【禁闻】上海 黄浦江 嘉兴 生与死的故事


据《大纪元》yabo88官网网报导, 1921年7月23号至31号,中共“一大”会议在上海举行,但最后一天,会议转移到浙江嘉兴南湖的游船上。在此,大会通过了中国共产党的第一个纲领。








张杰连:“比如说抬头看,这天就是雾濛濛的 是吧。然后呢 吃的米啊 土壤啊,都是重金属污染的。都是说米很多都是有毒的。然后现在这个水呢 就包括黄浦江的水,猪只在里面漂浮,肯定大家都觉得不安全。所以是立体的,从空气到土壤到水,全面被污染了。可以看到,当全民失去信心的时候,实际上中共的基础就已经是摇摇欲坠了。”





采访编辑/秦雪 后制/陈建铭

Stories of Shanghai, Huangpu River and Jiaxing City

Recently in Mainland China, there were two big shows
on stage simultaneously, one in the north and one in the south.
They are stories of high level power transfer at Beijing and
thousands of dead pigs floating in Shanghai’s Huangpu River.
90 years ago, the Chinese Community Party (CCP) moved its
first Congress from Shanghai to Jiaxing City of Zejiang Province.
Interestingly enough, now the dead pigs appear like martyrs,
floating down to Shanghai.
One cannot help and ask why there are all these
Let’s take a look at stories of life and death in Shanghai,
the Huangpu River, and Jiaxing City.

According to the Epoch Times’ Network, from July 23-31,
1921, the CCP held its first Congress in Shanghai,
but the last day of the meeting was moved to a cruise ship
in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province.
In that meeting, the first Programme of the CCP
was established.

It is learned that from the Huangpu River to the lake
of Jiaxing, told a story of CCP’s birth.
Yet, thousands of dead pigs floating from Jiaxing
back to Shanghai tells a story of CCP’s death.

The author of this article is Li Zhengyan of Mainland China.

He said that today, 90 years later, dead pigs are floating
down the Huangpu River as glorious martyrs.
They stank the whole way and not even one pig was alive.

There are more places besides Jiaxing raising pigs
at the upper reaches of the Huangpu River.
Why does only Jiaxing City have dead pigs?
Why did they die in this year but not in previous years?
Why are they floating to the Huangpu River and
further to Shaighai?

Li Zhengyan said if this is not a coincidence, why did
dead pigs appear at Jiaxing, the birthplace of the CCP?
Does God want to remind people of something,
or is it supposed to be a warning for mankind?
In the early 90’s, there were no obvious signs to indicate
the collapse of the Soviet Union and other the countries in Eastern Europe.
Yet, those communist regimes collapsed overnight,
just like that.
Who dare say that today, 20 years later, the CCP
will not follow the Soviet Union and repeat history?

Zhang Jielian, a political commentator, believes that plants
and animals know first when natural disasters approach.

Zhang Jielian: “Small animals react first,
then bigger animals, and then human beings.
Animals are low class and their defense ability
is not that good.
In the past, there were dead chickens, and now dead pigs,
all of them dying of unexplainable causes and in large quantity.
Actually, pigs are very similar to human beings.

Thousands of pigs died during the two sessions and
floated down to Shanghai.
There are messages or heavenly secrets in this incident.”

Zhang Jielian said that many people have experienced
these bizarre occurrences.

Zhang Jielian: “For example, when people look up,
they see smog.
Rice and the earth are contaminated with heavy metals.

Rice is poisonous, and dead pigs floating in the river
causes people to feel unsafe.
From the air, dirt to water, they are all polluted.

So, you can see that people have lost their confidence
in this regime. The CCP’s foundation is about to collapse.”

Zhang’s article also said that people can learn from history,
which shows God forewarns us before disasters.
The key is whether we can recognize and accept these signs.
For example, there is a huge boulder in Guizhou Province.

In June, 2002, “Death of the Chinese Communist Party”
was discovered clearly written on that boulder.

Why did those six characters appear on the rock?
And why in Guizhou? Gui means precious in Chinese.
Isn’t that a way to remind the Chinese people
how precious that message is?

Zhang Jielian believes that nowadays,
there are many natural disasters in China.
Strange visions or signs appear again and again.
In fact, those disasters can be foreseen.
The Chinese people should find a way to save themselves.

The best way is quitting the CCP and
all its affiliated organizations.
Totally sever yourself from the CCP,
spiritually and all other aspects.
Thus, when heavens want to punish CCP,
you will not be involved.
