【禁闻】陈永洲认罪 《新快报》道歉 遭质疑













采访/易如 编辑/张天宇 后制/李智远

Chen Yongzhou’s TV Confession and New Express Daily’s Apology Faked?

Over the weekend, an astonishing turn was seen in the widely watched case of Chen Yongzhou, a reporter for Guangzhou-based New Express Daily newspaper who was arrested by Hunan police.

The Communist Party’s mouthpiece CCTV had broadcast Chen’s “confession to his crimes”
Shortly after, New Express Daily also issued an apology for Chen’s “false”reports despite all its previous strong calls for Chen’s release.

It is widely suspected that police forced Chen to make a confession under duress.

Many also criticized CCTV’s declaring Chen guilty before trial, interfering with judicial justice via propaganda.

Early on Oct. 27th, the Guangzhou-based New Express Daily newspaper issued an “apology” for the Chen Yongzhou case.

It said, “Chen accepted bribes and was used to publish many ‘false’ reports, seriously violating professional journalistic ethics and regulations”, “Our paper not strict enough about thoroughly
fact-checking drafts of the reports”.

Such a sudden change in attitude of the newspaper makes the public question how real the “apology” is.

Li Yuanlong, former reporter for Bijie Daily: “It’s not like a reporter can publish whatever he wants to. Before any news report can be published, it has to be approved by an editor, the chief editor or even an editorial board. Now they have changed their attitude like this. This does not seem natural, and doesn’t comply with the process of news production either. The change is just too abrupt.”

According to mainland Chinese media, on the day before the New Express Daily’s apology, Chen appeared on CCTV and completely “confessed” to his crimes.

On the CCTV program, Chen said that he had accepted bribes and was used by others to publish a series of “false” reports about Zoomlion (a Hunan listed company) without fact-checking.

However, some netizens with a keen eye noticed a scar on Chen’s neck from the CCTV’s footage.

Most non-Chinese media remark that, according to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) “tradition”, Chen’s “confession” and New Express Daily’s “apology”
were probably both made under political pressure,
or even duress and torture.

Hua Po, Beijing political observer: “Is there any other choice for them under such a situation? Chen was imprisoned in a detention center. Who knows what happened to him? He was totally vulnerable in such a closed environment. So it’s very questionable whether his confession was real or coerced. Of course New Express Daily apologized. Under the huge pressure of the whole regime,all they could do was to surrender.”

Former Bijie Daily reporter Li Yuanlong was the one who reported the deaths of five homeless boys who suffocated in a dumpster in Bijie City, Guizhou Province.

Li says that the CCP has always used pressure to force false words out of the media and journalists.

Li Yuanlong: “It may be due to either overwhelming pressure or someone was bought off, or something.They (the CCP) frequently uses such tricks to handle issues such as this. For example, after I reported the deaths of five boys, the provincial propaganda departments of Guangdong and Guizhou had communicated a lot. They deleted or blocked my online posts and also made notifications to journalists in places I visited.”

Moreover, some scholars and legal professionals say the CCTV’s declaring Chen’s so-called crimes before he’d had any trial or conviction has violated the principle of rule of law.

Changsha City police were accused of multiple misconducts of violating the law and abusing power throughout the incident.

Zhu Jianguo, former news director at Hong Kong-based Ta Kung Pao: “In judicial procedures, there has never been any case that was directly broadcast by CCTV before a formal trial took place. This is interference with judicial process in advance by media, which is illegal. From the CCTV footage of Chen, we see his head has been shaved. This is usually done only after court conviction. As of now Chen is still under detention for interrogation,which is also illegal according to current laws.”

On the internet, an outcry from Chinese netizens also question Chen’s confession, asking questions such as: “Hunan police used a Zoomlion vehicle to arrest Chen in Guangdong,
so what is the relation between them?”

“If Chen was ordered by someone to do the reports, why would he take the risk of reporting in his real name?”

“Who bribed Chen to make those reports and where is there evidence to prove this?”

Former news director Zhu Jianguo says the CCP authorities handled Chen’s case in such a high-profile manner that it may be a big sign of a coming suppression and crackdown on the Southern Newspaper Media Group. Zhu says the CCP will target more news units to attack, especially those which are “unwilling to follow CCP orders”.
