【禁闻】北京欲再设防空识别区 遭美警告

【新唐人2014年02月04日讯】近来,不时有报导说,大陆当局已经开始策划在南中国海的一部分地区,设立新的防空识别区。这引来相关各国的担忧。 1月31号,美国国务院对外声明,北京如果设立“南中国海防空识别区”,将被视为单方面挑衅行为,南海紧张局势将再度升级。下面请看报导。














采访/常春 编辑/李谦 后制/陈建铭

Washington Warns Beijing,Do Not Set Up Another
Air Defense Identification Area(ADIA) in South China Sea

Recently, according to some news reports, mainland authorities
have plotted to establish a new ADIA in
part of the South China Sea.

This causes some concerns for relevant countries.
On Jan. 31, U.S. Dept. of State issued a statement saying,
if Beijing sets up another “ADIA in the South China Sea",
this will be regarded as a unilateral provocation.
The already tense situation in South China Sea,
is escalating yet again. Let’s watch the program.

On Feb. 1, Japan-based Asahi Shimbun’s Chinese website,
reported Beijing Authorities are planning to set up
another ADIA in South China Sea.

The new ADIA will be centered around the Xisha Islands,
expand to most surrounding sea areas,
and almost cover the entire skies above the South China Sea.

According to the report, the new ADIA draft was produced
by Air Force Command College and
submitted to the top military level last May.

At present, ADIA draft has been delivered to
Air Force internally only.
Beijing Authorities are considering the scope of the new ADIA
and the right time to declare it.

Xia Ming, political professor from City College of New York says:
“China has published ADIA in East China Sea.
So apparently Chinese Government (CCP) must develop
an ADIA in the South China Sea too.
Because the two ADIAs have
no significant or substantial difference."

On Nov. 23 of last year, Beijing Authorities unexpectedly
declared setting up ADIA in East China Sea,
which covers the most disputable Diaoyu Island
between China and Japan.

Xia Ming: “Chinese authorities have triggered
a large diplomatic bounce effect between USA,
Japan & South Korea.
USA continues to dispatch planes to the ADIA
without much care to the so-called ADIA’s requirements.
So obviously, this matter is not that simple.
So China really should consider delaying the implementation
of any ADIA in the South China Sea."

On Jan. 31, the U.S. Department of State Spokesman Harf,
said in a routine press conference, that if Beijing
establishes a new ADIA in South China Sea,

America will regard this as a unilateral provocation act.

Harf warns, “This will escalate the tense situation
in South China Sea and it is questionable:
As to whether Beijing really engages in a diplomatic way
to handle the relevant sovereign dispute of South China Sea".

U.S. Department of Defense spokesperson Steve Warren says,
“America will of course not recognize such a unilateral ADIA."

Confronting the international pressure, on Feb. 1,
Mainland China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei says,
“This issue of ADIA over South China Sea", is a rumor
to confuse people,
hyped up by Japanese rightist faction forces."

Former Professor of New York State University Xie Xuanjun:
“So why did China ( CCP) openly deny it?
There are two possibilities: one is CCP hasn’t this purpose,
and another is CCP has the intention and plan,
but decided to cancel it after America sent out their warning."

On the internet of Mainland China, news that Beijing is going
to establish an ADIA in South China Sea,
is also hot news at present.
Sina and other Mainland gateway websites also reported this news.
Many netizens are keen to spread the concerned news,
it is a hot topic.

Xia Ming: “The Internet Opinion Leaders, have been
seriously oppressed during this past half a year.
China’s non-governmental opinions might develop an attitude:
if you want to show your strength,
you have to show your strength by confronting USA and Japan.
So to some extent,
they are on purpose adding fuel to this event."

According to Mainland media’s report,
on the first day of this Chinese lunar new year (Jan 31),

two Sukhoi Su-30 planes, urgently flew out to intercept
foreign military airplanes in East China Sea ADIA.
But it is stacked up by a lot of adjective and modified words,
without any specific information of any foreign planes.

It is also noted, that on the first day of last Chinese lunar year,
a similar article was published in a military newspaper,
which stated two foreign airplanes had entered East China Sea,
correspondingly two new model airplanes
from Mainland China urgently flew out.

However, these two articles have the same structure and wording style.
Especially in the last paragraph there is no change,
except replacing the words ,Year of the Snake,
with Year of the Horse.

Interview/ChangChun Edit/LiQian Post-Production/ChenJianming
