【禁聞】習近平提「刀把子」 刀刃衝誰?






李善鑒:「一個作用就是對內、對人民的鎮壓。包括信仰迫害,包括社會矛盾的時候維穩。它還有另外一個作用,就是權鬥。它實際上成為江派,周永康之流手裡重要的一個砝碼。 」










採訪/朱智善 編輯/尚燕 後製/鍾元

Xi Jinping Mentions Controlling the “Knife Handle”. Who Faces
the Blade this Time?

Jan. 20 to 21st, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
held its first meeting of “Political and Legal" work.
Xi Jinping gave his speech and stressed the need to build
a loyal obedience, using the terms “political and legal ranks"
and to firmly grasp the “knife handle".

So why does Xi Jinping want to seize the “knife handle"?
Where will the knife blade aim towards?

The term “Knife handle" came from Mao’s era.

In 1926, when Mao Zedong encouraged the farmer movement
in Guangdong, he said, “if knife handle is not in our own hands,
then things will go wrong."

In the first working meeting of “political and legal" field
of CCP in 2015, Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the
need to build loyal obedience “political and legal ranks",
and to firmly grasp the “knife handle", which triggered
speculation from domestic and overseas media.

Even the mouthpiece media “People’s Daily" website
reported on Jan. 20, that some cadres retaliated to this with,
“It has been a long time since we heard this saying,’knife
handle’", and “Now class warfare is no longer the political
contradiction,why is this statement arising once again?"

Political commentator Li Shanjian: “At this time, regarding
this issue, when Xi Jinping talked about it, in fact,
he is definitively expressing that the political and legal
system is problematic.
In Li Shanjian’s opinion, aiming at some of his political opponents,
he used an official statement
‘these officials did not stand at the side of the people and the state’,
and the system has been wrongly used.
That is to say, such a system used to be out of his control."

In the past 20 years, the CCP Politics and Law Committee
has been dominated by Jiang Zemin’s cronies,
officials Luo Gan and Zhou Yongkang.

Li Shanjian pointed out, during this period, the political and legal
system played a major role in terms of two aspects.

Li Shanjian: “One role is to carry out internal suppression
on the people including the persecution of faith,
and the safeguard stability when social contradictions broke out.

Another role is used for fighting for power.

The system has become an important weight bearer in the hands
of Jiang Zemin’s faction and Zhou Yongkang."

After Xi Jinping came to power, the CCP’s political
and legal system has experienced a great deal of turmoil.
Along with Bo Xilai’s collapse, the secretary of Politics
and Law Committee of CCP Zhou Yongkang,
who dominated the political and legal system for
more than a decade,
was forced in to take early retirement and eventually was
transferred to judiciary on Dec. 5 of last year.
He becomes the largest tiger in the anti-corruption
launched by Xi Jinping.
The power of the Politics and Law Committee has also been
cut and the head of the Committee no longer becomes
Standing Member of the Politburo.

Commentator Mr Wu Fan said, Xi Jinping has implemented
the anti-corruption movement for more than two years now,
yet still cannot fully grasp total control on the “knife handle".

Commentator Wu Fan: “If the knife handle is totally controlled
in his hands and in the hands of the CCP and the people,
which means under our own control,
then he did not necessarily repeat such words.
So this system is not yet fully under control,
then who could be blamed for this?
The blame lays with the factions of the CCP and the gangs,
which affect him in his controlling the ‘knife handle'".

A sort of Internet point of view says that, at this time
Xi Jinping mentioned “knife handle",
which is only for capturing the next piece of the military tiger.

For ordinary people, it is very important to recognise
the CCP’s dark nature, and quit the identities
related to the CCP.

In addition, during this working meeting, the incumbent head
of legal and political committee Meng Jianzhu,
first time raised the issue, to “completely move" the impacts
of Zhou Yongkang’s case.
He stated that Zhou Yongkang “leads to a batch of cardres".

Many officials, who are close to Zhou Yongkang,
have been caught before Zhou Yongkang was investigated.
These officials include the oil field and a few officials
from the Sichuan Gang.
For example, former director of State-owned Assets Supervision
and Administration Commission and former board chairman
of PetroChina Jiang Jiemin,
former Deputy General Manager of PetroChina Li Hualin,
and former President of Literacy and Federation of Sichuan
Province Guo Yongxiang.
After the 18th Plenary Session of the CCP, Zhou Yongkang’s
henchmen Zhou Benshun,
was transferred to the Head of CCP in Hebei Province,
and the Minister of the Public Security Guo Shengkun
took over the position of Deputy Secretary
of CCP’s Law and Legal Committee.
When the Deputy Minister of Public Security Li Dongsheng
was caught, his identity and role as Director of 610 Office
(responsible for persecuting Falun Gong) his position was
occupied by Liu Jinguo.

During this political and legal work conference,
there was a new human resources adjustment too.
Fu Zhenghua was appointed as member of CCP
Central Political and Legal Committee.
The armed forces commander Wang Ning serves with
the memberships of Central Political and Legal Committee.

“The Epoch Times" said that the promotion of Fu Zhenghua
is due to his secret reports,
he might take over the position of Liu Jinguo who was Director
of 610 Office and CCP Head of Discipline Committee.
But, the heads of 610 Offices have become of a high death rate.

Some vacant directors of 610 Office cannot
find anyone to be appointed.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ZhongYuan
