
















据《中国茉莉花革命》网站报导,参加抗议的人群高举写有“捍卫家园 抗拒污染”、“保卫绿色生态环境”等字样的横幅,游行到镇政府,要求取消建造垃圾焚烧厂项目。



Gao Yu: Zhou Yongkang Officially Detained and Interrogated

Beijing senior journalist, Gao Yu, broke the news on Twitter
on the afternoon of December 29 that former Political Bureau
Standing Committee, Zhou Yongkang, has been detained
and interrogated.

This was announced by the commission for Discipline
Inspection on the 24th.

Gao Yu told NTD that she announced through Twitter because
she believed the source was reliable.

Gao Yu believed that Central struggle has surfaced, and
Zhou Yongkang is the focus of this struggle.

War Between The Investigative Reporter and
The Propaganda Department

Investigative reporter Pang Jiaoming of Caixin media
announced his resignation.

He revealed that he had changed his name a few times to
avoid the investigation and even intent to “kill" his career
by the Central Propaganda Department.

Pang Jiaoming revealed these details in a forum on “In Depth
Report" sponsored by Netease this Saturday.

Radio Free Asia reported that he is currently passive after
his fight with the Propaganda Department was disclosed.

Pang Jiaoming admited that he worked for China Economic
Times for two years, Nanfang Daily for three years, and
Caixin for another three years, and each time he had left
for reasons of political pressure.

Petitioners Distribute Leaflets, Shouting Slogans at
Tiananmen Square

For two days on December 26 and 27, petitioners gathered at
Tiananmen Square to distribute leaflets and shout slogans.

The Epoch Times reported that participating petitioners said
that many went to Tiananmen Square on the 26th to proclaim
their innocence.

There were hundreds of Shanghai petitioners in the police
station and many petitioners from other areas.

Tiananmen Branch and Jiujingzhuang black jail were full.
Many petitioners were let go because of overcrowding.

Shanghai petitioner Wang Xiaoping described how Tiananmen
Square was out of control with groups of petitioners scattering
leaflets here and there. The flyers were like snowflakes fluttering.

There were petitioners chanted slogans such as
“Down with corruption".

The police dispersed the groups but couldn’t control the scene.

On the 27th, 15 Shanghai petitioners went to Tiananmen
Square again to spread about 500 flyers.

Thousands of Shantou Schoolchildren on Strike

On December 28, thousands of school children in Shantou
City, Guangdong Province, went on strike to protest against
the local government land acquisition and construction of
waste incineration plants.

Chinese Jasmine Revolution reported participants demanded
to cancel the construction of waste incineration projects with
banners stating, “Defend the homeland, resist pollution" and
“Defend the Green Environment".

It is understood that the local government contracted with
private contractors without villagers’ consent to build waste
incineration plant less than 500 meters away from the village.

Between 24th and 26th, the villagers stopped construction,
smashed two cars from the construction side and
detained two excavators.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
