【禁闻】台湾反服贸学生占领立院 万人声援





台湾公民David Wang :“中国大陆要搞什么东西,大部分都是统战,所以,服贸对台湾是不利的。它一定会潜藏一些伎俩,透过这种管道来到台湾,对整个台湾的安全或各方面会不利,所以这个看起来像正邪对抗一样。学生站在他的角度上来看,也是在挡中共,中共真的是无所不用其极。”





大陆宪政学者陈永苗:“我非常支持学生占领立法院,我反对国民党以违宪的方式通过服贸协议。从表面上看来,服贸好像是不会(出卖台湾未来 ),但实际上,中共所有的政策背后都隐藏着对台湾的控制,这里边就有政治成分在。香港人不明白,中共经过经济的渗透,达到政治控制的目地。”





采访/陈汉 编辑/陈洁 后制/孙宁

Taiwan Protestors Occupy Legislative Yuan
Over Service Trade Agreement With China

An unprecedented protest has taken place in Taiwan,
with students occupying the country’s congress.
Students protested Taiwan’s Kuomintang forcibly passing
the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement in it’s Legislature.
On March 20, students continued to occupy the Legislative
Yuan to protest the ‘black box operation’ of the agreement.
They demanded a dialogue with President
Ma Ying-jeou, to ask for supervision over
any treaty between China and Taiwan.

At 9pm on March 18, more than 200
students broke through police cordons.
They rushed into the side door
of the Legislative Yuan in Taipei.
The students declared a sit-in protest
of 63 hours in the assembly hall.
A banner stating, “75% Taiwan citizens demand review of the
agreement line by line" was posed on the Legislative podium.

Police failed to remove the protestors
on the morning of March 19.
At 8am, students held a press conference,
demanding an apology from President Ma Ying-jeou.
They also called for Premier Jiang Yi-huah
to step down immediately, and withdraw
the agreement from the plenary for review.

Students explained that although the government
claimed that Taiwan will only open 64 services
to China, this will entail thousands of industries.

Taiwan’s SME’s will face competition
from well-funded Chinese enterprises.
Everyone in Taiwan, from white collar workers to farmers,
contractors, and businessmen, will face a threat to jobs.
It is not only the individual earning that is threatened.

Freedom of speech in Taiwan will
also be subjected to serious threat.
This is because of the opening of internet portal
operations, web hosting, printing and publishing to China.

David Wang, Taiwan citizen: “Whatever the
mainland engages in is mostly a united front.
This cross-Strait agreement is detrimental to Taiwan.
It definitely harbors some strategy to infiltrate
Taiwan, and threaten the country’s overall security.
It is like resisting the evil, and the students are
actually acting in their own way to restrain the CCP.
The CCP will do everything
(to fight against the good)."

It is understood that in June last year, the Cross-Strait
Service Trade Agreement was signed in Shanghai.
The agreement was signed when both the Kuomintang
(KMT) and Democratic Progressive Party were unaware
of details, and industries were not consulted.
It was named a ‘black box operation’.
The Legislature consulted both
the ruling and opposition parties.
It was decided that the agreement must be subject to review,
clause-by-clause, by the Legislative Yuan, before taking effect.

However, during a meeting on March 17, in the Legislative
Yuan, Chairman, and KMT legislator Chang Ching-Chung
treated the trade agreement as an executive order.

Chang then forced it directly to the plenary
session for its second reading, overturning
the previously discussed review process.

Chen Yongmiao, Chinese constitutional scholar:
“Many people suspected that the students
occupying the Legislative Yuan as illegal.
I think it is legitimate, as long as the
means are non-violent and peaceful.
This is a new topic in constitution, just like
Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Parliament.
These acts belong to a new field of
constitution. I think it is appropriate."

The students argued against the KMT passing
an influential decision affecting younger
generations and the entire population.

Subsequently, the KMT may follow the same
route to decide on other even more influential
areas in Taiwan’s economy and independence.

“Taiwan’s future cannot be jeopardized in such a ruthless way."

Chen Yongmiao, Chinese constitutional scholar:
“I support the students occupying the Legislative Yuan.
I am also opposed to KMT’s passing the
Cross-Strait trading in an unconstitutional way.
It appears as if the Cross-Strait agreement poses no harm.
But in fact, all CCP’s policies are hidden with
means to control Taiwan, with political components.
What Hong Kong does not understand is that
through economic infiltration, the CCP has
gained its political control of Hong Kong."

However, the demands of the students received
no response from President Ma Ying-jeou.
President Ma requested the KMT legislators
to go all out to ensure the pass of the Cross-Strait
trading pack before the end of this parliament.

Liu Yiming, Wuhan’s China Magazine journalist:
“I think the students have overreacted.
But they mean well, because they worry
about getting assimilated by the mainland.
This possibility does exist. I do feel that Ma Ying-jeou,
as President of Taiwan, has disappointed many people.
His attitude towards the CCP is weak, unlike
what he used to be before he took the office.
He used to talk with some bottom
line, and he used to be tough."

This unprecedented occupying of congress in Taiwan’s
history has brought resonance throughout Taiwan.
More than ten thousand people from all over Taiwan
paid their solidarity to the activity on March 19.
This included people in academia, the legal services,
the medical profession and even the police service.
On the evening of March 19, more than 2,000 people
also gathered in Kaohsiung MRT station to sit-in protest.

Taiwan students’ occupying the Legislative Yuan
has also attracted international news reports.
This includes CNN, AP, AFP, Reuters, BBC,
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and Asahi Shimbun.
It is said that the students believe what has
happened has trampled on democracy in Taiwan.

Interview/Chen Han Edit/Chen Jie Post-Production/Sun Ning
