【禁聞】中國5.1房市慘淡 政府救市管用嗎?
















採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/舒燦

China Experiences Dismal Housing Market

During the May 1 extended holiday weekend,
numerous real estate promotional activities took place
along with a variety of local government bailout
policies to save the market.

However, the sales volume has been poor.
Beijing´s total transactions fell 80 percent year on year.

It is generally believed that China’s real estate bubble
has begun to burst.

Experts point out that real estate has been China’s
economic pillar.
The real estate collapse will result in a financial
crisis in China worse than what Japan
and the United States have experienced before.

After the poor real estate performance in the first
quarter, high hopes for the market were placed
on the May 1 holiday.

Developers engaged in a marketing war with
luxury car displays, runway models,
clown performances, and lottery tickets.

In Guangzhou, real estate developers launched
“down payment by installments"
or “zero down payment" in April.
During the May 1 holiday, there were even promotional
markdown activities such as “get 10,000 yuan´s worth
for 50,000 yuan,” or “50,000 yuan down payment
seal´s the deal.”

Local governments have relaxed restrictions
on home buyers´ standards.

Centaline Group´s May 1 survey data of 54 cities
showed the total transactions for new housings fell
47 percent year on year.
Total transactions for first, second, and third/fourth tier
cities declined significantly by 40 percent, 65 percent,
and 32 percent respectively.

The four first-tier cities— Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou
and Shenzhen— had next to no transactions,
a fall of nearly 80 percent.

Niu Dao, financial commentator: “The promotion
policies are to test the water.

But, none of the policies will work for the massive
Chinese real estate market.

Unless housing prices skyrocket, no one will buy.
There is no point to invest money in housing now."

The National Development and Reform Commission
conducted a survey of 156 cities in 12 provinces and
found more than 90 percent of those cities are planning
to construct new Metro Districts to harbor
3.4 billion people—half of the world’s population.

In the first quarter reports of 126 real estate companies
in Shanghai and Shenzhen, 77 had less net profit
year on year.

The total net profit of the 126 companies fell by 6.36
percent year on year.

The total liabilities and inventories have respectively
reached 2 trillion yuan.

Niu Dao: “China’s housing prices are a mess.
The high prices were not determined by the people’s
purchasing power, but rather by the CCP´s chaotic
money printing.
The real estate prices were not normal.

Housing prices ought to be reduced,
the more the merrier.
The rent should go down.
Lower rent is to the advantage of businesses, too."

Yang Bin, Chinese Communist Party Secretary
at the School of Economics and Management,
Tsinghua University: “China’s housing prices
are too high.
Even an average house would cost more
than a villa in the United States.
There is also polarization in the market.

The wealthy will invest in housing overseas,
and the poor can´t even afford a place to stay local."

The CCP´s public ownership of land has become
a source of income for the local government.
Jia Kang is the Director of Fiscal Science Research
Institute, Ministry of Finance.

He believes that the regime will not allow the ups
and downs of a state economic pillar such as real estate
to impact the state economy.

Niu Dao: “You can sell the land.

But someone has to buy the house that´s built
on the land. The government cannot hold it.

The only way to hold the economy is to print money.
What does that mean?
Everything in China will cost more than
in any other country.
Printing money means inflation."

Jia Kang commented that China´s property market crash
cannot be compared with those in the U.S. and Japan.

He said both the United States and Japan, which are
already developed countries, have graduated
from the 『middle income trap.』
Both countries have been able to adjust and recover
from the crisis.

However, China has a relatively narrow window
for economic growth.
Once the economy slides, the situation will
be unthinkable.

Jia Kang believes that should a property market crash
occur, China is likely to fall into the middle-income
trap—that is, an exacerbated wealth gap— which would
have a direct impact on the livelihood of the people,
and cause an even more politicized economy.

In other words, chaos will occur.

Interview & Edit/Liu Hui Post-Production/Shu Jie
