




骆家辉敦促中共当局采取措施,确保在华工作的外国记者,能够依照国际惯例履行他们的yabo88官网职责 。

“四大”中国分部 在美业务被禁











新疆再爆流血冲突 三人被击毙





Luo Jiahui Calls For Release of Xu Zhiyong and
Other Political Prisoners

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conducted intensive
trials on a number of cases of the “New Citizen Movement".
Following Xu Zhiyong’s silent protest about his illegal trial,
Zhao Changqing court dismissed lawyers there to protest
at the unfair trial.

On January 23, U.S. Ambassador to China Gary Locke
issued a statement.
The statement, said that Xu Zhiyong’s trial and prosecution
of people calling for good governance is punishment, for
publicly launching the campaign of exposing official
corruption and peacefully expressed their views.
He called for the CCP to immediately release
Xu Zhiyong and other political prisoners.

The statement also expressed concern about a foreign
reporter who interviewed Xu Zhiyong and got abuse.

Locke urged the CCP to take measures to ensure that foreign
reporters can perform their work in China according to the
international practice.

“Big Four" Chinese Audit Branches Banned From Auditing
Chinese Companies in The US

On January 22 the US Security and Exchange Commission
(SEC) judge decided to suspend auditing services for U.S.
listed companies with headquarters in China who are audited
by the Chinese units of the “Big Four" accounting firms.

The four accounting firms are Deloitte & Touche, Ernst
and Young, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers

The U.S. judge pointed out together they
had “willfully violated" US laws.

The four companies said in a joint statement
that they will appeal the decision.

According to the report, the reason for the controversy is
the SEC suspected that nine US-listed Chinese companies
had committed fraud and required the “big four" accounting
firms to provide audit information.
But the “big four" rejected in violation of Chinese law.

If the final ruling takes effect, dozens of Chinese companies
may have problems providing audit reports and continuing
to get finance on the U.S. stock market.

Hundreds of thousand villagers fight with police in Guangxi

Guangxi Yulin City Yuzhou district government had resistance
from local villagers on land expropriated at a low price.
On January 22, the Yu Zhou district government sent
hundreds of police to fill in unharvested fields with
bulldozers without agreement with the villagers.

Thousands of villagers armed with long knives, farm tools
and spears fought with the police.
Dozens of people were injured.

According to “Chinese Jasmine Revolution" website report
the police were surrounded by villagers in a face – off.
Angry villagers blocked the road and immobilized traffic.
Car tailbacks over hundreds of kilometers occurred.

At 5pm, the authorities sent another large number of armed
police using tear gas to repel the villagers.
They arrested dozens of people.

Bloody Clashes in Xinjiang Claim Three Lives

Radio Free Asia reported clashes took place on January 15
in Aksu City of Xinjiang.
At least three died and two were injured.

The report said local police said the clashes took place as
three Uyghurs demanded to see the chief of a township
police station, but met resistance from the guards.

Three Uyghurs hit the guards with sickles, and the police in
the station fired guns at them.
Three of them died at the scene.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
