
















采访/常春 编辑/宋风 后制/李智远

Chinese Regime Conceals Bo’s Worst Crime

On September 22 at 10:05am, the court of Jinan, Shangdong,
announced the case against Bo Xilai for accepting bribes, embezzlement, and abuse of power.
Bo Xilai was sentenced to life imprisonment
and deprivation of political rights for life.
Live video showed Bo listening to the verdict
with a smile.
However, insiders pointed out that the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) has concealed Bo’s biggest crime against humanity.

Many righteous people felt indignant over Bo’s case from
the CCP’s six accusations of Bo from the beginning,
which were reduced to three at the end, as well as the farce
of Bo’s defiance in court.
Someone who works in a specific sector in Dalian told
the Epoch Times that, “Without watching Bo’s public trial,
seeing the huge lies in court, I could not
have such mixed feelings.
I have to write something as my repentance and contribution
to human society, as well as to the Chinese people.”

This insider was assigned to Dalian after graduating
from the Party School in 1985.
He worked in a special unit and reported to Bo Xilai.

Near the end of 2000, he reported to Bo a few times
and learned many things about Bo.
He pointed out that Bo’s worst crime was his crime
against humanity.

In an open letter to Xi Jinping, the International
Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong pointed out
that Bo was suspected of committing many crimes
against humanity, such as organ harvesting from living
Falun Gong practitioners, participating in Wang Lijun’s
psychological research center at the Jinhzou City Public
Security Bureau site, using Falun Gong practitioners
in human experiments, and plasticization of Falun Gong
practitioners’ bodies.”

Wang Zhiyuan, organizer of the International Organization
to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong: “We have
the responsibility to provide evidence to Chinese people,
and help them to try Bo Xilai, so we wrote a letter
to Xi Jinping and told him about Bo’s real crimes.”

In addition, 19 survey recordings were also cited as evidence,
including admission of Li Changchun, a Politburo Standing
Committee member, saying that both Bo Xilai
and Zhou Yongkang participated in organ harvesting,
and directors of many organ transplant centers promised
organs from Falun Gong practitioners.

Compared with Bo’s crimes against humanity,
the CCP’s accusations of him such as bribery,
abuse of power, and political coup, corruption
and womanizing were not worth mentioning.

Bo was accused of corruption of only five million yuan
from the treasury, which was quite a small amount,
but no one knows just how much money was in the treasury
during those years.

According to an insider, several hundred people from
the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Procuratorates
bribed Bo and his wife, Gu Kailai.

So far, it has been verified that more than 200 people bribed
Bo with one million yuan and the total amount was at least
1.1 billion, which does not include ill-gotten gains from
his wife’s law office.

Every year Gu Kailai’s law office handled billions of funds.

However, she never paid a dime of income tax and no one
would dare to investigate her.

The insider also pointed out that businessman Mr. Sun
from Mainland, who bribed Bo with 150 million yuan,
kept 50 million in cash in his safe as Bo’s emergency fund.

The insider also provided a list of more than 30 officials
who had bribed Bo with large sums of money.”

This insider and his whole family moved
to a democratic country and also quit the CCP in 2010.

Xu Chongyang, Wuhan businessman, was sentenced
to 19 months in jail for criticizing Bo Xilai.

He was forced by Zhou’s faction to admit that he planned
to bribe the director of the United Front Work Department
and was an organizer of Falun Gong and an American spy.

Xu Chongyang: “I say Hu Jintao and the CCP provides
you with bread and butter, but you curse them.

Bo said, ‘ am doing just that, and what are you going
to do about it?
I am against Hu, and you can go ahead and report me.’”

Xu Chongyang said that Bo’s sentence is only the political
struggle of the CCP.
It is impossible to let Chinese people know
the whole process.
And, it is not good for Xi Jinping to keep Bo Xilai around.
