

















採訪/朱智善 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Taiwan election becomes a democracy model across the straits

It’s analyzed that Taiwan voters conveyed an important message
to Beijing, after Taiwan elections, that cross-strait relations are
not decided by Kuomintang (KMT) nor the Communist Party.

Although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece
reported KMT losses in a low-key, mainland netizens praised
Taiwan’s mature democracy.

It’s analyzed that the alternation of the peaceful Taiwan parties’
rule is enlightening for the mainland and for Hong Kong.

When the ruling KMT was defeated in 2014 Taiwan election,
for the first time Premier Jiang Yi Hua and KMT Secretary-General
Tseng Yung-chuan took responsibility for the defeat.

Vice President Wu Den-yih and Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin
both resigned their party vice chairman posts.

However, the review of the party defeat continues.

The President Ma Ying-jeou who was expected to announce an
important message on the 3rd also announced his resignation orally
one day early.

According to the election results, both the defeat and the victory
were very decisive.

It has been the best vote result for the Democratic Progressive
Party (DPP) in history.
However, the Chairman Tsai Ing-wen said after the
announcement of the result, it is a victory for the Taiwan

There is only one principle as a political figure, namely
humility to face the rise of people power and duty to respond
to the people’s requirements.

It’s believed by the outside that the biggest winner of this
election is each Taiwan voter.
The rise of Taiwan’s young generation overturned the ruling
power in Taiwan.

Beijing political commentator Hua Po: “Taiwan democracy
certainly impacted the mainland because it shows that
democracy allows votes to decide the ruler’s fate, and
people can use their votes to decide the ruler’s fate."

December 1, Taiwan nongovernmental think-tank Pacific
Development Association held a seminar for the presidential

The chairman Professor Yinglong You said that the nine-in-one
election result conveyed an important message to Beijing that
the cross-strait relationship is not decided by the KMT nor the Communist Party.

The three places are busy this week.

Taiwan is busy with the election; Hong Kong is busy with the
general election and China is busy grasping people who demand

Although there is a policy for the so-called local election
that 10 citizens can recommend one candidate.
But the real implementation exists in name only.

The retired Shandong University professor, the democrat Sun
Wenguang: “Now, the mainland is the most backward among
the three places, Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland.

As I anticipated before, even a country election was strongly
suppressed, no mention of the President, the governor and the
mayor’s election, unthinkable."

Taiwan election triggered concern in mainland.

Haikou College of Economics department Chair, Dr. Liu Yun
posted in Tencent microblog: A long-ruling party will inevitably
lead to serious unfair distribution of social resources and wealth,
vitality and creative loss in society and inevitable social rebound.
From this perspective, Kuomintang’s defeat is inevitable.

A lot of people praised Taiwan’s mature democracy.

Some netizens believe that the Hong Kong Occupy Central for
the general election make Taiwanese sober and not want to
become a second Hong Kong, by leaving the CCP.

Sun Wenguang: “Hong Kong umbrella movement has a great
influence because the movement is to boycott Beijing for the
general election.

There were a variety of mainland pressures.

So the Taiwanese raised “Taiwan will become Hong Kong if
you vote KMT", namely Hong Kong is affiliated to China’s power.
So the slogan played a significant role in the campaign."

December 1st morning, Taiwan human rights lawyer Zhu Wanqi
posted on facebook: “The Hong Kong democracy activists said
the Taiwan election result made the CCP realise that economic
pressure can not buy Taiwan people.
I would say the sacrifices of HK youth confirmed the Taiwanese
to leave the CCP’s rule. “

Sun Wenguang, “Taiwan’s election was an example for Hong
Kong; then Hong Kong umbrella movement for universal
suffrage engaged in turn to promot the awakening of the Taiwan
people to express themselves with the ballot.
So Taiwan and Hong Kong are complementary. “

It has been the 65 days for Hong Kong Occupy Central action
during the hot discussion regarding Taiwan election in Taiwan.
December 1, a conflict between demonstrators and police in
the occupied area of Admiralty after the student group announced
an upgrade in action to surround the headquarters.

In the evening, three members including the Scholarism convener
Huang Zhifeng announced an indefinite hunger strike at Tim Mei
Avenue in Admiralty.

Interview/ ZhuZhiShanEdit/HuangYiMei Post-Production/GuoJing
