【禁聞】國際調查: 中國黑錢外流 全球第一
















採訪/朱智善 編輯/黃億美 後製/黎安安

Global Financial Integrity: China Tops Developing Countries in Illicit Money Flow

A U.S.-based financial integrity institution report shows that
illicit money flowing out of all developing countries totaled
nearly a trillion dollar in 2012.

This indicates more serious activities of corruption,
money laundering and fake trade.

China tops the list of developing countries sending tainted
money abroad, the amount of which almost doubles that
of Russia, which ranks second on the list.

Global Financial Integrity (GFI), a NGO based
in Washington D.C., released a report on Monday.

The report estimates that all developing countries
in the world lost nearly $1 trillion in 2012.

The loss of money was due to illicit money flow out
of the countries, in forms such as money laundering,
drug trade, forging financial documents, tax evasion
and backroom deals.

China, Russia and India are the top three capital loss.

The top three losses in 2012 were about $249.57 billion
for China, $122.86 billion for Russia and $94.76 for India.

Xie Tian, professor at University of South Carolina Aiken
School of Business, said China had the biggest tainted
money flow in the world due to illegal activities.

The reason is that China is a lawless place for those
Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) corrupt officials.

Xie Tian: “Under the CCP’s one-party dictatorship, corruption
has become ubiquitous in China’s economy and politics.

When Jiang Zemin ruled the state, he intentionally allowed
corruption of party officials in exchange for loyalty.

By doing that, he was able to make corrupt officials follow
him in suppressing Chinese civilians."

Most illicit money flow is from backroom deals,
crimes and corruption.

GFI found that the most frequently used tricks included
forged invoices and tax evasion.
Both led to huge loss of national revenue.

GFI’s Communicator director Clark Gascoigne told media
that as China is the world’s second largest economic body,
it can be expected that China has more illicit money flow
than small countries such as Zambia and Rwanda.

However, an average annual loss of $125 billion
in the past six years is still huge for China.

Gascoigne said the CCP government must take
the problem more seriously.

Zhang Jiang, Independent Commentator: “The report says
hundreds of billions of dollar were flowing out of China.

Personally, I think that is just the tip of the iceberg.

There must be many more CCP officials whose
illegal activities had not been exposed.

Therefore the United States NGO only gives
a conservative estimate.

The real figure must be much larger than
$100 billion per year."

Xie Tian: “Currently, Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan are running
their anti-corruption campaign against “tigers."

Indeed they are just beginning to touch
those corrupt officials.
Therefore there is nothing strange that China tops
the list of illicit money flow.

The report said all developing countries
lost nearly $1 trillion in 2012.
I think probably China alone should have lost
more than that."

The CCP began a “Fox Hunt" campaign in 2014,
raiding properties of corrupt officials and corporate
executives all over the world.
But the move has not been as effective as expected.

Zhang Jian: “The campaign is mostly a show to the Chinese.

As public resentment is seething, the CCP has
to do something to survive.

In addition, it is a trick to frame western countries.

If the campaign fails, the CCP will be able to put
the blame on democratic countries.

It can say those countries are so-called anti-China forces
and refuse to extradite corrupt officials who had
seized Chinese people’s money."

Xie Tian: “The key fact is that China has no extradition
agreement with most other countries.

When CCP officials are asked why they defect abroad,
they can say it is due to economic reasons,
but they can also say it is due to political persecution.

The truth is, during the CCP’s 60-year history of governance,
it has almost persecuted all Chinese, including party members.

Therefore it is not difficult even for party officials
to find evidence of being persecuted in politics."

Xie Tian comments that once corrupt CCP officials apply
for political asylum, western countries may have to consider
China’s poor human rights conditions and the lack
of rule of law.

After being extradited, those corrupt officials will
possibly be punished unfairly.

Xie Tian: “Now there seems to be progress between
Canada and China in extradition agreement.

Once corrupt officials feel that the anti-corruption campaign
is a serious threat to their assets and social status,
they will escape hurriedly, including transferring
their money quickly."

On Dec. 3, Transparent International announced its
Corruption Perception Index 2014.

Despite the high-profile propaganda of the anti-corruption
campaign, the CCP ranks 100th this year, making the biggest
drop on the list.
It ranked 80th in 2013.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/Huang Yimei Post-Production/Li Anan
