















Report: Zambia’s Chinese-Run Mines Violate Labor Laws

International human rights organization
“Human Rights Watch" issued a report that
severely criticized the Chinese invested mining companies
in Zambia, saying they ignore workers’ rights and seriously violate local labor laws.
The Chinese Foreign Affairs spokesperson Hong Lei denied
the allegations at a press conference.
Scholars indicated that the Chinese official was lying and
his statement, without an investigation, was very irresponsible.

The report by “Human Rights Watch" runs over 100 pages.

It detailed the results of three research missions
to Zambia’s four Chinese copper operations in November 2010 and July 2011.
These four Chinese companies in Zambia are subsidiaries of
China Non-Ferrous Metals Mining Corporation,
a state-owned enterprise under the authority of
China’s highest executive body.

The report reveals that workers in these Chinese-run mines
work overtime every day,
sometimes up to 18 hours working time, and mine safety and
regulations are subject to companies’ indifference.
For instance, inadequate ventilation results in hazy smoke
in the mines that can lead to serious lung diseases,
failing to replace workers’ damaged protective equipment,
and routinely threatening to fire workers who refuse to work in unsafe places.

Director of the Institute of Contemporary Observation in Shenzhen, Dr. Liu Kaiming: “It’s the habit of the Chinese enterprises.
They might have continued their habit in China.
Their habit was to create good relations with the government.
It is enough to maintain a good relationship
with the government.
They don’t care about the situation of the workers,
or the opinion of the community. “

The report cited underground miners’ words,
“They just consider production, not safety.
If someone dies, he can be replaced tomorrow,”
“At times, Chinese managers bribe or threaten miners
to keep them from reporting accidents or other problems
to the government’s Mines Safety Department,”
and union representatives are threatened to be fired.

The head of Human Rights Campaign in China, Mr. Hu Jun:
“Communist China is now spreading its (predatory) concept
a number of ways via social disruption, overseas.
I think the international community should be more aware of
this situation.”

Africa Director at Human Rights Watch, Mr. Bekele,
also pointed out: “Many of the poor health and safety practices
we found in Zambia’s Chinese-run mines look strikingly
similar to abuses we see in China.”

But Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei
has refuted these claims at a press conference.

Hu Jun: “Chinese officials and the press spokesman are
in favor of reversing right and wrong, which is a consistent behavior.
Whatever they say you should look at it the other way.

If he does not even respect his own people,
let alone countries in Africa, he even persecutes their citizens, slaughters them cruelly,
then you can imagine what this official would do to people
in other areas. “

Liu Kaiming does not believe that Hong Lei’s statement
is convincing, because he violated the rule of speaking rights.
He did not have the right to speak
since he did not investigate the claim.

Liu Kaiming: “I don’t think Mr. Hong Lei has ever been
to this business, or has any exchange with these workers or unions.
How would he know if these mines did not violate local law,
or endanger miners’ interest? Obviously I think his reply was irresponsible. “

China has quite a substantial investment in Zambia
in recent years,
but because of poor working conditions and low wages,
they have not been welcomed in Zambia.
Labor conflicts over wages occur quite often.
The most serious one was in October of last year.
13 Zambian copper workers were shot by Chinese managers
over a demand to improve wages and working conditions.

Copper is Zambia’s main economic resource.

Zambia’s new president Sata severely criticized
the Chinese investment operations during the election ampaign in September this year
and referred to the wages that Chinese companies pay
local workers as “slave wages."

In the report, “Human Rights Watch" also urged Sata to act
on his campaign promise to crack down on illegal Chinese labor practices.

NTD reporters Qin Xue,Liming Fei and Wang Mingyu
