is because several regions of the world,

such as Europe, are in a weak economy.

Some analysts believe the RMB floating

down is because of market pressure.

A series of wide economic data from trade, to consumption

expenditure, to industrial output, has shown a slowdown

in China’s economy, which has reduced RMB demand.

So what are the results of the RMB devaluation?

What will result from the Chinese authorities’ manipulation,

or the natural result of China’s economic downturn?

Feng Xingyuan, Deputy Director of the Beijing

Unirule Institute of Economics, believes there

are three reasons for the recent RMB devaluation.

The first is that the dollar will be inevitably strong,

because of the US quantitative easing withdrawal.

Second, overseas is not optimistic

on China’s economic slow growth.

Feng Xingyuan, Deputy Director, Unirule Institute

of Economics: “They will tend to invest out of China

if they don’t predict a good economy in China.

In addition, there has been an increase

in registered capital flowing out of China.

Many people buy dollars to make dollars up.

Dollars will go back to US in some

way and RMB will go down relatively.”

The third reason for RMB devaluation is the fast growth

of domestic prices, resulting from long-term RMB issuance.

Feng Xingyuan: “it indicated that the RMB internal currency

value is unstable if the price grows fast in the long term.

The internal currency value is reflected in the domestic price.

The unstable internal currency value will influence the

stability of the external currency value in the long-term

It will also influence the depreciation

of the RMB exchange rate further.”

Without clear evidence, it is not possible to comment

on whether the CCP government is manipulating

the exchange rate without clear evidence.

The Wall Street Journal has quoted

CCP central-bank official’s words.

Beijing considers the drop part of its effort to thwart

short-term speculators who see the yuan’s strengthening

as a sure bet but triggered greater two-way fluctuation.

China economist Gong Shengli recently spoke to NTD.

The early RMB devaluation is to thwart speculators

from the central bank; but the later devaluation is

because China’s economy is devalued by the market.

The Financial Times reported on April 8 that

Lombard Street Research estimates the RMB

is between 15 and 25 per cent above fair value.

Overvaluation has already hurt corporate

profits, which have been flat for two years.

Corporate debt as a share of GDP has surged

15 percentage points during that time.

This is while corporate deposits have hardly changed.

In the absence of further depreciation, it will be

hard for firms to keep taking a hit to their balance

sheets without slashing investment, jobs and wages.

China’s currency could turn out to be a

trigger, in the same way that US sub-prime

mortgages sparked a global financial crisis.

But the actual and expected rise in the RMB has

spawned an arbitrage game, since the middle of 2010.

A lower RMB could cause a scramble

for liquidity, pushing asset prices down.

This is when debts in foreign currency need to be repaid.

Every time the CCP has introduced regulations

to curb arbitrage – or more recently when the

People’s Bank of China pushed down the RMB

– market liquidity has come under pressure.

In addition, a lot of the money raised abroad

has been funneled via wealth management

products into Chinese corporate loans.

Some of these will turn sour.

A large number of such products

will mature in the next few months.

This will test the system, especially if Beijing does

not intervene to prevent defaults, as it did in January.

Much like sub-prime lending in the US, China’s

financial problems are clouded in uncertainty.

The Wall Street Journal reported that on

April 8, for precisely the reason that limits

the attractiveness of the yuan as a currency

haven: China’s financial system is too shaky.

Prasad points out America’s transparent system

of democracy, political checks and balances, and

the rule of law to which even the executive is subject.

These are all concepts that the current Chinese

administration, under President Xi Jinping, emphatically rejects.

Interview & Edit/Qin Xue Post-Production/Zhong Yuan
