【禁闻】证据之前 “610”头目李东生难逃

【新唐人2013年12月23日讯】被中纪委调查的“610办公室”主任李东生,毕业于“复旦大学”yabo88官网系,长期在《央视》和中共中央宣传部工作,曾任中宣部副部长。出身宣传系统的他,2009年却意外进入公安部工作,担任公安部副部长。在此之前“追查迫害法轮功国际组织”在调查录音中已发现,中共政法委及 “610办公室”,直接参与活摘法轮功学员器官。而李东生紧随前中共党魁江泽民,也参与了迫害。














采访编辑/常春 后制/李智远

Li Dongsheng, Director of 610 Office, cannot escape
from the evidence of his crimes against humanity

It was recently reported that Li Dongsheng, director
of the 610 Office, has been placed under investigation.
The 610 Office is under the Central Leading Group
on Dealing with the Falun Gong (CLGDF).
Li graduated from the Journalism Department
at Fudan University.
With a background in the propaganda system,
he became the deputy director of CCTV
and the deputy minister of Propaganda.

In 2009, he suddenly became deputy minister
of Public Security.
According to the investigative reports by the World
Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
(WOIPFG), both the Communist Party (CCP) Politics and
Law Committee and the 610 Office have been directly involved
in live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.

In the persecution movement, Li Dongsheng in particular,
has closely followedformer CCP leader Jiang Zemin.

For the purpose of persecution, Jiang Zemin bypassed
the legal system to establish the CLGDF.
It is a spy agency similar to the Gestapo
run by the Nazi regime.
On June 10, 1999, the 610 Office formally opened
to execute the CLGDF’s persecution campaign.

Li Lanqing, Politburo Standing Committee member,
was the first head of CLGDF.
Wang Maolin, former Hunan Provincial Party secretary,
was the first director of the 610 Office.
Liu Jing and Li Dongsheng were the two deputy directors
of the 610 Office.
Liu Jing, then deputy minister of Public Security,
oversees the political and legal system in persecution,
and Li Dongsheng, then deputy director of CCTV,
was in charge of the anti-Falun Gong propaganda.

As the deputy director of CCTV, Li Dongsheng was in charge
of the TV program “Focus,” an anti-Falun Gong production.
Li Dongsheng was one of the organizers of the 2001
staged self-immolation at Tiananmen Square.

Hen He, commentator: “Why was he appointed
the deputy director of the 610 Office?
The 610 Office was set up with a director and two deputy
directors who oversee politics and propaganda, respectively.
Liu Jing was in charge of politics,
and Li Dongsheng propaganda.
Li Dongsheng has engaged in the production
of massive amounts of anti-Falun Gong propaganda,
particularly with the program‘Focus’
and even the production of the staged fire in 2001.”

Based on incomplete statistics, during the six and a half year
period from July 21, 1999 to late 2005, “Focus” produced
102 episodes of anti-Falun Gong programming.

Moreover, during just the 5 month period from July
to Dec. 1999, 70 anti-Falun Gong episodes were produced.

With his leading role at the 610 Office,
Li Dongsheng implemented activities to brainwash
Falun Gong practitioners and forced a large number
of detained Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their beliefs.

In 2001, the staged Tiananmen self-immolation took place.

In 2002, Li Dongsheng was promoted to deputy minister
of propaganda.
In 2009, Zhou Yongkang, the then secretary of the Politics
and Law Committee, appointed Li to replace Liu Jing
as the deputy minister of Public Security and promoted Li
to director of the Beijing 610 Office.
Li Dongsheng is a hardcore crony of Zhou Yongkang.

Previously, in a WOIPFG investigative recording, 610 Office
director in the city of Tianjin, Ji county, admitted that
Gu Kailai, Bo Xilai’s wife, was involved in illegally selling
plasticized human specimens.
The director also hinted that Falun Gong practitioners’
corpses aren’t the only specimens used.
Director, Tianjin, Ji County 610 Office: “You said Gu Kailai
is the one who sells the organs of Falun Gong practitioners?”
Investigator, WOIPFG: “Yes, she staged two corpse factories
in Dalian, and charged one million dollars
for one intact corpse and 800,000 dollars
for a corpse with organs removed.”
Director, Tianjin, Ji County 610 Office:
“She does not sell just the Falun Gong’s.
Investigator, WOIPFG:
“You know they are not all from Falun Gong?”
Director, Tianjin, Ji County 610 Office: “Ah, ah (yes, yes).”

During the 2008 Central Politics and Law Commission
meeting held in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
from Sept. 16 —26, the WOIPFG investigator,
disguised as a national security official,
conducted a conversation with a Beijing official surnamed Li.

Investigator, WOIPFG: “We would like to know who
at the Central Political and Law Commission would know
about this state secret.”

Beijing official, Li: “In what regard?”

Investigator, WOIPFG: “The live organ harvesting from
the detained Falun Gong practitioners for transplantation.
What level at the Central would know about this secret?”

Beijing official, Li:
“It should be the division level and above.”

Central Politics and Law Commission Instructional Director,
Wei Jianrong: “To narrow it down, you’ll have to come
to the department to find out who was involved originally.
No one can say clearly now.”
Investigator, WOIPFG: “So this live organ harvesting from
the Falun Gong practitioners has gone on for a long time?”
Wei Jianrong: “Right, right, right, for a long time.”

Li Dongsheng’s dismissal is not accidental.

According to the facts and evidence, it was analyzed that
Li Dongsheng has been involved in organ harvesting
from living Falun Gong practitioners.

He will receive historical judgment for his crimes
against humanity and genocide.

Interview & Edit/Changchun Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
