









報導說,穆迪投資者服務公司(Moody’s Investors Service)近日下調佳兆業的信用評級,標準普爾也在去年12月,對佳兆業的前景發出了警告。







採訪/易如 編輯/陳潔

China’s First Property Loan Default, 2015: Kaisa Group

Shenzhen’s largest real estate developer Kaisa Group
has defaulted on a $52-million loan, the first in 2015.

It’s believed to indicate China’s real estate collapse this year.

Kaisa Group Holdings was listed on the Hong Kong
Stock Exchange in Dec. 2009.

In the first half of 2014, it replaced the leading real estate
developer, China Vanke, in position in Shenzhen
with its volume of sales and turnover.

Kaisa topped the Shenzhen market with a total of 1,801
real estate sales, worth 4.1-billion yuan.

just six months after its outstanding performance,
Kaisa defaulted on its loan payment.

Kaisa Chairman, Kwok Ying Shing’s departure
from the company is believed to be the cause.

The loan taken from HSBC for approximately US$51-million
(400-million HK dollars) in Aug. 2013 was due to be repaid
with interest on Dec. 31, 2014—the day Kwok resigned.

Kaisa announced the default on the evening of Jan. 1, 2015.

In a report to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Kaisa admitted
that the breach could have an adverse effect on the security
of the company’s finance, other loans, bonds and equity.

Economist Duan Shaoyi anticipates that defaults on loan
repayments are likely to occur regularly in China in 2015.

Duan Shaoyi: “The real estate bubble has been very serious
over the past years; driven by profit, owners blindly
expanded their businesses at high cost, but the sharp
downturn in the housing market has left many without profit
and the dwindling money supply from the state has resulted
in a breakage in the chain of funds."

“This case in Shenzhen is just a beginning—in 2015,
similar cases may emerge weekly, or even daily."

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported the market value
of Kaisa halving since problems started a month ago.

Its stock trading was suspended in December.

Rating agency, Moody’s Investors Service last week
downgraded the company’s credit ratings, reported WSJ.

Standard & Poor’s also issued a warning
on Kaisa’s potential default in December.

Wu Fan, Current Affairs Commentator: “The key issue is that
there are too many houses on the market."

“Since 2011, as much as two-billion square-meters of
property is available, but market needs are only 1.2-billion."

“On top of the excessive 0.8-billion, another six-billion
square-meters of property is under construction."

“The property industry’s closure is going to be widespread;
Shenzhen took the first hit in 2015, and more is inevitable."

The reason for Kwok Ying Shing’s resignation is unclear, but
is generally believed to be linked to the anti-graft campaign.

Last October, Jiang Zunyu, the former secretary of
Shenzhen’s Politics and Law Commission, and Kwok were
respectively taken away by authorities.

In November, the Shenzhen government halted all of Kaisa’s
projects, involving thousands of sets of real estate.

Duan Shaoyi: “Collusion in China is really very serious;
once a company is involved in a corruption case,
it will certainly suffer losses, and for a weak business,
any sign of trouble can cause it to shut down."

Wu Fan believes market factors are the cause of failure
for real estate developers.

Wu Fan: “Is corruption involved? Yes—when real estate
was thriving a few years ago, or a decade ago,
the corruption was covered up, but now it has been exposed
because the loan is defaulted."

“The anti-graft campaign especially has implicated many,
including the Party secretary or mayor."

“But I don’t think it’s the main reason for failure—
the market is the reason."

Wu Fan says that in addition to the serious over-supply
in the property sector, there is also an international factor
involved—the appreciation of the dollar, as a strong dollar
increases the cost of debt in housing.

Wu Fan anticipates the property industry in China
to have a tough time in 2015 and even collapse.

Interview/YiRu Edit/ChenJie
