【禁闻】十大反对者 向强权说“不”

【新唐人2013年01月02日讯】大陆门户网站《腾讯网》刊文回顾2012年,并向中国一群拒绝向强权与独裁妥协的“反对者”致敬,说他们义举令人佩服,并暗示“当民众被‘逼到墙角’,惟有‘反对’才可能破墙而出。” 文章发出后,引发网民的热评和转载,但是,文章当天被删除,目前中国四大微博也禁止搜索这篇文章。

















采访编辑/李韵 后制/钟元

CCP Bans ‘2012 Review: Tribute to the Top 10 Opponents’

Tencent.com, a popular Chinese portal website,
published a review article about 2012.
The author honored those “opponents” who resisted
compromising with the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) dictatorship, saying “their righteous acts are admirable.”
The article also suggests, when the civilians are cornered,
the only way to break out is to become “an opponent.”
Since being published, the article has been actively
discussed and cited by many Chinese netizens.
However, it was deleted a day after its publication and it is
banned for search on the four major microblog sites in China.

The news channel of Tencent.com published an article,
titled, “2012 Review: Tribute to the Top 10 Opponents.”
The article said, those who uphold the value of protecting
the freedom against power deserve our respect;
it is their perseverance that stops
the brazen behavior of the government;
it is their willpower that awakens
the sense of justice in our society.

The article lists individual or group “opponents” in China,
who refuse to yield to CCP’s pressure and dictatorship.
The full list of the 10 most important “opponents” follows.

First, the opponents of unfair elections,
the Wukan villagers.
In 2011, tens of thousands of villagers in Wukan,
Guangdong Province protested against corrupt officials.
After struggling for over three months, the village election
was finally held in a democratic manner in 2012.

Second are the opponents of the non-transparent
policy decisions, the residents of Shifang and Qidong.
Over twenty thousand residents of Shifang City, Sichuan
Province protested against the highly polluting molybdenum copper project.
When confronted by the violent CCP’ regime suppression,
a group of middle school students shouted out, “We are post 90’s and we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for our city.”
In Qidong, Jiangsu province, tens of thousands of residents
protested against constructing a waste discharge plant.
They rushed into the municipal building,
and stripped the clothes of the city’s CCP secretary.
At the end, both city governments chose to compromise
with the residents.

Third in the list are the opponents of CCP’s brainwashing
education, the people of Hong Kong.
In early September, a 15-year-old boy led a group of middle
school students to protest against the proposed curriculum of “Moral and National Education.”
Their acts were subsequently supported by many parents
and Hong Kong residents.
Around 120,000 later protested in front of the government
headquarters, causing the Hong Kong administration to compromise in the end.

As number four is listed the opponent of speech control,
Ren Jianyu.
Ren is a Chongqing’ netizen with a 2-year labor camp
sentence for spreading sensitive photos on the Internet.
After an early release, Ren sued the Chongqing Forced
Labor Camp, and started an online movement to seek abolishment of the reeducation-through-labor system.

Fifth is the opponent of unfair right of education,
Zhan Haite.
Zhan, a Shanghai girl with household registration in Jiangxi,
called for equal education opportunities for non local students on her microblog in May.
Her efforts had drawn media attention on the fact that
millions of Chinese students are not allowed to take exams in places other than where their household registration is.

Number six is the opponent of CCP’s one-child policy,
Yang Zhizhu.
Yang was a Law Professor in the School of Political Sciences
at China Youth University.
He was laid off by the School because his wife got pregnant
with a second child.
For that he was forced to pay over 240,000 Yuan as a fine.

Yang wrote articles critical to CCP’s one-child policy,
and continued to protest with performance-art-like acts.

Seventh is the opponent of the ancestral grave-razing,
Zhao Keluo.
Zhao is CCP’s standing committee member of the
provincial political consultative conference in Henan.
On his microblog he strongly opposed the grave-razing
movement, an initiative of the Henan government.

Eighth in the list is the opponent of toxic foods,
Wu Heng.
Wu is the website founder of zccw.info,
which focuses on the food safety issues in China.
He fought to reveal the extremely serious
food safety problem in China.

Number nine is the challenger of commercial hegemony,
Luo Yonghao.
Luo is well known Internet figure. He smashed refrigerators
twice in front of the Siemens headquarters in Beijing, to protest against their commercial hegemony.

And last but not least are the opponents
of all injustices, the netizens of China.
Chinese netizens have been raising their voice consistently
against every and each injustice in the Chinese society.
They exposed many officials who are corrupt or dissolute,
such as the notorious “Watch uncle” or “House aunt.”
They are so powerful that the official media has to attack
their Internet speeches incessantly, day in and day out.

Zhao Yuanming (Jurist and China Issues expert): ”We can say,
in many places procedures of policy making or implementing by local government officials are illegal.
This has led to a lot of grudges and resistance
from the local residents.
They stood out to oppose the rulers. Thus the emergence
of all opponents is basically a result of CCP’s dictatorship.
It is a problem of the regime itself, such as its corruption,
that leads to such a degree of resistance by the society.”

Only a day after being published, this article was deleted
on Tencent.com, Baidu.com and other Chinese websites.
Currently, it has also been banned for search
on the four major microblog sites in China.

Hua Po (Current Affairs observer, Beijing): ”Traditionally,
the rulers of China like their civilians to be obedient.
That is, they should follow whatever the government
tells them to do. They should not voice out any expectations.
In this sense, the individuals and groups mentioned
by this article are definitely not something the authorities want people to know.
They had to ban the article to prevent more people
from learning from those opponents.”

Zhao Yuanming further remarked, the resistance against
tyranny has very strong roots in the Chinese society.
He believes that such protests will become more universal
with the continuing worsening of the CCP.
