【禁聞】中越南海衝突加劇 中共真想打仗?



















採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/孫寧

Tensions Increase between the Chinese Communist Party
and Vietnam: Is a War Coming?

With tension between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
and the Philippines spiraling, new incidents occurred between
the CCP and Vietnam on the other side of the South China Sea.

Recently, CCP ships have been firing water cannons and
ramming Vietnamese vessels causing them damage.
There were also reports of injuries among Vietnamese crew.

By initiating those incidents, does the CCP seriously want to
start a war? Please look at the following report.

On May 5, the CCP’s Maritime Safety Administration (MSA)
announced it will create an oilrig around the Xisha Islands
in three months.

The planned oilrig is only 120 kilometers off Vietnam’s coast,
and located inside the “Economic Zone” claimed by Vietnam.
On May 7, clashes occurred between Chinese and Vietnamese
vessels in the disputed area.

On May 9, Vietnam’s foreign ministry showed video clips of
the clash and claimed that Chinese ships initiated the collision
against Vietnamese vessels and also fired water cannons.

Vietnam reported that two of its ships were seriously
damaged and nine people were injured.

Vietnam said, the CCP’s move had seriously violated
Vietnam’s sovereignty over its exclusive economic zone.

A Wall Street Journal report quoted Vietnamese officials that
about 80 Chinese ships entered the disputed area around the
Xisha Islands, including seven military vessels.

Wu Fan, Editor-in-Chief of China Affairs magazine, commented
that as China is facing economic slowdown, the CCP not only
needs to export its products across the South China Sea, but
also covets the huge amount of oil stored in the region.

So the CCP has a real motivation in controlling the area.

Wu Fan: ”In his visit to Asia in April, president Obama voiced
strong support to Japan and the Philippines.
However, there is no alliance between the U.S. and Vietnam.
So the CCP challenged Vietnam to see how U.S. would react.”

Wu Fan said, the CCP is intentionally raising tension in the
South China Sea; “tension” is exactly what it needs right now.

Wu Fan:”First of all the party attempts to distract Chinese
from domestic problems.
It is easy to see that Xi’s anti-corruption campaign has not
been very successful.
So he acts strongly in military and foreign affairs to
sustain his power.
Otherwise, with failures in economic development and anti-
corruption campaign, if he makes no further achievements in
foreign affairs the whole regime will collapse very soon.”

Wu Fan believes that as the CCP is going more closely to
Russia, it might copy Russia’s moves of grabbing the Crimea;
So it is not impossible that the CCP will have
military conflicts with Vietnam.

Fumio Kishida, Japanese Foreign Minister, said the clashes in
South China Sea waters were results of “CCP provocation”.
Beijing should “clarify to Vietnam and the international
community the basis of its increasing maritime activities.”

The U.S. State Department also said that the CCP’s decision
of locating the rig in disputed waters “is provocative and
will further raise regional tensions”.

Yu-shek Cheng, a politics professor at City University of Hong
Kong, said the CCP’s escalating tension with its neighbors is
also a good chance for Obama’s strategy of “Return to Asia”.

Yu-shek Cheng:”Japan has disputes with the CCP on Senkaku
Islands issues.
The Philippines, Vietnam, including Singapore and Indonesia
that are closer to the western world, are all willing to see if
U.S. military forces can balance CCP aggression in the region.”

Yu-shek Cheng also said, as China and U.S. greatly depend
on each other economically, and most American people
oppose starting another war, it is not likely that these two
powers will make direct military conflicts.

Hong Kong’s Orient Daily published editorial on May 9, saying:
“Tensions and conflicts are increasing in South China waters;
Philippines and Vietnam are collaborating in
challenging China’s sovereignty”.
“If Beijing continues to just condemn without using military
force, it will be seen as a paper tiger and end as a global joke.”

In some Chinese online forums, there have been strong
responses to the escalating territorial disputes in the South
China Sea.

Many advocate that the CCP should “give a lesson” to
Vietnam and Philippines with its navy.

Wu Fan said, with so many lands lost in the north, if the CCP
loses more in the south it will become an even worse traitor
to Chinese people.

Wu Fan further said China’s current border on South China
waters follows that regulated by the Republic of China (ROC)
after World War II.

The CCP currently is trying to claim its territory according to the
same “Nine-dotted line” presented by the ROC.

Interview/Yiru Edit/Shongfeng Post-Production/Shenlin
