【禁聞】從長刀升級到炸彈 新疆巴勒斯坦化?








4月30號的烏魯木齊火車站爆炸案,是選擇在中共主席習近平視察烏魯木齊市﹔ 22號的襲擊,則是在新疆法院對39名涉及散播恐怖暴力視頻人員,判刑的第二天。





研究新疆問題的美國霜堡大學(Frostburg State University)歷史學教授馬海雲認為,中共當局將涉及少數民族的暴力事件定性為恐怖主義,並加以高壓,做法並不明智。







採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/孫寧

Is Xinjiang Becoming Another Palestine?

In less than a month, deadly bombings took place twice in
Xinjiang and caused heavy casualties.
Chinese Communist regime quickly claimed to solve the
terrorist attacks and launched a campaign to strike hard against
terrorism in Xinjiang.

Scholars suspect the counter effect of the tough crackdown.
The following is our report.

Bombings occurred in a morning market in Shayibake,
Urumqi City on May 22, causing 43 deaths and 94 injured,
according to the Communist authorities.

However, Information Centre for Human Rights and
Democracy reported the casualties are more than 300.

Another bombing had just taken place on April 30 at the
Urumqi railway station leading to three killed and 79 injured.

The Communist regime quickly claimed both cases were
solved and blamed Muslim separatists for both attacks.

Alim Seytoff, World Uyghur Congress spokesman:
“The regime always quickly blamed Uyghurs for the so-called
political violence or terrorist attacks with very little evidence
and many question marks."

Alim Seytoff points out that it is impossible for the Uyghurs
to drive any vehicle without a license plate and only police
can drive a vehicle without a license plate.

The recent attacks in Urumqi seem obviously to challenge
the regime directly. Both have escalated from knives to bombs.

The April 30 Urumqi train station bombings took place while
the Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Urumqi; While the
May 22 attack took place the day after Xinjiang court
delivered the verdict on 39 defendants charged with
spreading terror videos.

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung also pointed out that
attacks have shifted from targeting local police stations and
governmental agencies in the past to aiming at innocent
civilians and creating maximum pain in the past 6 months.

Alim Seytoff believes the Uyghur revolt will only escalate if
the Communist regime continues the suppressive policy
against the minority and smearing the legal demands of the

Alim Seytoff: “These bombings are the results of 65 years of
suppression by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Since the 911, the CCP has conducted high pressure crackdown
on the Uyghurs in the name of anti-terrorism, for the Uyghurs
are the Muslims."

Alim Seytoff says that as long as the CCP rules China, there is
no peace for the Uyghurs, the Tibetans, the Mongolians,
the Falun Gong practitioners, the Christians, and even the
majority of Chinese people.

Frostburg State University History Professor Dr. Ma Haiyun
indicates that it is unwise for the CCP to characterize the
violent acts of the minorities as terrorists acts and to conduct
its suppressive measures.

Director of Euro-Asia Research Center, Chien Hsin University,
Jen-Kun Fu, analyzes that young Uyghurs’ grievances as a
result of the CCP’s suppressive maintenance of stability can easily
turn into violence.
He believes that these are the causes of the frequent violence
in China today.

The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region issued on May 24
specific measures to strike hard against violent and terrorist

Xinjiang businessman Mr. Zhang does not believe in the harsh
crackdown but rather concern at the consequential destruction
of the rule of law.

Mr. Zhang, Xinjiang businessman: “Harsh crackdown will
only create hatred and conflict.
Explosive growth of crimes always follow harsh crackdown.
With another year of hard strike, what’s next?"

Mr. Zhang indicates Xinjiang is now in fact under martial law;
the military police station at many places, armored vehicles
and helicopters patrol regularly at places;
five extra divisions are stationed in Urumqi along with
many anti-terror bases.

Beijing scholar in Tibet and Xinjiang issues, Wang Lixiong,
pointed out that this March the CCP’s policy will further
deepen hostile ethnic relations in Xinjiang.

Pretty soon, the chance to reverse to positive interaction will be
Xinjiang will very likely fall into the irreversible and endless
ethnic war with the CCP, just like the Palestinians with

Interview/Zhuzisan Edit/Shongfeng Post-Production/Shunyu
