【禁聞】協助中共特務 女移民被取消美國籍

【新唐人2014年09月17日訊】根據美國非營利新聞編輯部ProPublica和調查報告中心(the Center for Investigative Reporting)的報告,美籍中國商人李勳梅(Xunmei Li,音譯),涉嫌協助中共間諜範立眾(Lizhong Fan,音譯)從美國反恐中心內竊取資料,被美國地方法院判裁定取消其美國國籍,並可能面臨被驅逐出境。請看報導。

ProPublica的報告說,李勳梅於1994年從上海到美國,並在2005年加入美國籍。她在亞利桑那州的一家小技術承包商——蜂鳥防禦系統(Hummingbird Defense Systems)工作。蜂鳥公司為馬里科帕縣警方建立了面部識別系統,還為在2004年成立的反恐情報中心安裝了這個系統。有20多家警察機構通過反恐情報中心共同工作,以阻止可能的恐怖襲擊。

李勳梅向自己的男友,當時擔任蜂鳥公司首席執行長的史蒂夫•格萊斯納(Steve Greschner)推薦了來自北京的範立眾。範立眾在2007年被批准在亞利桑那州的反恐情報中心工作。他在工作時接觸了大量的資訊,其中包括警方資料庫、聯邦政府工作的情報分析人員和調查員的名單等內容。



今年8月26號,美國地方法院法官坎貝爾(David G. Campbell)根據四項涉及缺乏良好道德品質的指控,裁定取消李勳梅的美國國籍。這些指控包括:虛假陳述、重婚、婚外情,並隱瞞或歪曲事實,來獲得公民身份。





例如,2008年擔任南加州國防包商Power Paragon首席工程師的麥大志,因為向中共出賣情報,被判刑24年半。他弟弟麥大泓也被判刑10年。另外,2010年波音公司工程師鐘東蕃被判15年。而此前中共的情報員金無怠,更是身居美國中央情報局要職。



早在2001年11月,美國詹姆斯坦基金會(Jamestown Foundation)就發表報告指出,中共通過投資控股、給予媒體在大陸商業利益、安插人員等手段,滲入並控制了海外中文媒體。當年美國最主要的4種中文報紙——《世界日報》、《星島日報》、《明報》和《僑報》,發行總量約70萬份,但都被中共直接或間接的控制了。

最近,中共政府出巨資,在美國建立的近百所宣傳中共文化的孔子學院,更是受到美國教育界的抵制。美國大學教授協會(The American Association of University Professors,AAUP)出面發表聲明稱,為了維護學術自由的原則,美國大學應該廢止孔子學院。

採訪/田淨 編輯/宋風 後製/周天

Chinese Businesswoman Stripped of US Citizenship for
Assisting Chinese Communist Party Spy.

US based organizations ProPublica and the Center for
Investigative Reporting, revealed that Chinese immigrant
and businesswoman Xunmei Li is suspected of assisting
Lizhong Fan, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spy.
Lizhong Fan is alleged to have stolen data from the Arizona
Counter Terrorism Information Center.
A district court has revoked Li’s US citizenship. Li is also
likely to face exile from the US.

ProPublica reported that Li moved to the US from Shanghai
in 1994, and obtained US citizenship in 2005.
She worked for Hummingbird Defense Systems, a small
security company in Arizona.
Her company helped the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
set up a facial recognition system.
Hummingbird Defense Systems also installed the system in
the Counter Terrorism Information Center.
The center was founded in 2004. More than 20 police agencies
collaborate through the center to stop possible terror attacks.

Li recommended Lizhong Fan to her boyfriend Steve
Greschner, who was Hummingbird’s chief executive.
Fan was approved to work in the Information Center from
2007, and had access to many intelligence systems.
These include the police database, and list of federal
intelligence analysts and investigators.

After five months of work, Fan abruptly deleted all personal
information and went back to China with two computers
It is believed these potentially hold reams of sensitive data.

The FBI’s investigation then found that Li had false identities
and personal information.
Investigators worried that Li might be a CCP spy. Li was
married to two men at the same time and had two girls.
She did not report these facts when applying for citizenship.

Li admitted in 2009 that she had knowingly lied to
immigration officials.
She received five years’ probation by a district judge.

On Aug. 26, US District Judge David G. Campbell ordered
Li stripped of her US citizenship on four immorality charges.
These are false statements, bigamy, adultery and hiding
or distorting the truth to obtain citizenship.

The US Attorney’s Office also said they had started
the exile program against Xunmei Li.

Tang Boqiao, president of Democracy Academy of China,
“this is a serious move.
The US constitution gives its people all rights. Your rights
are protected by the constitution if you are a US citizen.
If not for crimes that are very serious, we rarely see
citizenship being revoked.”

Tang Boqiao said that although the US government did not
prosecute Li on espionage, it revoked her citizenship instead.
This suggests that the US government does believe Li is
involved in serious crimes such as espionage.

Tang said, the US government may want to give a warning
message by stripping Li of her citizenship.
CCP spy cases have been frequently reported in the US.

In 2008, Chi Mak the chief engineer of California-based
defense contractor Power Paragon, was sentenced to
24 years in prison for exporting sensitive data to the CCP.

Mak’s younger brother was also sentenced to
10 years in prison.
Boeing engineer Greg Chung was sentenced to 15 years
in prison in 2010.
The famous CCP spy Larry Wu-tai Chin also worked
for the CIA for a long time.

Political commentator Xing Tianxing said, Li’s case should
set a good example for those who still confuse “China”
with “the CCP”.

They cannot recognize a CCP spy and may even risk violating
the law to help them steal key information from the US.

Tang Boqiao, “the CCP has been spying against the US in
economic, political, cultural and many other fields.
The FBI and US government are disgusted with this,
but they still don’t know exactly what to do.”

In November 2001, US-based Jamestown Foundation wrote
a report on how the CCP controls overseas Chinese media.
Tactics widely used include owning shares,
using economic ties, and deploying spies.
“Four major Chinese newspapers are found in the US;
World Journal, Sing Tao Daily, Ming Pao Daily News
and the China Press.”

They had a total circulation of about 700,000, but were
all directly or indirectly controlled by the CCP.

The CCP spent a huge amount of money promoting
its “Confucius Institute” among US colleges.
The move has been resisted by US academia. The American
Association of University Professors made a statement, calling
on US universities to end their contracts with Confucius
Institutes to protect academic freedom.

Interview/TianJing Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/ZhouTian
