【禁聞】周永康案續震盪 民間官方反腐不一

【新唐人2014年04月15日訊】外界盛傳「周永康成死老虎」的消息,一直沒有得到中共官方的正式證實,不過,最近又傳出「石油幫」、「政法幫」等高層被查的消息。 專家指出,中共的腐敗猶如癌細胞,已經蔓延到各個部位,只有查到一個就會扯出一幫,「反腐」不能解決中國的根本問題。













採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/蕭宇

Reactions to Zhou Yongkang’s Case Continue

While the rumor that Zhou Yongkang is a dead tiger has yet to be officially confirmed, more investigations into the Chinese oil system and the political and legal system are being exposed. Analysts indicate corruption is like widely spread cancer cells in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Identification of one cell will lead to the detection of a malignant tumor. The anti-corruption campaign does not solve the fundamental problem.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) announced on April 12 that Zhao Miao is being investigated for alleged discipline violations. Zhao Miao is on Chengdu Municipal Standing Committee, and had worked at the oil system, propaganda, and the discipline inspection system.

In the evening, the CCDI issued another release that the party secretary of China Association for Science and Technology Shen Weichen is being investigated for alleged serious violations of the law. He once served as Deputy Minister of Propaganda.

General Manager of China National Petroleum Corp Yan Cunzhang was also recently taken away by the CCDI.

Foreign media reported that Zhou Yongkang’s nephew Zhou Hao was detained for investigation by the CCDI in early March. Zhou Hao was Panjin Municipal Standing Committee, and party secretary of PetroChina Liaohe Oilfield.

An online post revealed that the PLA General Political Department cadres reported on the corruption of Guo Boxiong ,former vice chairman of the Central Military Commission. The post said that the two retired vice chairmen, Xu Caihou and Guo Boxiong, have widespread political influence at the army. Their crimes will be detrimental to the CCP. The post contained a complete list of bribery, including the names, telephone numbers, and credit card numbers. Guo Boxiong appears to have been removed for investigation.Tang Baiqiao, President, Democracy Academy of China: “Zhao Miao’s case is definitely associated with Sichuan tycoon Liu Han’s case. Liu Han must have given out these names. That means Zhou Yongkang’s case is confirmed and the only reason it’s not concluded is the broad connection of the case.There are too many people involved."

Sichuan Mining magnate Liu Han is accused of organizing, leading and participating in crime groups, as well as many other counts of murder.

According to mainland media reports, Liu Han had assisted Zhou Bin, Zhou Yongkang’s son, in money laundering. As for Xu Caihou, his biggest crime was related to the coup plans of Zhou Yongkang. But so far, all the sacked officials, including Bo Xilai, have been charged with corruption.

Wang Sixiang, critic: “I believe the people and the officials share different ideas of anti-corruption. Some people have the illusion of replacing corrupt officials with the better ones. That is meaningless. In fact, taxes and housing are still high. Without realizing the democratic vote, any anti-corruption or political changes mean nothing."

Zhao Pei, NTD commentator: “Since the era of Jiang Zemin, corruption is already a norm of the society. The CCP created the privileged class. The wealthy class was also created by following the privileged. Together these people, are supporting the CCP. The anti-corruption will only be a show as long as CCP exists."

According to sources in Beijing, in a report to central officials, the political and law committee have detained and investigated as many as 453 officials in the three months following the 18th National Congress. Included are 392 from the public security, 19 from the procuratorate, 27 from the court, 5 from the judicial, and 10 from other systems. 12 senior officials from the political and law system committed suicide.

Xia Ming, Political Science Professor at City University of New York: “In fact, the CCP’s full-time job is to maintain the regime. When they first downgraded the Politics and Law Committee, people thought the abuse of justice and the brutal suppression of the people by Zhou Yongkang will be reduced.

It is obviously not so."

Tens of thousands of people protesting against the PX chemical plant in Maoming city was met with armed suppression, leading to hundreds of casualties.

The suppression of the New Citizen Movement, the arresting of Internet bloggers, the expulsion of foreign reporters, and the beating and arrests of rights defending lawyers, has everyone questioning. The Politics and Law Committee is downgraded, the labor camps are abolished, but exactly who is still conducting the crimes against the Constitution?

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/XiaoYu
