【禁聞】金正恩向美中叫板 拉近美中關係?


















採訪/田淨 編輯/宋風 後製/鍾元

Are the Sino-US Getting Closer Due To North Korea’s Threats?

Recently, the US Secretary of State,

John Kerry visited China.

North Korea’s missile crisis was his main

topic for the leaders.

Overseas media believe that the gap between China and

North Korea is getting deeper.

Kim Jong-un’s threats seem to be making Sino-US develop a

mutual understanding on the Korean Peninsula issue.

Will this make a Sino-US relationship get closer?

Let’s take a look at what the experts say.

John Kerry visited China from April 13-14. Xi Jinping,

Li Keqiang and Yang Jiechi met with Kerry.

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi also

had a meeting with Kerry.

Li Keqiang said in his meeting with Kerry that to safeguard

the regional peace and stability, the parties involved should take their responsibilities and bear the consequences.

Troublemaking on the Korean Peninsula and local region

would harm the interests of all the parties involved.

This would be like lifting a rock to

drop on one’s own feet.

In a press conference before Kerry departure last week,

he admitted that the North Korean issue is the top topic for his trip to China.

Kerry said that Sino-US is committed to peacefully

resolve this issue.

On April 13th, the New York Times reported that

China and North Korea are debating openly.

The article said that, in November 2012, a member of Politburo

Li Jianguo led a small delegation to visit N. Korea.

He carried a letter from the new leader Xi Jinping.

This is said to have contained a simple message: Do not

launch a ballistic missile.

However, 12 days later, Kim Jong-un did just that.

China’s state media use strong words to

criticize North Korea.

Global Times, under the state-run media umbrella of

People’s Daily, published a stern editorial piece just before Kerry’s visit.

The article claimed: “When Pyongyang’s acts seriously

violate China’s interests, we will by no means indulge it.”

The People’s Daily online edition urged North Korea not to

“misjudge the situation”.

He Anquan, founder of Nuclear Safety Information Exchange

Centre said:

“The Chinese regime is unsatisfied with the

actions of North Korea.

The key is North Korea doesn’t give the

Chinese regime a face.

However, the two countries can’t fall out completely.

Recently, media in Mainland China

really said a lot of serious words.

No matter how serious, China can’t practically play a role

to let North Korea give up nuclear weapons.”

On April 15th, Germany’s Der Tagesspiegel and

Frankurter Allgemeine newspaper reported that

Kim Jong-un’s threat pushed China and the US

to show their rare mutual understanding.

He Anquan, China Affairs researcher believes that Sino-US

both feels North Korea has given them a headache:

“The US’s headache is North Korea challenges “international

police”, which poses a threat to regional security;

China’s headache is North Korea doesn’t listen to them.

China and the US find a common problem on how to

deal with North Korea.”

He Anquan: “Although North Korea didn’t listen to China,

for China, the biggest problem is the US but not North Korea.

China exchanged its opinions with the US on nuclear

weapons issues to reduce troubles that North Korea brought in.”

He Anquan pointed out that if China completely alienates

North Korea, it will deepen the hazards that North Korea created in Asia.

North Korea will be further out of control, even to as far as

fighting back at China.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has indulged them,

now it is like riding on a tiger but hard to get off.

Lan Shu, Current Affairs Commentator believes that

without Beijing’s support, Kim Jong-un will collapse.

Kim Jong-un may reach beyond China’s endurance

limit, but he won’t go too far.

Lan Shu: “Beijing and Washington’s conflicts are mainly

democracy and the totalitarian’s conflict which is irresolvable.

Their conflicts manifested in many aspects,

Beijing supports Pyongyang being one of the conflicts.”

Frankurter Allgemeine newspaper said that “there is a series

of conflict areas between China and the US.

As well as disputes in diplomatic, strategic politics, currency

and trading, it also has issues of human rights and recent cyber war.”
