
【新唐人2012年10月23日讯】 中共喉舌日媒引火上身

中共喉舌媒体《人民日报》10月22号发表题为“日媒当自重”的评论文章,指责日本媒体在报导中日钓鱼岛冲突事件中,歪曲事实,“悖逆社会良知,有违yabo88官网公德。 ”






“联想”代工厂 千人罢工要求加薪





18大前 钓鱼式维稳 诱骗访民





The People’s Daily Criticism of Japanese Media met with Criticism from Netizens

On Oct. 22, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
mouthpiece, People’s Daily, published a commentary saying “Japanese media must behave.”
It criticized Japanese media, citing false facts
on the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands incidents.
The article claimed that Japanese media were,
“against social conscience and media morality.”

Netizens didn’t echo the CCP’s criticism, but rather,
criticized the CCP media.
Netizens said the CCP media should “look at itself first”,
and that the CCP are demons, but pointing fingers at others.”
Some netizens joked and wondered who was the CCP referring
to when it said it is against morality – Japan or the CCP?”

Lawyer Li Zhuang Proves the CCP Harvests Live Organ

On Oct. 11, China Ministry of Health released
“Regulation for the Acquisition and Allocation of Organs.”
In response, on the same day, a post from Beijing lawyer
Li Zhuang said that the CCP harvests live organs does exist.

Li Zhuang’s post: “My close friends are well known heart
surgeons who work in a famous hospital.
They told me that in order to keep organs fresh for VIP patients,
they remove the organ directly without using any anesthetics.
I told them that even if they are death row prisoners,
we should still treat them with humanity.”

Li Zhuang’s posts drew netizens attention,
and many commented on Li’s post.
Some expressed their fears and shock,
and they requested more truth to be revealed.
Netizens said that more and more evidence and witnesses
are stepping out.

Thousands of Workers Protest in Chengdu Compal Plant

On Oct. 22, workers of the world’s 2nd largest notebook
Manufacturer, Compal, held mass protest in Chengdu plant.
The protest was against low wages.
Traffic was blocked, and workers clothes were burnt.
Sources said there were a few thousand protesters,
and riot police were sent on site.

Radio Free Asia cited a protester who said Compal pays
harsh wages and workers are treated badly.
Factory leaders ignore workers’ human rights,
and they were forced to work overtime without being paid.

Sources said that the protest ended after factory
leaders promised to make concessions.

Taiwan-owned Compal Group is among the world’s
top 500 enterprises. It currently produces PCs for Compal.

The CCP Tricky on Dissidents before the 18th National Congress,

Prior to the CCPs 18th Congress, the authorities intensify
the suppression of petitioners and dissidents.
Beijing authorities even using the tactic of “fishing”
to arrest petitioners.

Radio Free Asia reported that in order to suppress petitioners,
Beijing authority used the excuse of “resolving the problem” to trick petitioners,
taking them to a controlled area where
they can be monitored.

The report said that recently Ge Zhihui, a petitioner from
Fengtai district in Beijing, was frequently called to the police station.
The reason, police said was to resolve her problem.

However, after she went to the appeal office in Fengtai district,
she was accused of “discrediting the government,” and thus she has been monitored for 24 hours by thugs.
