「神秘火球」劃過天際 美國防部:俄太空碎片引起





戰略司令部的發言人馬丁‧奧唐奈(Martin O’Donnell)中校說,聯合太空運行中心正在追蹤這枚火箭和另外16,000個其他物體。


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Santa Clause test run? Huge Meteor Just witnessed from the Magical Forest in Las Vegas !

Rick Mazanec 貼上了 2015年12月22日

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Wow!! #Shootingstar in #LasVegas has green and blue sparks coming off of it! #alien #extraterrestrial #spacejunk #ufo — TV Stations and News stations you can syndicate this but please give our profile a shout out — this was before it began to break up over Las Vegas at Ft Apache and Blue Diamond Rd at 6:09pm Pacific Time — our little 13 month old girl now has her third word “Wow!" after seeing this earlier. I have a longer 40 second clip if you want it, it shows how low it was and slow moving it was and its Sparks and colors, please comment to get in touch. This was shooting right near our house videos from the driveway as we pulled in. It was a big burning blue and green ball of flashing electrical gas fire and started breaking up over what looked like near the Hoover Dam. It was shooting toward the south east from the north west very slowly and glowing! It was so strange! NEW ALERT: According to a French outlet it is been found to be an old Russian rocket re-entering the atmosphere.

Cody Krecicki 貼上了 2015年12月22日
