【禁闻】“中国yabo88官网界良心”去逝 中共惧报










胡绩伟有一句评价自我的名言:“ 醒时老,老时醒。”




胡绩伟抱着民族自由的理念,参加了中国共产党,是70多年的老党员。高瑜认为,从抗日一直到“ 建国”以来,胡追求的就是民主自由。



采访编辑/梁欣 后制/肖颜

Beijing Postponed News Coverage on Hu Jiwei’s Death

Hu Jiwei, former president and chief editor
of the People’s Daily, recently passed away.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official media
did not report this news until 11 days after Hu’s death.
Hu Jiwei was removed from his posts following his objections
to military crackdowns on students during June 4 1989.
Media professionals state that the CCP regime was unwilling
to report his death, but did not dare to ignore the news.
After consideration, authorities
had to release the news late.

Having long been dedicated to striving for democracy,
Hu Jiwei is known as “China’s conscience in the press.”
On September 16, Hu Jiwei passed away at the age of 96.

The CCP mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency
did not report the news until 11 days after.

Li Datong, Chief Editor, Freezing Point: “Whether
or not to release this news was the overriding question.
The bureaucracy discussed the question.

In the end, they found they had to report the news,
but only briefed his resume, without any appraisal.
That could be considered a compromise,
as he has a huge reputation in the press in China.
The regime knows that they would face
rebukes if they hadn’t released the news.”

Beijing Spring’s editor-in-chief Hu Ping, believes the CCP
authorities were really unwilling to report the news.
However, in view of Hu Jiwei’s social status
and influence, the regime did not dare to ignore it.

Hu Ping: “So in an official tone, it reported
the news, in which he was called a “comrade”.
In fact, we all know that Hu Jiwei was
no longer the comrade of today’s CCP.
The news on the internet said his family refused to let
his bone ashes be buried at the Babaoshan Cemetery.
They don’t want him to rest with other CCP leaders there.
You can understand their clear attitude towards the CCP.”

Reportedly, in 1981, Hu Jiwei was criticized for his article.

His report asserted that the CCP newspaper’s Party spirit
and its nature of serving the People should be consistent.
In 1983, Hu Jiwei resigned as People’s Daily’s president.

On September 28, publisher Bao Pu
told NTDTV about Hu Jiwei’s last book.
It is entitled, “Revelation on New Governance
of Hu Yaobang & Zhao Ziyang”.
Bao Pu said the book is a summary of Hu Jiwei’s thinking,
from 70 years of experience as a CCP party member.
Bao Pu viewed it as a revelation for political reform,
and Hu Jiwei completely denied the CCP in this book.

In previous years, Hu Jiwei spoke out against shutting down
of Freezing Point magazine, under the China Youth Daily.
In his later years, Hu Jiwei still endeavored
to strive for China’s freedom and democracy.

Media veteran Li Datong says that Hu Jiwei was one
of the first group of awakened press people in China.
Hu Jiwei won great reverence among press
of his generation, says Li Datong.

Li Datong: “He pointed out clashes occurring in official
news reported after the CCP came into power.
Conflict often emerged between official news’
Party spirit and its nature of serving the People.
It always ended up with the Party spirit overpowering.

This led to the CCP’s major mistakes in its reign,
which further caused serious disasters in China.
China’s media has drummed up support
for this wrong policy, and that’s a really bad role.”

Hu Jiwei has a self-assessment remark:
“Getting old when being awake, awakening when getting old.”

Hu Ping: “It is a profound saying.
So we should show respect for his thought of his later years.
For his effort to get rid of the CCP’s thought control,
and for his pursuit of truth and for his moral courage.”

Veteran journalist Gao Yu reveals that Hu Jiwei,
on his deathbed, left words to her.
That is, to not stop calling for justice
for the June 4 student protest.
Gao Yu was very touched and that
she would follow his last wish.

Gao Yu: “He aimed to warn younger generations
not to give up on the June 4 pro-democracy events.
Political reform is now a hard nut
for the CCP to crack urgently.
The CCP should plead guilty for the June 4 massacre.
It was the regime’s action, and was utterly wrong.”

Holding an ideal of striving for national freedom,
Hu Jiwei joined the CCP 70 years ago.
Gao Yu thinks that Hu Jiwei has been dedicated to pursuing
democracy and freedom, ever since the Sino-Japanese War.

Gao Yu: “So that was why he was repeatedly
subjected to blows from inside the CCP.
All the time, the CCP has brainwashed
its party members to remold their thought.
But in the end, Hu Jiwei politically broke away with the CCP.
This indicates that the CCP has failed in its brainwashing.”

Obviously, behind the delay and brief news
coverage of Hu Jiwei’s death, there is fear.
