


















編輯/劉惠 後製/周天

Korean Dalian Corpse Factory Worker Exposes Inside Information

Recently, a Chinese Korean Mr. Li gave inside information
about the former Dalian corpse plant; which involved former
Chongqing Secretary, Bo Xilai and his wife, Gu Kailai.

Mr. Li said that he had been working at this factory for one and
a half years.

Recently, a Chinese Korean Mr. Li said he personally
experienced live organ harvesting and could testify when
he saw in Seoul, the Falun Gong banners exposing
organ harvesting and selling corpses.

Former corpse factory worker Mr. Li: “I can tell this plant was
Bo Xilai wife’s plant. Once Bo was arrested, it was closed.

I had been working there one and a half years.

Nobody was allowed to enter without the specific card.

Those allowed to enter the factory gave up our cell phones.

Those who did not get the cards, had to pay up the phone.

All were medical school graduates, wages were very high.
I was responsible for assembling the livers.

I dare to testify on this matter."

Mr. Li is currently working in South Korea.

He said that normal people could not emotionally bear to be
in this corpse plant.

Mr. Li: “There was a special work shop to handle the dead:
including boiling the dead like a bubbling pig in a big pond
full of formalin syrup.

They put two good specimens into one pool, but worse 4, 5
specimens into one pool.

After that, they extracted all water and oil from the dead
and injected chemical material.

Eventually, it’s not like a human, but a tasteless and colorless plastic…..some are pregnant women, you know?"

Mr. Li said that all corpses were transported illegally.

Mr. Li: “A truck normally came with 4 or 5 corpses in plastic

If I could photograph, I would specially provide it to the Epoch

It was peak time of the persecution of Falun Gong when the
former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai ruled Liaoning.

There were two large corpse plants in Dalian.

August 2012, Southern Metropolis Daily reported two corpse
plants in detail when the Chinese authorities tried Bo Xilai’s wife
BoGu Kailai.

German Dr. Hagens, Dalian Medical University
Professor, Dalian Hongfeng General Manager, Sui Hongjin,
were all involved.

The report said the original factory is surrounded by overgrown
weeds because the original owner has gone.

The door is sealed with “February 29, 2012 closed".

Meanwhile, another corpse factory disclaimer is exposed.

The statement said, the bodies and body parts, organs, fetuses
and embryos were from Chinese citizens’ bodies.

These remains were from the Chinese police and they probably
got them from the Chinese prisons.

It’s said the plastic bodies from Dalian were exhibited in more
than 20 countries with nearly 20 million visitors.

The Dalian Hoffen Bio-Technique Co. is one of the plastic
chemical plants.

Its general manager, Sui Hongjin also confessed to International Investigators that the bodies were from Public Security.

Investigator: Which channel were your company’s bodies from?
Sui Hongjin: The Public Security Bureau.
Investigator: Which Public Security Bureau?
Sui Hongjin: ah, Dalian Public Security Bureau.

The Tianjin Ji county 610 Office director told International
Investigation that Gu Kailai not only sold Falun Gong
practitioners’ bodies.

Investigator: 610 office?
610 Director: Yes.
Investigator: Did you see Gu Kailai today?
610 Director: Do you mean Gu Kailai who sold Falun Gong
practitioners’ organs?

Investigator: Yes, she had two corpses factories in Dalian.
She sold a complete body for a million dollars and an organ
removed corpse for 800 thousand dollars.

610 Director: she sold not only Falun Gong practitioners.

Since 1999, Liaoning city was the most severe in its persecution
of Falun Gong during Bo Xilai’s tenure.

Bo Xilai constantly constructed and extended large prisons,
labor camps to detain un-named Falun Gong practitioners.

In Dalian, the new and extension prisons include Nanguanling
prison, Golden State Prison, Wafangdian prison, Zhuanghe
prison, Zhoushuizi workhouse, Yao detention center, and so

And Bo Xilai constructed and extended many labor camps
including Shenyang Masanjia Labor Camp, Longshan Forced
Labor Camp, Shen Xin labor camps after he became acting
governor of Liaoning.

Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/ZhouTian
