













採訪/易如 編輯/張天宇 後製/舒燦

Pension Reform Hides “Dual Treatment”

China’s pension reform will eliminate the dual-track system.

That means 40 million civil servants will lose the exemption
from paying into their retirement funds.
Will the reform really eliminate the benefit gap between
public employees and the corporate employees?
Will the civil servants’ retirement benefit be affected?
How will the civil employee contribute to their pension plan?
These have caused much discussion on the Internet,
and caused concerns to public opinion.

The Communist State Council issued the pension reform
decision on Jan. 14.
Starting from Oct. 1, 2014, government agencies and public
Institutions will conduct the same basic retirement insurance
system and contribution as the corporate one.

That is the public sector and the employees will pay
into the funds respectively.
The employers will contribute 20% while employees
will contribute 8% of their salary to the pension fund.

This reform has finally removed the dual-track pension system
that’s much criticized over the years for the public servants
paying nothing into retirement but receive pensions equivalent
to 90% of their pre-retirement salary.
But, now the reform requires public servants to pay 8%
of their salary into the retirement.
Does that mean the unequal treatment between
the public sector employees and the private industry
employees has been minimized?

Many experts and scholars don’t believe the public servant’s
retirement benefit was reduced.
In fact, the government will compensate the loss
with different means.
A salary raise is generally believed to be the first
means of compensation.

China Affairs magazine editor-in-chief Chris Wu: There will
be salary increases to a number of to be
retired government personnel.

The purpose is to ensure that their pay after retirement
is maintained at the same level.

According to official media reports, the Ministry of Human
Resources and Social Security explained that both pension
reform and wage system improvement will be conducted
at the same time.
This will implement the public servant’s individual
contribution and salary raise.
It is generally believed that while individuals are required
to pay what’s overdue since Oct. 1, the salary
raise will happen.

The growth of salary is also anticipated to be higher
than what is overdue.

Jiang Xiangqun, vice-director of the institute of gerontology,
Renmin University of China, had proposed to increase salary
while contribution is required.

Sources also revealed that funding of increased salary
will be shared by both state and local governments.

Chris Wu: Who does this regime protect?
It is the regime itself.
The regime is filled with a large number of staff,
mostly the Communists.
After devoting themselves to the party for their life time,
they expect good treatment before they leave.
To maintain the stability of the regime so that the following
staff will continue to work for the regime, the retirement
funds will be compensated or guaranteed.

The second make up approach is the occupational pension.
It is a supplementary pension insurance for the civil servants.
This welfare is contributed by the employer and the employee.
It is generally referred as a 『disguised’ welfare.

The pension reform specifically required employer to
contribute to both retirement pension
and occupational pension.

The occupational pension is contributed by the employer
at 8% of the salary and by the employee at 4%.
After retirement, the civil servant will receive
a monthly occupational pension.
That means, after the pension reform, the civil servants’
pensions will include both basic pension
and occupational pension.

It was analyzed that the occupational pension can reach 20%
of the base salary minimum.
But, corporate employees don’t share this benefit.

That means the annuity gap between the private industry
and the public sector is still very big.
The much awaited one pension system for the past 20 years
has finally been realized, but only in the system,
not in the exact treatment.

So where does the budget for 20% contribution to the
retirement pension and the 8% to the occupational
pension come from?

Of course, it is from taxpayers, allocated by the state.

In response, netizens angrily questioned the authority:
the so-called pension reform only causes even heavier burden
on taxpayers, who will pay for the public servants
not just the retirement but also the occupational pension.
The treatment gap between civil servants
and the general public is even bigger.
What’s the point of abolishing the dual-track pension system?

Interview/ YiRu Edit/ Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/ ShuCan
