【禁聞】法遭遇恐怖襲擊 中西態度大不同

【新唐人2015年01月12日訊】1月7號,聖誕節和新年的節日氣氛還沒有散盡,一場突如其來的事件將法國人的喜慶徹底打碎。位於巴黎的法國著名諷刺畫報《查理週刊》(Charlie Hebdo),遭到伊斯蘭恐怖份子襲擊,多人遇難。這起事件在法國引起了如同「911」恐怖襲擊一樣的震動。11號,包括歐美40多個國家的首腦在內的100多萬人,在巴黎舉行遊行集會,悼念遇難者,並展示全球反對恐怖主義的決心。不過,中共對這起事件的態度,卻與國際社會大不相同。請看報導。





事件當晚,成千上萬的人在巴黎共和廣場聚會,點燃蠟燭,悼念死難者,舉著「Je suis Charlie」(我是查理)字樣的條幅,力挺對言論自由的支持。



除了在幾年前發表漫畫諷刺穆罕默德,《查理週刊》最近兩週還發表了有關伊斯蘭國領袖巴格達迪(Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)的漫畫,內容是右手舉起食指稱新年要注意身體健康。這些內容,被認為是雜誌社遭受襲擊的原因。













採訪/田淨 編輯/宋風 後製/舒燦

CCP Holds Different Standpoints from Western Countries
Regarding Terrorism Attack on Charlie Hebdo

On Jan 7, when people are still in the good spirits of Christmas
and the New Year,
an unexpected terrorist attack broke French people’s hearts.

Charlie Hebdo, a famous French satirical weekly newspaper,
was attacked by Islamic terrorists, causing the deaths of 12 people.
It has triggered a shock in France like “911″ in the U.S.

Yet the CCP standpoint on this event is quite different from
that of western countries.

In the attack and following sieges, 17 people lost their lives
including 3 policemen. More than 20 people were injured.
3 terror suspects were shot to death.
It’s the most severe attack France has suffered in 50 years.

In a televised address, French President Francois Hollande ,
called on French people to unite to defend the values of
democracy, freedom and pluralism.

He emphasized that people would never give in to extremists.

Hollande also announced that flags will be flown at half-mast
for three days.

Leaders from the U.S., Britain, Germany and other countries
also condemned the attack.

Following it, people from all over the world also expressed
their attitude and standpoints regarding the event,
in addition to the media’s tracking reports.

The night of the attack, thousands of people gathered at
the Place de la Republique. They lit candles and held signs
that read “Je suis Charlie", meaning “I am Charlie",
expressing solidarity and support for freedom of speech.

The same thing took place in almost all cities in France.
Tens of thousands of people stood silent or sang La Marseillaise
to express solidarity against terrorism and pay homage
to the victims.
On Jan 10, as many as 700,000 people walked onto streets
and joined a rally.

The person in charge of the French Islamic Association
who also declared “Je suis Charlie",
once sued “Charlie Hebdo" for satirizing the founder of Islam,

In addition to the published cartoon satirizing Muhammad,
“Charlie Hebdo" in recent two weeks published a cartoon image
of the Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The al-Baghdadi is depicted as saying:
“And especially good health."
There’s been speculation on whether the attack was related
in some way to the image.

Zhu Xinxin, freelance writer, said that “Charlie Hebdo"
hadn’t overstepped the boundaries of free speech.
It hadn’t committed any racial or religious discrimination.

Zhu Xinxin: “There might be some discrepancies,
which should have been addressed in a peaceful, non-violent way.
Physical weapons shouldn’t be used to punish
the weapon of expressing criticism.
Violence shouldn’t be used to kill freedom of speech."

Wang Liming, with pen name “abnormal pepper",
fled to Japan to escape from the CCP’s man-hunt in October 2014
because of his satirizing China’s political situation.

Wang Liming stated that both Islamic extremists and
the communist party belong to fundamentalism.
They can’t allow people to criticize or satirize them.

Wang: “They have a lot in common in essence.
Especially, in the CPP’s governance in the 1950s and 60s,
if anyone depicted a similar cartoon image,
he would have been sentenced to death.
It’s the same as happened to ‘Charlie Hebdo’."

Recently, the CCP showed different standpoints to the terrorist
attack from western countries.

On Jan 8, hundreds of foreign journalists gathered
at Sanlitun, Beijing, and supported France,
but they were interrupted by the CCP police.

The state-run media “the Global Times" published an article
titled “Denouncing Terrorism Doesn’t Mean
Supporting Controversial Cartoons".

The article said that frictions arise between western countries
and Islam because of cartoons or literary works.
It is real that Islamic feeling has been hurt.

Even though westerners think their journalistic freedom
is correct, care for Islamic feelings is worth more than
ignorance of their feelings.

Cha Jianguo, founder of China’s Democratic Party, said that
the core of the terrorist attack on “Charlie Hebdo"
is freedom of speech.

“The Global Times" always supports and speaks for the CCP,
and defends the party for its tight control of free speech.

Cha Jianguo: “The core value of the Global Times is
the ideology of dictatorship and suppression of free speech.
Therefore, when the whole world supports ‘Charlie Hebdo’
and freedom of speech, the Global Times can’t accept it
and even turns against it."

Cha also points out that in order to fundamentally
eliminate terrorists, military strikes aren’t enough.
Their values of violence, extremism
and despotism should also be repudiated.

Actually, “Charlie Hebdo" doesn’t only work on cartoons
satirizing Islam. It also satirizes all kinds of phenomena in
politics, society, culture and religion,
including feminism and even the French president.

Interview/TianJing Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/ShuCan
