

















就在9月27号,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)发生一起校园凶杀案:29岁的中国留学生次永飞(Yongfei Ci),涉嫌将两名女生囚禁在校外公寓,并将其中一名女生杀死。

采访/刘惠 编辑/李谦 后制/李智远

Peking University Professor: China’s Education System Negates Nobel Prizes

In the past few years, China’s education
system has been a controversial issue.
It has regularly drawn public attention.

Regarding the 2013 Nobel Prize, some people have
commented that in ten years time, it could be a normal
phenomenon that Chinese people win the prize.

However, Zheng Yefu, a Professor at
Peking University, suggested otherwise.
Although anyone who has studied in primary and
middle school in China, can enter Harvard, he
won’t have the ability to win the Nobel Prize.

No Chinese person won a 2013 Nobel Prize, which
triggered heated discussion in Chinese academic circles.

Huang Wei, President of Nanjing University of Technology,
spoke at an opening ceremony in September.

Huang said that after ten years, it would
become a normal phenomenon for Mainland
Chinese people to win the Nobel Prize.

Professor Zheng Yefu expressed an alternative view,
speaking at an educational forum in Guangzhou Province.

Zheng said that of all the Chinese Nobel Prize
winners, none of them were educated in
primary and secondary schools in China.

Zheng stressed that if Chinese people had accepted
12 years of education in China, even though he could
enter world famous schools like Harvard or Yale,
he is unlikely to be able to win the Nobel Prize.
Twelve years of education in China
has killed creativity and imagination.
They were only turned into an exam machine.

Li Yuanhua, former Deputy Professor of
Capital Normal University commented.
China’s educational system is irrational and unequal.

It causes intensified school competitive pressure.

Especially in recent years, the regime blindly pursues
market-oriented and industrialization education.

Li Yuanhua:"Under the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) environment, education is
distorted and is against basic human nature.

People regard examinations as a war to compete in.
To pursue the knowledge and truth of life are missing."

Sources said that there were many problems
occurring in China’s educational sector.
This included unequal opportunities for education, and
imbalance of education between rural areas and cities.
Teaching quality is also poor.

Due to insufficient education funds,
schools have to run some businesses.
Students attrition rate and illiterate
rate has seriously increased.

From 1901 to 2012, there were 298 Nobel Prize winners
in the US, 84 in the UK, 66 in Germany and 33 in France.
There were 8 Chinese people who
have won natural science awards.
Cui Qi won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1998,
and had studied in a primary school in Beijing.
Later however, he had studied in Hong Kong and the US.

Zhao Faguang, US-based Chinese poet and writer:
“For Chinese children, if they can get rid of inherent
education, they can become outstanding quickly.

When they accept open-style education,
with their intelligence and hard work, they
certainly will have great achievements."

Nobel Prize winner Qian Yongjian has said that
he was not a Chinese scientist, but a US one.
Qian emphasizes that a successful scientist must
grow up in an open society, and a free environment.

Chinese students committed suicide and homicide
occurred frequently due to the pressure of studies.

On Sept. 14, a student with family name Lei,
in Linchuan No.2 High School in Fuzhou City,
Jiangxi, cut the class teacher’s neck in the office.

This was because of dissatisfaction
with the teacher’s management.

On June 22, a student named Yang Yuan in Chongzhou,
Sichuan, cut her wrist with a fruit knife because of being
6 marks behind the college entrance examination.

In May, two students in Nanjing committed suicide
after “failing to complete homework assignments."

In recent years, more people have deeply felt the
education system has displayed serious problems.
Many students choose to study abroad.

Although studying overseas, it is still difficult for
them to get rid of the CCP educational shadow.

Li Yuanhua: “Many of them traveled
abroad, but they still visit Chinese websites.
They are still absorbed in CCP propaganda,
and their minds remain unchanged.
Under such circumstances, they couldn’t merge
into the society, so it is hard to win Nobel Prizes."

On Sept. 27, a murder took place at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
A 29-year-old Chinese student named Ci Yongfei, allegedly
locked two female students in an apartment outside school.
Ci was accused of killing one of them.
