


国际赫尔辛基人权联合会主席阿龙•罗德兹(Aaron Rhodes)日前在《南德意志报》发表了一篇题为《害怕一个理念》的署名文章,批评中共政府“抵制世界各地争取人权获得尊重的努力”。

















Aaron Rhodes: Chinese Regime Frightened
By Human Rights Ideas

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) again applied for a seat
on the UN’s Human Rights Council.
Western observers questioned the CCP’s intentions. They said
the CCP was frightened by ideas like human rights.

Recently, Aaron Rhodes, Executive Director of International
Helsinki Federation for Human Rights published an article in
Suddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

He criticized the Chinese regime for resisting worldly efforts
of maintaining the value of human rights.

The article said that the CCP is using increasingly strong
economic forces to protect countries who abuse human rights.
This is to weaken the international human rights
protection system.

Rhodes analyzes that the CCP leaders didn’t acknowledge
the universal human rights.
For the CCP, human rights are given by the society, so
they can be removed causally.
Or according to society and history’s needs, they
refuse to recognize human rights.

On the human rights issue, Chinese citizens are almost
powerless to stop the regime doing what it wants.
The regime cracked down on Xinjiang’s Uighur protests,
and is systematically persecuting Christian groups.

The article condemned the Chinese regime’s persecution of
Falun Gong.
It said: “The Chinese regime is clearly frightened by ideas
like human rights and democracy.
The CCP leaders recognize the power of ideas to defeat
stagnant ideologies backed by an oppressive bureaucracy."

15 Petitioners Detained By Beijing Foreign Office

On Oct. 3, fifteen petitioners protested in front of
Beijing Foreign Office. Later they were all arrested.
They requested to participate in the writing of China’s
human rights report for the UN Human Rights Council.
They had protested there for several months.

Human Rights Campaign (HRC) in China website reported
that in the morning, Beijing officials sent masses of police to
disperse petitioners.

Police detained 15 of them to Chaoyang Police Station,
including Chen Fengdong and Gao Yuqing.
Petitioners were forcibly given blood tests and got a record.

According to detained petitioners, police asked questions
all linked to activist Cao Shunli.

These detained petitioners are now held
in Beijing Jiujingzhuang black jail.

Petitioners Detained During Protest On Tiananmen Square

During the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) National Day,
petitioners from different cities went to Tiananmen and
Zhongnanhai where they protested every day.

They released materials into the air and someone jumped off
Jinshui Bridge.
Some of them set off fireworks to protest against
their inhumane treatment.
Beijing police beat them up and arrested them publically.

On Oct. 3, Shandong petitioner Li Yu carried her four-month
son, and together with petitioner Dong Jintian set off fireworks
and released materials in front of Tiananmen.

The police arrived quicky. They pushed Li Yu
onto the ground and handcuffed her.
Li Yu and her baby were taken to Tiananmen Police Station.

According to HRC website, Li Yu’s husband is negotiating
with police for the release of his wife and baby.

Meanwhile, petitioners Lin Xiuli from Qingdao, Shandong,
Wang Suer from Liaoning and two other petitioners went to
Tiananmen, where they released materials by Jinshui Bridge.

Police detained the four of them at Tiananmen Police Station.

HRC said that they were under criminal arrest now and are
being held in Beijing Detention Center.
