【禁闻】习近平称党容得下尖锐批评 望建言









山东大学退休教授孙文广:“ 意见大家平常大家提了很多了,其中一个就是开放报禁,不要干扰互联网,不要封人家的博客,让民众畅所欲言发表自己的观点。”






“权利运动”负责人 胡军:“ 微博产生以后,资讯传递速度非常快,而且每个人都是一个话语平台。这时候中共他想继续保持他以前那种控制媒体,已经做不到了,它已经力所不能及了,这个体制随时崩塌。他看到这种局势,他只能说这种话。”


采访/田净 编辑/宋风 后制/钟元

Xi Jinping asked for advice, saying the Party can tolerate sharp criticisms

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary general
Xi Jinping recently said the party can tolerate sharp criticisms.
He asked non-party people to give more advice and required
party committees at all levels to actively accept supervision
by people of democratic parties and without party affiliation.
However, scholars remark that outsiders have made more
than enough suggestions to the CCP.
Chinese people would have been satisfied if the CCP could
really abide by its own constitution.

On Feb 6th the CCP’s secretary general Xi Jinping attended
a Chinese New Year party with non-party people.
In his speech, Xi said the CCP should tolerate sharp criticisms.

By following the principle of “correcting existing mistakes
and guarding against potential ones”.
At the same time, he hoped outsiders were courageous in
advising the CCP and “saying all they know without reserve”.

Xi Jinping expected people from democratic parties and
without party affiliations to make more wise suggestions.
This would provide more pragmatic approaches.

In addition, He said “the CCP committees at all levels should
actively welcome and accept supervision by democratic
parties and non-party people, earnestly improve working
styles and continuously raise working quality.”

Xi’s speech was subsequently reported by most Chinese
newspapers and news websites.

On the other hand, although the party’s mouthpiece media
are hyping up Xi’s speech, many Chinese civilians remain skeptical about what he said.
Some netizen asked, “Will the CCP stop blocking articles
and websites that reveal the corruption of party officials?”
“Will the CCP stop deleting microblog messages?”

Retired professor of Shandong University Sun Wenguang
told NTD that the CCP had asked for advice in the 1950’s.
However many people were labeled as “rightists”
and suppressed because of making suggestions.
Sun questioned whether the same scenario
will happen this time.

In 1956, the CCP’s supreme leader of the time Mao Zedong
encouraged intellectuals to advise the CCP.
Only one year later, the party started “Anti-Rightist Movement”.

According to official statistics, 552,877 people were labeled
as “rightists” in the campaigns.
Many of them were persecuted to death.

Sun Wenguang was also one of the victims as he was
imprisoned several times during the movement.

Oversea Chinese website dwnews.com published an article
doubting Chinese still have the courage to speak the truth.
The article reviewed the history of Anti-Rightist Movement,
Cultural Revolution and June Fourth Incident.
It concluded that each time there were many killed
because they told the truth.
Therefore, how can the CCP make Chinese believe that
they won’t be punished this time?

Sun Wenguang, retired professor of Shandong University:
”We have made more than enough suggestions these days.
One of them is to lift the ban on the press, not to interfere
with speeches on the Internet, not to block any microblogs and to allow civilians speak their minds freely.”

Sun remarked that, Xi Jinping as the new CCP leader should
lift bans on political party activities and on the press.
To protect the citizens’ freedom as required by its constitution.
The Chinese people will be satisfied if that can be achieved.

The famous Chinese dissident Hu Jia had been imprisoned
for three years for “inciting subversion of state authority”.
He told media that Xi Jinping doesn’t really need to
ask for advice.
As long as he releases political prisoners arrested for their
speeches, he will prove he is different from past CCP leaders.
Otherwise, all he said can only be empty talk.

Sun Wenguang: ”Many are still in prison, including political
dissidents, religious believers and human rights activists.
A famous example is Liu Xiaobo who was sentenced
to 11-years imprisonment.
Gao Zhisheng is also imprisoned and cannot meet his family.
Liu, Gao, among others should be released as soon as possible.”

At the same time, there are other voices analyzing
the real purpose behind Xi’s talk.

Hu Jun, founder of Human Rights Campaign, said opposition
between the government and the people is enlarging in China.
As the civilians’ resistance becomes stronger, China might
explode like an over-pressured pot at any time if the CCP continues its repressive rule.
So, Xi’s talk is more likely to be a strategic measure of
temporary pressure reduction.

Hu Jun, founder of Human Rights Campaign: ”As microblog
appears, news and information are transmitted very quickly.
In addition, everyone becomes a platform for speech.

Currently the CCP is no longer able to control the media and
peoples’ free expression as it did before.
It is beyond it’s capability to sustain the same level
of speech restriction.
In such a dangerous situation that the regime can fall apart
at any time, Xi Jinping has no choice but to say something.”

Some articles also remarked that, Zhao Keluo’s committee
membership of Henan political consultative conference was
removed only because he criticized the “grave-razing
movement” initialized by the provincial government;
On the other hand, Shen Jilan who repeatedly lied for 55 years
was again selected as a member of the Peoples Congress.
How can you believe that the CCP will tolerate sharp criticisms?

However, history also shows that the lack of true words
was always followed by the fall of dynasties.
